Winning Time on HBO IU Connection


Aug 29, 2001
Just finished the first episode of Winning Time about the Magic era in LA. Overall was entertained. A little different take on the production as the characters will step out of real time and talk with the viewer. Thought it was a little overdone, but it was different.

Kinda strange as the series begins with Magic in a doctor's office getting some disturbing news although it was not stated outright.

Anyway, after that opening scene we see Jerry Buss in bed with a topless college girl. She's more interested in sleep but Jerry is watching basketball on TV. The scenes show no particular game or pro team, but one that caught my eye was Benson in IU uniform shooting one of his hook shots. I also think there was another glimpse of an IU player (Abernathy?). He starts to compare basketball to sex. So, the rest is history. He gets inspired to buy the Lakers and the story begins there.... all because of the beauty of basketball and Benson's hook shot. Well, quite a stretch, but I thought it was cool.

One thing I thought a little strange was the portrayal of Jerry West being a crazed, profanity spewing jerk. Don't guess he was anyone's angel, but I thought his character, though amusing, was unexpectedly cartoonish.

The guy that portrays Magic is spot on with that smile. Also fun is the filming that looks like it was made in 70's and 80's. Bootsy Collins rocks. As long as you realize a lot of this is fiction, I think most fans will enjoy it as entertainment and not a documentary.
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I too watched it tonight and noticed right away Benson. Like you I also caught the second shot, but it was too quick to notice anything except it was IU.

The portrayal of West disturbed me. Calling it cartoonish is probably that best thing you could say about it.

I'm not sure why they decided to start with Magic in the doctor's office. We all know the ending to the Showtime Lakers with his retirement due to HIV. It just seemed unnecessary, eve n predictable, to start the series.

Anyway, it is a entertaining show... I'll keep watching.

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