Who knows more about IU football, DD or JMV?


May 18, 2015
Neither, but Dakich is more entertaining to listen to, because you never know what he is going to say, or whom he will attack next.

Some go to a race/game to see the competition, & some go to see the wrecks/injuries. D. Dakick goes for the wrecks/carnage. He's still mad at IU for not making him head coach, & always will be. His days on radio may be shorter than he realizes.
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Neither, but Dakich is more entertaining to listen to, because you never know what he is going to say, or whom he will attack next.

Some go to a race/game to see the competition, & some go to see the wrecks/ihjuries. D. Dakick goes for the wrecks/carnage. He's still mad at IU for not making him head coach, & always will be. His days on radio may be shorter than he realizes.
Didn't know Jan Michael-Vincent was still alive and knew anything about IU football...🤔🙃
Since they got rid of the AM frequency I haven't been able to listen much. Their arrogant response is to stream online.

Not really a realistic option the majority of the time. Plus there are plenty other online options that actually cover IUFB.
Dakich is the only guy I know who screwed up his pre-colonoscopy cleanse.....on air no less.

It was hilarious.

Almost as funny as the time Dakich tweeted something offensive but then couldn't figure out how to delete it...on air no less.

I think Dakich attracts other big mouthed, "tough guy" types who don't really know much about anything...just like him.
Dakich is the only guy I know who screwed up his pre-colonoscopy cleanse.....on air no less.

It was hilarious.

Almost as funny as the time Dakich tweeted something offensive but then couldn't figure out how to delete it...on air no less.

I think Dakich attracts other big mouthed, "tough guy" types who don't really know much about anything...just like him.
I want to know more about how he screwed it up, but then again I don’t. My guess is he’s so full of it, they weren’t able to get a clear reading...
Dakich is the only guy I know who screwed up his pre-colonoscopy cleanse.....on air no less.

It was hilarious.

Almost as funny as the time Dakich tweeted something offensive but then couldn't figure out how to delete it...on air no less.

I think Dakich attracts other big mouthed, "tough guy" types who don't really know much about anything...just like him.
He attacks anything that moves, then when asked about this, complains he's the one being attacked. Has he ever had a good word to say about anything or anyone two shows in a row? Not good. The only reason he's still on radio, who would you replace him with? Jeff Saturday would be a good choice. Even Big Joe would be better.


Mark Patrick :)
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I want to know more about how he screwed it up, but then again I don’t. My guess is he’s so full of it, they weren’t able to get a clear reading...

You're right.... and that's the reason that whenever he opens his mouth his eyes change color from blue/gray to brown.
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The mid-day time slot is a throw away anyway.

JMV has the drive slot and that is what pays the bill for radio.
The mid-day time slot is a throw away anyway.

JMV has the drive slot and that is what pays the bill for radio.
It just seems like DD is trying to get fired from his ESPN job, & especially his radio job. When I do listen, I never listen for his information, but for that of his guests. He is as annoying as they get. He usually takes every side of a prediction, then boasts I told you so, no matter if he stumbled upon getting it right, or missed by a Dakich mile.


Lee Ross
Neither, but Dakich is more entertaining to listen to, because you never know what he is going to say, or whom he will attack next.

Some go to a race/game to see the competition, & some go to see the wrecks/injuries. D. Dakick goes for the wrecks/carnage. He's still mad at IU for not making him head coach, & always will be. His days on radio may be shorter than he realizes.
DD is just trying to play the Chicago shock jock routine.
Dakich is not to be taken seriously, it is just an act.
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This again? Dakich is mad still? I think ppl get over stuff after a while.
..., most/normal people, not Dan. I honestly don't know how this guy keeps his job this long. Maybe he works cheap? I'd rather hear Big Joe, Bowen, or even the janitor than him. His act is really growing old. He's starting to drift off to the Howard Stern edge.
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His contract wasn't renewed and he's no longer on the ESPN payroll.
I'll bet he didn't mention it on radio? I'll bet his program director, call screener & coworkers just love working with him. DD is almost starting to make Mark Patrick look acceptable. These guys hate taking callers. When ratings are down, they go to the failsafe, & take more callers.

I'd love to hear former Coach Knight call DD some day. That would last about 5 seconds. Mark Patrick was good at impersonations. He should call DD using the name Bob Knight, & DD would have to change his undies. Patrick knew sports, & had a memory few could match. Patrick had a God complex even DD would envy.

I get it. Colts/Rams win on Sunday!

I Told You So
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I'll bet he didn't mention it on radio? I'll bet his program director, call screener & coworkers just love working with him. DD is almost starting to make Mark Patrick look acceptable. These guys hate taking callers. When ratings are down, they go to the failsafe, & take more callers.

I'd love to hear former Coach Knight call DD some day. That would last about 5 seconds. Mark Patrick was good at impersonations. He should call DD using the name Bob Knight, & DD would have to change his undies. Patrick knew sports, & had a memory few could match. Patrick had a God complex even DD would envy.

I get it. Colts/Rams win on Sunday!

I Told You So
Actually, he won't shut up about it. Literally everytime I've listened, he's mentioned it.
I'll bet he didn't mention it on radio? I'll bet his program director, call screener & coworkers just love working with him. DD is almost starting to make Mark Patrick look acceptable. These guys hate taking callers. When ratings are down, they go to the failsafe, & take more callers.

I'd love to hear former Coach Knight call DD some day. That would last about 5 seconds. Mark Patrick was good at impersonations. He should call DD using the name Bob Knight, & DD would have to change his undies. Patrick knew sports, & had a memory few could match. Patrick had a God complex even DD would envy.

I get it. Colts/Rams win on Sunday!

I Told You So
Mark Storen was a talent and he knew sports.

Sharpest wit and tounge I have been around.

JMV is pretty good but Indy sports radio fell off badly after MPOS.
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..., most/normal people, not Dan. I honestly don't know how this guy keeps his job this long. Maybe he works cheap? I'd rather hear Big Joe, Bowen, or even the janitor than him. His act is really growing old. He's starting to drift off to the Howard Stern edge.
The mid-day slot is a throw away, it doesn't really matter. Drive pays the bills and JMV does a good job there.
The mid-day slot is a throw away, it doesn't really matter. Drive pays the bills and JMV does a good job there.
An acceptable job to some, but he thinks he's so cool, tries to use generational words & phrases kids used 20 years ago. It comes off fake, like he's trying too hard to impress others, more than just informing listeners. I realize he's there to 'entertain', but it would be better accomplished if he'd quit the phony act of trying to impress those, who aren't impressed by it. More stats, numbers & opinion, & less wondering into the weeds on many issues & personal stuff.

I don't want to hear about Laney or his high school failures & could have beens. Just stick to sports, interview the guests, & let the listeners sort it out. Actually, more expert guests, & less personal stuff would be better for most. When he hosts the Saturday night music thing, then he can let go & have at whatever he wants. On a sports show, just do sports. I listen to DD sometimes, like I do Howard Stern, just to hear the outrageous things he might say next. JMV is boring. DD may just attack JMV, his mom, or the guest, & that's why people listen to him.

Big Joe or Jeff Saturday could do better than both of them. Terry Stacy or Lee Ross might do better than both of them.
Mark Storen was a talent and he knew sports.

Sharpest wit and tounge I have been around.

JMV is pretty good but Indy sports radio fell off badly after MPOS.
No studio could ever hold enough mirrors for 'Mr. Partrick'. He could pull up/out stats like a computer. Not sure if they were all true/accurate, but who's going to bother to check? Mr. Patrick did know sports, especially Indy sports, probably like no other since, or before. He absolutely hated going to the callers/phones.
So, you worked in radio and advertising?... Sure doesn't sound like you know what you're talking about.
You don't think Drive is the moneyball?


You don't think JMV does a good job?

Please fill us in.
You don't think Drive is the moneyball?


You don't think JMV does a good job?

Please fill us in.

Okay, I'll fill you in... To start with, your first sentence..."The mid-day slot is a throw away, it doesn't really matter."... shows me you've never spent a single day in broadcast sales or advertising.

In my nearly 40 years in Radio & TV sales management and production that has never been further from the truth. A little over 15 of those year were dedicated to being the GSM at a few of the top stations & radio sports network in Central Indiana...

I'd have to write a book to give you every reason why you're wrong so here are the highlights....

First, not ALL stations and markets are exactly alike... target audience, formats, etc.

Yes, more people listen during AM Drive and PM Drive, in most markets, giving every station a larger available audience, but the difference between size of the mid-day audience versus either AM or PM drive is still usually within 10%-15%.

The difference is Mid-day listeners... especially with talk radio.... are usually very loyal and listen for longer periods... While the Cume audience is smaller for mid-days, the highly sought after Averge Quarter Hour Ratings (AQH) can be very strong with listeners at home and at work having a single station on for hours at a time. It varies with each market, but using Indianapolis as the example, the AM and PM drive time listener might only be on for a short period because their commute probably takes no more than 40 minutes maximum... Media buying strategies differ from product to product but one principle that applies to all products and services is that.... REPETITION works best. That's why Mid-Days from 10a-3p with strong AQH from a format that naturallly lends itself to longer listening periods is vital for Talk Radio formats.

If there's a M-F 6a-Mid daypart that's a "throw away" ... (and there really isn't)..... it's Evenings from 7a-12Mid... that is unless you're a hit radio format and your audience is teens.....

So, to answer your 2nd question.... "Is Drive the moneyball".... My answer is, sometimes and certainly not not necessarily with Talk Radio which is what we're talking about

Your 3rd question,... "You don't think JMV does a good job?"...... I think he's okay but not great.
He started his career trying to copy Jim Rome's start-stop style of talking (for dramatic effect) and there's nothing worse in a GM or Programmers eyes... ears... than an on-air person who tries to be something he's not. He wasn't original at all. He's grown out of that but he still has a tendency to repeat a profound thought that some other nationally known talking heads might have already said and then he tries to make it sound like it's his orginal thought.... he's never sold me that he's an expert on much of anything. He should stick with having guests.... and finally, he should stop using "I" at the beginning of every sentence... it's not really about him.

Ok... that's it. Want more? Thanks.
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Okay, I'll fill you in... To start with, your first sentence..."The mid-day slot is a throw away, it doesn't really matter."... shows me you've never spent a single day in broadcast sales or advertising.

In my nearly 40 years in Radio & TV sales management and production that has never been further from the truth. A little over 15 of those year were dedicated to being the GSM at a few of the top stations & radio sports network in Central Indiana...

I'd have to write a book to give you every reason why you're wrong so here are the highlights....

First, not ALL stations and markets are exactly alike... target audience, formats, etc.

Yes, more people listen during AM Drive and PM Drive, in most markets, giving every station a larger available audience, but the difference between size of the mid-day audience versus either AM or PM drive is still usually within 10%-15%.

The difference is Mid-day listeners... especially with talk radio.... are usually very loyal and listen for longer periods... While the Cume audience is smaller for mid-days, the highly sought after Averge Quarter Hour Ratings (AQH) can be very strong with listeners at home and at work having a single station on for hours at a time. It varies with each market, but using Indianapolis as the example, the AM and PM drive time listener might only be on for a short period because their commute probably takes no more than 40 minutes maximum... Media buying strategies differ from product to product but one principle that applies to all products and services is that.... REPETITION works best. That's why Mid-Days from 10a-3p with strong AQH from a format that naturallly lends itself to longer listening periods is vital for Talk Radio formats.

If there's a M-F 6a-Mid daypart that's a "throw away" ... (and there really isn't)..... it's Evenings from 7a-12Mid... that is unless your a hit radio format and your audience is teens.....

So, to answer your 2nd question.... "Is Drive the moneyball".... My answer is, sometimes and certainly not not necessarily with Talk Radio which is what we're talking about

Your 3rd question,... "You don't think JMV does a good job?"...... I think he's okay but not great.
He started his career trying to copy Jim Rome's start-stop style of talking (for dramatic effect) and there's nothing worse in a GM or Programmers eyes... ears... than an on-air person who tries to be something he's not. He wasn't original at all. He's grown out of that but he still has a tendency to repeat a profound thought that some other nationally known talking heads might have already said and then he tries to make it sound like it's his orginal thought.... he's never sold me that he's an expert on much of anything. He should stick with having guests.... and finally, he should stop using "I" at the beginning of every sentence... it's not really about him.

Ok... that's it. Want more? Thanks.

Very well done!

When $$$ is involved, nothing is a 'throw away'. Money is finite, just as time is, when it's factored in with $$$.

time = $$$
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Since they got rid of the AM frequency I haven't been able to listen much. Their arrogant response is to stream online.

Not really a realistic option the majority of the time. Plus there are plenty other online options that actually cover IUFB.
The old 1070am content is now available on 107.5 FM
Okay, I'll fill you in... To start with, your first sentence..."The mid-day slot is a throw away, it doesn't really matter."... shows me you've never spent a single day in broadcast sales or advertising.

In my nearly 40 years in Radio & TV sales management and production that has never been further from the truth. A little over 15 of those year were dedicated to being the GSM at a few of the top stations & radio sports network in Central Indiana...

I'd have to write a book to give you every reason why you're wrong so here are the highlights....

First, not ALL stations and markets are exactly alike... target audience, formats, etc.

Yes, more people listen during AM Drive and PM Drive, in most markets, giving every station a larger available audience, but the difference between size of the mid-day audience versus either AM or PM drive is still usually within 10%-15%.

The difference is Mid-day listeners... especially with talk radio.... are usually very loyal and listen for longer periods... While the Cume audience is smaller for mid-days, the highly sought after Averge Quarter Hour Ratings (AQH) can be very strong with listeners at home and at work having a single station on for hours at a time. It varies with each market, but using Indianapolis as the example, the AM and PM drive time listener might only be on for a short period because their commute probably takes no more than 40 minutes maximum... Media buying strategies differ from product to product but one principle that applies to all products and services is that.... REPETITION works best. That's why Mid-Days from 10a-3p with strong AQH from a format that naturallly lends itself to longer listening periods is vital for Talk Radio formats.

If there's a M-F 6a-Mid daypart that's a "throw away" ... (and there really isn't)..... it's Evenings from 7a-12Mid... that is unless your a hit radio format and your audience is teens.....

So, to answer your 2nd question.... "Is Drive the moneyball".... My answer is, sometimes and certainly not not necessarily with Talk Radio which is what we're talking about

Your 3rd question,... "You don't think JMV does a good job?"...... I think he's okay but not great.
He started his career trying to copy Jim Rome's start-stop style of talking (for dramatic effect) and there's nothing worse in a GM or Programmers eyes... ears... than an on-air person who tries to be something he's not. He wasn't original at all. He's grown out of that but he still has a tendency to repeat a profound thought that some other nationally known talking heads might have already said and then he tries to make it sound like it's his orginal thought.... he's never sold me that he's an expert on much of anything. He should stick with having guests.... and finally, he should stop using "I" at the beginning of every sentence... it's not really about him.

Ok... that's it. Want more? Thanks.
Some interesting points, thanks. I have purchased a lot of radio time but never sold it as you have. We paid a lot less for the mid day stuff as compaed to Drive.

I like JMV so we will have to disagree. No biggie.
Dakich is the only guy I know who screwed up his pre-colonoscopy cleanse.....on air no less.

It was hilarious.

Almost as funny as the time Dakich tweeted something offensive but then couldn't figure out how to delete it...on air no less.

I think Dakich attracts other big mouthed, "tough guy" types who don't really know much about anything...just like him.
Yesterday he talked about how Howard Mudd should have been brought back to coach the OLine but then said Ballard/Reich didn't do it because Mudd yelled and screamed.

Never mind that Howard Mudd died over a year ago.
Yesterday he talked about how Howard Mudd should have been brought back to coach the OLine but then said Ballard/Reich didn't do it because Mudd yelled and screamed.

Never mind that Howard Mudd died over a year ago.

Call him on it, & he'll probably claim he got the info from Doyel. If his life depended on it, he couldn't admit he was wrong/makes things up.
I know it's on 93.5 and 107.5 FM. I live on the east side of the state and neither of those frequencies reach this far.

There are a handful of FM stations from Indy that make it here fairly clear, but neither of those from WFNI do.
Those FM freqs don't even cover Metro Indy, let alone any of the rest of the state.
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Sorry, in New Orleans. who is jmv and mpos?
JMV has the afternoon Drive slot and apparently a mixed reputation here.

MPOS was Mark "Patrick"'s show Mark Patrick on Sports. Wicked smart, wicked tounge and some hated him for it.
JMV has the afternoon Drive slot and apparently a mixed reputation here.

MPOS was Mark "Patrick"'s show Mark Patrick on Sports. Wicked smart, wicked tounge and some hated him for it.
Don't know how many hated him, but he usually 'didn't play well with others'. He could lose his temper like few others, & still manage to keep his gig. Knew sports, stats & sports history better than most, even better than Chris Berman, of ESPN. Fantastic memory & recall powers. If you didn't mind his short temper, attitude (sometimes), & self appreciation, he could tell you sports things, like few others could. Probably very hi iq.
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Those FM freqs don't even cover Metro Indy, let alone any of the rest of the state.
It's weird how little of Indy those cover on certain days. In August I was at 465 and 69 and turned the radio to each station. 107.5 didn't come in at all, and 93.5 died out just north of Top Golf.

Sunday on the way home from Bloomington 107.5 gave me coverage of the Colts game all the way to Shenandoah High School. I had to switch to Kicks96 at that point.
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It's weird how little of Indy those cover on certain days. In August I was at 465 and 69 and turned the radio to each station. 107.5 didn't come in at all, and 93.5 died out just north of Top Golf.

Sunday on the way home from Bloomington 107.5 gave me coverage of the Colts game all the way to Shenandoah High School. I had to switch to Kicks96 at that point.
I haven't been in the car to listen to either in a long time, but I know a few years ago around dusk, a mariachi station would begin to overpower 107.5 on the drive from the office to my house. All within Hamilton county.
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