The simplest example that came to mind earlier is the World Cup. A failed state is lucky to have a functional domestic football stadium. In the event that they do have a functional stadium, they are lucky if games are able to take place without being subject to terrorism/shooting.
The classic cases of failed states are places like Somalia, Haiti, Afghanistan outside of Kabul. NW Pakistan. Lack of control is exactly it. There is basically no functioning state. it's borderline anarchy. The standard to be a failed state is rather high. (or rather low if you know what I mean)
There are tons of states without free and fair elections that are no where near failed states. There are also states with relatively free and fair elections who are closer to failed status. I.e. Philippines. India is arguably closer to a failed state than Russia.
About IP laws... In guessing you mention that because of your company business. That's not one of the main criteria for a failed state. Very far down the list. Typical things in a failed state are lack of access to potable water, electricity, toilets that flush, and actual warlords.
@hoosboot what on Earth is my worldview?! It's funny because I just asked myself that question and could not immediately come up with an answer. If I don't have an immediate answer, then how did you determine that our worldviews are diametrically opposed? How do you even define worldview? In what context?
Furthermore, why the need for the potshot in a completely unrelated topic? That's unbecoming of you.
Apologies if I offended, but I think your offense is unwarranted. It was not intended as a potshot in any way. I just find I don't generally agree with you on a great many things politically. So, I was merely saying that, while I don't agree with you on many things, I agree with you that Russia is not a "failed state". My bad if I expressed that ineffectively, but FWIW there are plenty of people here whose worldview I don't agree with (and who don't agree with mine.)