Why do You root for IU


Jan 7, 2010
One of the questions I have reading this board is why people root for IU. For me it is a combination of growing up in a house that rooted for IU and then also family, including myself, going to school there for grad school. I also root for my undergrad college although there is never a chance of a tourney victory unless David Robinson comes again.

Just because I do not criticize every move made by a gentleman who is coaching the team, I am an apologist or CTC wife?

Just because I am happy the team is in first after four games and I enjoy watching them compete, I have lowered my standards?

Just because I am ok with escaping the pressures of life for four hours per week by watching the games, I am not a true fan?

If I don't make eight posts per day bemoaning the sub patterns, roster management, and playing time going to the various players, I have no idea what I am talking about and am a moron?

Some on here appear to only root for the school because they have won in the past? Why do you root for the team and if you are so upset with the direction, why not find another team that meets your needs?
Good post

But I'm sure you will soon be called out. I've been a Hoosier fan since the days of Walt Bellamy and Jimmy Rayl. I have suffered through the bad years and relished in the good years. I will support the coach and administration, hoping they can move us back into the glory years. We suffered through bad years even under Coach Knight and I'm sure that some years we only made the tournament because we were Indiana. I'm thankful for Coach Knight and what he did for the program, but he is gone. Let's enjoy this year's team and see what happens.
Why the trolling at the end? You're just asking for negative posts

At first, I rooted for IU because I was raised in an IU household. My parents met there and were on campus for the undefeated season.

The 87' championship is not just one of my earliest sports memories, but one of my earliest memories - period. I really got hooked watching Jay Edwards and then Calbert Cheaney.

Once I got older, I appreciated what IU stood for as a program. Doing things the right way - a squeaky clean program that developed its players on the court and prepared them to be good men off the court, all while playing beautiful team basketball with sound fundamentals. I appreciated the tradition - I loved that IU kept its timeless uniforms while other programs changed theirs every 1-2 years.

I liked that IU played smarter than other teams which gave the feeling that any game was winnable. Nothing was better than to see a scoring play unfolding several passes ahead and watching the team execute perfectly. That is rare nowadays.

Some of what I loved most about the program is not there anymore. Some of it isn't coming back due to major shifts in the college basketball landscape. Some of it is missing right now because of the way the program is being managed and the systems installed on offense & defense.
Re: Good post

I root for I U because a school mate friend went to IU around 1952. We lived close and played alley ball to geather. I am 80 and still love the team. The last several years have been disappointing.but I am still in front of the TV every game. The things I wish for is that we get a new coach at some point that can recruit Indiana kids and teach defense.
Re: Why the trolling at the end? You're just asking for negative posts

Although I was born a Buckeye and have been a huge football fan of the Bucks I also love the IU Hoosiers. I worked for many years in Indiana and in 1973 a coworker took me to a game. He and others had gotten me interested and immediately I became hooked on the Hoosiers. I will always be a fan till the day I die. I have been disappointed the last few years but I remain a loyal fan and never miss watching games. I have to admit I am not a fan of Crean but I cannot allow that to change my love for the program.
I have had a couple family members attend IU and I have a granddaughter who dreams of wearing the candy stripes for the Lady Hoosiers.
Besides family, geographical location also plays a factor. I grew up in

Washington,IN which is about an hour southwest of Bloomington. Pretty much the whole town are fans of IU. If I'd been raised in Logansport,then I might ( which makes me sick) have been a Purdue fan. I also notice that my allegiance to IU now makes me think of my allegiance in the past. My father and I were able to watch the Nebraska game on television in his nursing home on the 31st. It was great watching with him again. Besides being about sports I find that IU makes me think of family, the good times in the past when we were together before I moved away. IU makes me think of my dearly departed mother who was a huge IU fan. It makes me think of good high school friends because we would watch some games together at Ghatti's Pizza in Washington on the big screen. IU basketball is a lot like baseball in the movie Field of Dreams. It's a companion that was with us during the good and bad times in our lives. It's the constant. With all that said I have to decide how I love IU basketball. Will I stand by it during the good times and bad? Will I be patient when things don't go right?
Spent 6 years in Bloomington (2 degrees). 1987 championship team was my

freshman year on campus. Had been watching IU hoops since childhood (Dad was a graduate of IU). Really got into it starting around '81 championship season, watching games on TV with family. But honestly, there is nothing like being on campus and the team winning a NC. 1987 was just such a blast. I went to every home game that season. Actually, those 6 straight years being at IU was a fantastic time to be on campus. Basketball NC, soccer NC, multiple bowls for football. Just such awesome sports-related memories.
I was a 14 year old band wagon fan in 1975 and never looked back.

Back then there was really nothing of importance sports wise in Indiana. In fact, the state of Indiana was pretty much ignored by the rest of the nation in general. All of the sudden a team with INDIANA on it's jersey was ranked #1 and was the talk of the whole country.

It was a BIG deal back in the mid 70s believe me. The state and the city of Indianapolis have come a LONG way since then hosting Super Bowls, final fours, the Colts, the Pan Am games, etc. but back then it was cool to finally see a sports team on the national stage with INDIANA on it's chest.

It made a huge impact on me which is why I ended up going there and have remained loyal IU fan to this day.

That's just MY story.
Because I went IU....and 1987

was my Senior Year. So, I was in B-ton for some great years. The upset of Jordan's Tar Heels. The '87 title. and lots more.

Listen, this is a message board. If someone on here posts that we have lowered our standards why should that bother you? There is no such thing as a true fan. If someone on this message board went to IU, watches 20 minutes of basketball a year and wants to post his opinions, so what? If someone else says that we should never criticize IU's coach, because we should all just root for IU even if Lucifer were coach, who cares?

I grew up in a household where both of my parents went to another Big Ten school. My Dad lived at first in an athletic dorm, and then later lived off campus with a bunch of football and basketball players. One of these guys he remained extremely close to over the years; he was a former all Big Ten B-Ball player, and NFL player. I don't ever remember once seeing a college sports game on in our home, but who cares? This is all just sports. People are entitled to post anything that they want, why should it bother you? If someone thinks that our standards have been crushed and that we are no different than Minnesota basketball, so what? They are entitled to their opinion, and there is certainly some validity in them thinking that way. If someone else feels that we should stop fretting, let it play out and everything will be OK, that 's their prerogative as well.
Shooting hoops in the alley behind our house

Growing up in Evansville was pleasant There was lots to do: neighborhood parks; swimming in the neighborhood pool; riding bikes; scouting; church; school; chores; kids games (four square, box hockey, kick the can); libraries; baseball; football; and basketball. We had a hoop and backboard on a garage on an alley of pulverized cinder. The basketball wore away and got lighter and lighter.

High school football was fun to attend. Guys you grew up with are playing line or in the backfield. Hurdlers made good fullbacks. But basketball was king at Bosse High School. Great competition between schools and the state basketball playoff system was 2nd to none. Good players went to outstanding player at a time would go to Notre Dame. Great players all wanted to go to IU for as long as I can remember...and I can remember back to the 50's.

I wanted to go to IU, too. I'm nowhere near being good at basketball. But, I understand that effort, smarts, and teamwork can compete fairly with talent and skill.

So I was at IU before Assembly Hall and after it was built. I was there before Bob Knight and his first years...and in '76-'77. I remember Joby Wright, George McGinnis etc. I saw Kent Benson and team who refused to lose game after game after game. I remember RMK benching his starters when they didn't play hard or smart. Quinn Buckner, I Thomas, now those are point guards. I love IU basketball representing the institution of Indiana University and the State of Indiana. I met my future wife there at IU.

IU basketball has gotten me through some bleak winters, especially when I lived in Madison Wisconsin. I cheered for IU while attending UW. I live in Ohio now. People here cheer for Dayton, UK and the Buckeyes with some Miami (OH) and BGSU thrown in. I follow IU soccer and football. But basketball means IU. When do they play next? I know.

The administration did all it could to handle incorrectly the coaching situation in the last 15 years at IU. I did not like Coach Davis being hired. Cheered for IU regardless. I absolutely detested the Sampson hire. Cheered for IU regardless. I was glad Dan D kicked those players off of the team. Cheered for IU but players must represent the university in a positive role. So must the coach. Was ok with Crean's hire. Knew he reportedly had different thoughts on dribble/drive, tempo, and player makeup. Cheer for IU regardless. I understand how difficult it is to make these AAU trained players play defense. It is a different world today.

By the Sampson hire and the lack of oversight, IU administration did almost all it could to hurt IU. That is almost unforgivable. But I cheer for IU, and hope that Tom Crean can pull a rabbit out of his hat. Hope the AD has been checking around...for an alternative. And I hope that UK loses.
Born and raised in southern Indiana. Only 3 teams to root for. IU, UL and UK. I like UL as well but IU is where 90% of my heart is. I also have a degree from IU.

On your other points or trolls. I think it is unfair to categorize the posters who question coaching moves as bandwagon fans. I don't care if Crean decides to start 5 guards under 6'0" and subs in 20 players every 3 minutes. If he wins most of his games and is successful then I won't criticize. The problem is he is not winning consistently and has underachieved in the past with the talent he had. He either needs to win or he needs to try some different things. I think its fair for posters to question some of his moves on a topic board for IU basketball without making attacks which is usually done. I am seeing a lot of, I don't know what to categorize them as, posters that seem to be oversensitive to any criticism given to CTC and only want rainbows and sunshine posts until the season is over with. Its just not going to happen. I think these posters are being more aggressive and attack more than the posters who simply want to express their displeasure to Creans Coaching tactics.
Because for my three years in Bloomington ('82 Accounting Grad) there was absolutely NOTHING that I enjoyed more than going to IU Basketball games. Always got an unstamped pink fee receipt from a friend so that I could get both the A and B tickets, and never missed a game, breaks included. The drive from Fort Wayne was always worth it. Took my dad to see us beat Ohio State on Senior Day in '83, I had already graduated, to win the Big Ten title outright. My dad was a lifelong Hoosier fan and I regretted not taking him to more games. As a H.S. athletic director, sports were his life, and outside of the H.S. sports and family, his three loves were the Cubs, Bears and Hoosiers. The apple didn't fall far from the tree. I still feel so lucky to have been at I.U. and marched around the fountain that night/morning in '81 when we beat UNC. I also won the pool on my floor at Foster/Magee having picked an IU win by 13 points and breaking the tie with another guy who had us by 5. Go figure. Some nights are just perfect.

On retirement from the USMC I got a really nice letter and care package from RMK, who by that time was already at T.T. I Can't say I wore the Texas Tech t-shirts or cap much because my passion stayed with Indiana, but the gesture meant a lot to me.

Going back to that game I took my dad to, I just looked at the season stats for '82-'83 and would you believe that only two players on that roster shot below .500 for the season? Incredible.

Go Hoosiers!
Same as you.

I just needed an extra year, so I ended up standing with Smart and Garrett at Commencement. (Literally--we were all grads of the School of Continuing Studies.)
Because I was blown away by George McGinnis when I

was an 11 year old kid. Because I watched a young coach from West Point take a team that had not done much in the last decade prior to his arrival and he took them to a Final Four within a couple years. It only got better from there.

Because my father attended there when he wasn't busy with WWII. Because I fell in love with the campus and town when my brother attended there in the mid 70's. Because I enjoyed my time as a student there so much and saw guys like Tolbert, and Carter, and Woodson represent the school I was attending so well.

To your final sentence, yes, only the successes of the past are what made my love of IU basketball so strong that I could continue to root for, continue to hope that this program can return to the greatness that I was so fortunate to witness. I'm perfectly capable of rooting for this team without being satisfied with its current state. Your last sentence, without doubt says you don't see the need to hold the program you "root for" to a high standard.
Grew up in Bloomington. Laid for the first time in Bloomington.

What's not to like ...?
Habit. Since 1975.

I didn't attend IU. Graduated from Rutgers. Moved to Indiana in 1975 ... wife, in-laws, and pretty much everyone at work (Ft Wayne), well, they were all IU fans. So, I hopped aboard that train, and been riding it ever since.

BUT ... if it were not for IU I would have STOPPED watching college basketball altogether by now. Television and the NCAA have pretty much ruined the game. I was actually going to submit a post about the reasons I feel this way, and to ask if others felt the same. Maybe I still will, some other time.
I am an IU grad from way back

Attended IU 1962-66; Bachelor's degree 1966; professional grad school in IU-Indy 1966-70. Became an IU fan while watching Rayl, McGocklin, Van Arsdales, and then ever since even though I spent many years out of state. Both sons graduated from IU. Brother and his children IU grads.

I still watch every game on TV. I am happy with wins; sad with defeats; but I never let the outcome influence my enjoyment of life. I enjoy watching the players and am interested in their development or lack thereof over their time at IU. I am hoping that IU will again become a program that successfully competes for conference championship and that is a team to be reckoned with in the national championship competition.

This post was edited on 1/16 12:50 PM by birdiebill
I have been a fan for over 40 years

I am 44 years old and I have rooted for IU my entire life and have went through the great times and through the tough stretches as well. I will root for them no matter what and I root for the name on the front of the jersey on not the name on the back or who the coach is.

I graduated from IU East in 1995 and I am a proud alum no matter how well we are playing. Yes it is better when we win and I hope to get back to being elite but I just don't take the outcome of a college game as seriously as I use to do because I have grown up.
This post was edited on 1/16 3:44 PM by IU Scott
Re: I blame AAU basketball

Its become more about Athleticism rather than skill. FOr instance Troy Williams is not all that skilled at basketball but he is an athletic freak who can run, jump and dribble. He doesn't pass well, screen, blockout, shoot but he can get to the rim.
To many projects

in the college game today especially big guys because they are very rare in todays basketball so you have to take more gambles on kids who are athletic but have no basketball IQ.
Started early

My dad grew up in Illinois and moved to Indiana after college. Dad started watching and following IU when RMK became the coach. We were at the limits of Channel 4 and had to rotate the aerial just right to pick it up. From an early age, I watched IU with my dad. I started watching and listening to the games religiously in the '75 season. I have remained a fan through college and have passed this on to my children.

I asked my dad why he wasn't an Illini fan. He told me that Illinois basketball wasn't a big deal while he was growing up. IU had a well known program and that increased when RMK came in and had early success. My cousin lived in southern Illinois and never had an allegiance to Illinois either. He liked RMK and followed IU more than any other school. He isn't a die hard fan like we are, but he prefers them to other schools in the B1G.
Re: I blame AAU basketball

I don't entirely disagree but I've been noticing that his passing is better this year, particularly when he drives toward the basket and passes out to an open shooter. Usually he is so fast no one can stop him from going to the basket so he doesn't do this very often, but last year he wouldn't have even bothered to look for a pass like that.

I'll also give him props for his rebounding -- he's currently the team's leading rebounder.

But you're right that he needs to work on all those areas.
Why do you root for IU?

My Grandfather was an employee on campus when I was a kid. He was an Usher at Assembly and he would get me in to see a game occasionally. I remember watching Isaiah play the first time I stepped into the hall; it was amazing. I earned my Master's at IU in the 80's and survived a battle with cancer in early 2012 while watching Cody and Vic reclaim the B1G crown for the first time in forever. I honestly believe watching those games helped me heal . . . I just may have overcome cancer on Vic's steal and layup to win the game up in East Lansing that year. I too have felt the wrath of those who post here on occasion because I still think Coach Knight is the best to ever coach the game and Steve Alford will always be one of my all time favorite players. The key is to remember why we all come here to read and post on Peegs . . . people are entitled to their opinion. I'm not sure I like the recent trend toward calling others out or conducting personal battles over petty disagreements. Still, I enjoy reading what others have to say. I long for the days of fundamental basketball and coaches who demand team basketball. Yet, I'm still intelligent enough to realize the game has changed as have the athletes. I hope we all get to enjoy another IU basketball championship some day. If it happens, great, if not I will always support The Indiana Hoosiers !!!
I was born in '63, and have lived in Indiana my entire life...

The first game I remember on TV was when they broke in and showed very brief parts of the '74? IU/UCLA Final 4 game in which there was a controversial block/charge call that went UCLA's way. I remember seeing Indiana on the front of the jerseys, and thinking that's my state, that's my team. My memory of this is sketchy. The player I remember from this is John Ritter.

So, I started watching them the next year. The next year obviously just happened to be the start of a tremendous two year stretch, and I was hooked. I remember tracking if IU had doubled the score of their opponent throughout the game during those two years. That was the most compelling issue in a lot of those games. I have missed very, very few games since then.

Side note for you younger posters. The '75 regional final in which that team down south ended IU's undefeated season was not on local TV. That pissed me off. Today we're pissed when we are forced to pay to watch a game against Central Northeastern State on the web.

I was at Franklin College living in Bryan Hall when Dakick and IU knocked of Jordan and UNC in the tourney. Bryan Hall was mostly wooden. It had wooden floors that gave noticeably underfoot when you walked down the hall. The coolest thing about watching that game while others watched that game in rooms throughout the building was that several times throughout the game I could feel the building actually shaking from everyone going nuts throughout the building.

Bob Knight and IU basketball made a lot of north central Indiana middle of nowhere country winters bearable for me as a teenager.

Lots of great memories. I hope there are more to come in the future. Come on DESTINY.

This post was edited on 1/16 6:44 PM by Brockway
Loyal to my alma mater, for over 50 years

In September 1964 I came to IU sight unseen except for summer "pre-registration." Rooting for your alma mater simply goes with the turf and comes from the heart. You are trying to analyze it and break it down in way too much detail.
Because I graduated from there in 1976 and was friends

with a lot of the players like Kent Benson, Scott May, Bobby Wilkerson and Wayne Radford. I was so proud of them when they went unbeaten and won it all that season.

Wilkerson, May and I played a lot of pinball together as freshmen and I never dreamed they would help lead the Hoosiers to a championship our senior year. If they hadn't been ineligible as freshmen, I really think IU would have won it all that year.
Re: I have been a fan for over 40 years

I am 67 and graduated from IU in 1969. Like you I have grown up and my life does not revolve around the outcome of the game. 1967 was a special year for sports at IU. My fondest memory was sitting in the student section at Michigan State
when the football hoosiers scored on the last play of the game to beat MSU. Took lots of ribbing at the game but the silence was deafening when the hoosiers scored, except for my future wife and I screaming.
This fossil became a fan while in grade school watching....

the games in the late 50's sponsored by "Chesty" chips on WTTV Channel 4. Our rotor box was broken and I remember the old man ordering me to go outside "in the snow" (yeah, I know, we never had any good weather) to turn the rusty antenna to the east toward Bloomington/Indy until I heard him rap loud on the window and say "right there, son," so we could watch the ONLY true representative of our beloved state, the IU Hurrying Hoosiers. Rayl, Bellamy, the Van Ardsdales....the list never ends. And the rest is history....and a rich one! Hey, it's INDIANA! Can't explain my decision any better.