Well for one, the treason charges. Secondly, wanting to interrogate the interpreter. Third, some ignoramus in our intelligence apparatus who let it leak that we have a mole close to Putin to the New York times...
The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to Mr. Putin, who had described to the C.I.A. how the Kremlin decided to execute its campaign of hacking and disinformation.
And again, at the sake of getting hit with "whataboutism", the right has complained about the same type of help given to the Democrats over the years and many of the same people freaking out right now would poo poo that support. I provided a link showing that former Democratic Vice Presidents and Nominees were absolutely involved in seeking aid from our enemies and there was nary a peep about this from the media or from Democratic voters.
It is hard to take the over the top reactions as anything more than a collective and continual temper tantrum related to losing an election that everyone thought was in the bag. The guy has faults, I bitched to my senator about them earlier this week, but some of the stuff on this board is straight tinfoil hat crap. Bill Clinton getting a $500,000 speaking fee in Russia right before Hillary signs off on Uranium One...move along, nothing to see here. The same Clinton's taking donations from the Chinese and watching our technology walk out the door...witch hunt, vast right wing conspiracy.
Agree with points 2 & 3. Point 2- as much as I would love to have the interpreters’ version of what happened on the record, the precedent is intolerable. It would kill all future off the record l, blunt diplomatic exchanges. It’s absoltely insane that no one could force Trump to not do a private 2 hour+ meeting with Putin, with no one else present except translators. You can damn well bet that Trump wrote some checks his @ss won’t be able to cash- and Putin has it ALL on tape.
Point 3- it was really stupid to mention the source close to Putin. That had to be a REALLY hard asset to develop, and now it’s eother going to go silent forever, or worse, be killed once some dots are connected.
Point 1- it remains to be seen whether what he has done is treasonous. In time, Mueller will give us all the info to judge for ourselves.
I do think pubs in general are underestimating just how devastating this is to our intel community. To see Dan Coats do what’s he’s done tells me that the intelligence community is on high alert re: Russia’s activities & Trump’s behavior. Trump’s behavior makes absolutely zero sense, unless he just really, really wants to be Putin’s friend (in which case he appears to be willing to do just about anything, including giving access to former diplomats like McFaul), or something more sinister is at play. Even after Trump learned of the videos from Russia that showed them fake destroyed mar-a-lago, Trump STILL cow-towed to Putin. That COMPLETELY goes against his very fiber as a human being.
Re: uranium one. This conspiracy theory has been debunked, in multiple ways and many times. HRC had little to no influence over the approval process- to say otherwise is to be ignorant of the facts. It’s not your fault man. You’re trying. But whatsboutism has been so ingrained into Republican consciousness that it literally guides most pub’s thought processes now.
Why can’t people just say that Trump is dangerous, regardless of what party he is in? Had Obama done a 1/100 of what Trump has done, I’d be calling for his damn head. At a certain point, it’s better to realize that we’ve got a really big problem on our hands- and it involves our national security this time.
Again, and I keep coming back to this, why not condemn the hell out of him, box him in, and let the Mueller probe play out? If he is involved in any collusion type activities, Mueller will show it. And for the pubs, it’ll give them cover to ditch him and install Pence. Which is exactly the type of president a congress controlled by pubs absolutely DREAMS about. He’d be my worst nightmare- but I’d go with him 100/100 times over Trump. I at least think he’s competent, and won’t either wittingly or unwittingly lead us to disaster.