What makes this suspicious?


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
OK I've watched this footage multiple times and someone is going to have to Foxsplain to me why the hosts are categorizing this as "chilling"? This is video of Crooks walking around the Trump rally, unarmed and basically looking like thousands of ther Trump rally types. I mean he's not wearing a diaper,using the flag as a costume, or carrying around cups that claim to hold JD Vance's sperm, but rather walking around in pro-gun tshirt and passing the time...

I contend that if undercover agents were randomly walking up to average Trump rally attendees and demanding "ID", the first people who would complain would be the MAGA crowd. They'd be whining that the FBI was "harassing them" because they were Trump supporters. Trump told the SS at his DC rally on Jan6 to stop confiscating weapons, because thousands of people were refusing to give up their weapons to come inside, so the publicity photos demonstrating his crowd size weren't as full as he wanted. After all this was his chance to outdraw MLK...

Using that logic if this guy was walking around wearing a two gun bandolero across his chest, then that shouldn't even be suspicious. I mean there are multiple youtube channels which feature people carrying rifles, or wearing holstered sidearms just walking down public streets, in parks or various other locations just to demonstrate their brazenness to open carry and get in verbal confrontations with other citizens who oppose their actions. There's one channel with a guy that is a "fisherman", and that's his whole schtik, instigating controversy, even with law enforcement...

So I don't get why anyone that emmeshed in the gun culture should find this video of Crooks as "suspicious"? He's not armed, he doesn't seem to be engaging in any verbal disputes, just walking around minding his own business. So what am I missing about the terror this video should apparently reveal?

You're "both" right.

Its chilling to see video of someone walking around normally, who we now know is actively planning to try to kill someone.

But in the context of whether or not someone should have stopped him, just from him walking around at a rally...obviously that's not realistic.

There are PLENTY of legitimate unanswered questions about the day of the rally, however.
You're "both" right.

Its chilling to see video of someone walking around normally, who we now know is actively planning to try to kill someone.

But in the context of whether or not someone should have stopped him, just from him walking around at a rally...obviously that's not realistic.

There are PLENTY of legitimate unanswered questions about the day of the rally, however.
It's also interesting that the FoxNews team indicated he was suspicious but did not point out why they thought so. Both the video and the FoxNews team were lacking in this.
OK I've watched this footage multiple times and someone is going to have to Foxsplain to me why the hosts are categorizing this as "chilling"? This is video of Crooks walking around the Trump rally, unarmed and basically looking like thousands of ther Trump rally types. I mean he's not wearing a diaper,using the flag as a costume, or carrying around cups that claim to hold JD Vance's sperm, but rather walking around in pro-gun tshirt and passing the time...

I contend that if undercover agents were randomly walking up to average Trump rally attendees and demanding "ID", the first people who would complain would be the MAGA crowd. They'd be whining that the FBI was "harassing them" because they were Trump supporters. Trump told the SS at his DC rally on Jan6 to stop confiscating weapons, because thousands of people were refusing to give up their weapons to come inside, so the publicity photos demonstrating his crowd size weren't as full as he wanted. After all this was his chance to outdraw MLK...

Using that logic if this guy was walking around wearing a two gun bandolero across his chest, then that shouldn't even be suspicious. I mean there are multiple youtube channels which feature people carrying rifles, or wearing holstered sidearms just walking down public streets, in parks or various other locations just to demonstrate their brazenness to open carry and get in verbal confrontations with other citizens who oppose their actions. There's one channel with a guy that is a "fisherman", and that's his whole schtik, instigating controversy, even with law enforcement...

So I don't get why anyone that emmeshed in the gun culture should find this video of Crooks as "suspicious"? He's not armed, he doesn't seem to be engaging in any verbal disputes, just walking around minding his own business. So what am I missing about the terror this video should apparently reveal?

I think this was just a chance for “former FBI agent” to show off her tan
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It's also interesting that the FoxNews team indicated he was suspicious but did not point out why they thought so. Both the video and the FoxNews team were lacking in this.
It is called 20/20 hindsight. If they say it is suspicious then that is all their viewers really need to be outraged
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It is called 20/20 hindsight. If they say it is suspicious then that is their viewers really need to be outraged
I even tried to inspire some discussion on the matter by posing the question within the comments section. So far no takers... ;)
OK I've watched this footage multiple times and someone is going to have to Foxsplain to me why the hosts are categorizing this as "chilling"? This is video of Crooks walking around the Trump rally, unarmed and basically looking like thousands of ther Trump rally types. I mean he's not wearing a diaper,using the flag as a costume, or carrying around cups that claim to hold JD Vance's sperm, but rather walking around in pro-gun tshirt and passing the time...

I contend that if undercover agents were randomly walking up to average Trump rally attendees and demanding "ID", the first people who would complain would be the MAGA crowd. They'd be whining that the FBI was "harassing them" because they were Trump supporters. Trump told the SS at his DC rally on Jan6 to stop confiscating weapons, because thousands of people were refusing to give up their weapons to come inside, so the publicity photos demonstrating his crowd size weren't as full as he wanted. After all this was his chance to outdraw MLK...

Using that logic if this guy was walking around wearing a two gun bandolero across his chest, then that shouldn't even be suspicious. I mean there are multiple youtube channels which feature people carrying rifles, or wearing holstered sidearms just walking down public streets, in parks or various other locations just to demonstrate their brazenness to open carry and get in verbal confrontations with other citizens who oppose their actions. There's one channel with a guy that is a "fisherman", and that's his whole schtik, instigating controversy, even with law enforcement...

So I don't get why anyone that emmeshed in the gun culture should find this video of Crooks as "suspicious"? He's not armed, he doesn't seem to be engaging in any verbal disputes, just walking around minding his own business. So what am I missing about the terror this video should apparently reveal?

That's odd, he doesn't look like a Storm Trooper?
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Obiwan said in the first movie how accurate their shooting was…. And then they couldn’t hit shit
Obi-wan had been living in exile for years and didn't know the clone storm troopers had been displaced by conscripts after the clone wars ended.

What's weird to me is that Obi-wan literally went on an adventure to save Leia when she was 7 years old and likely very impressionable. And then 10-15 years later she sends him a message through R2D2 and mentions that he served her father during the clone wars and never mentions the part where he saved her life when she was a kid.

It's almost like they're making it up as the go along to sell us more content. But they wouldn't do that, would they?
OK I've watched this footage multiple times and someone is going to have to Foxsplain to me why the hosts are categorizing this as "chilling"? This is video of Crooks walking around the Trump rally, unarmed and basically looking like thousands of ther Trump rally types. I mean he's not wearing a diaper,using the flag as a costume, or carrying around cups that claim to hold JD Vance's sperm, but rather walking around in pro-gun tshirt and passing the time...

I contend that if undercover agents were randomly walking up to average Trump rally attendees and demanding "ID", the first people who would complain would be the MAGA crowd. They'd be whining that the FBI was "harassing them" because they were Trump supporters. Trump told the SS at his DC rally on Jan6 to stop confiscating weapons, because thousands of people were refusing to give up their weapons to come inside, so the publicity photos demonstrating his crowd size weren't as full as he wanted. After all this was his chance to outdraw MLK...

Using that logic if this guy was walking around wearing a two gun bandolero across his chest, then that shouldn't even be suspicious. I mean there are multiple youtube channels which feature people carrying rifles, or wearing holstered sidearms just walking down public streets, in parks or various other locations just to demonstrate their brazenness to open carry and get in verbal confrontations with other citizens who oppose their actions. There's one channel with a guy that is a "fisherman", and that's his whole schtik, instigating controversy, even with law enforcement...

So I don't get why anyone that emmeshed in the gun culture should find this video of Crooks as "suspicious"? He's not armed, he doesn't seem to be engaging in any verbal disputes, just walking around minding his own business. So what am I missing about the terror this video should apparently reveal?

Is this a lame attempt at some defense of the SS? Very Aloha-like.

While strolling through a crowd is not suspicious, walking around off by himself, directly under the buildings, all the while looking up at the roofs, should have drawn some attention.