Voting against interests

methinks you have no clue what it costs to run a company

Methinks this is more of your poorly considered hyperbole. You love this kind of overwrought sentiment. It goes hand-in-hand with things like,

the biggest hindrance to profitability for manufacturing in the US is gov itself.

As though manufacturing isn't as complex and varied as violent crime in cities. :rolleyes:
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methinks you have no clue what it costs to run a company


the margins on the sports equipment manufacturing businesses are tiny. they're squeezed to death by gov oversight/taxes/flsa/etc. and compete with overseas companies that comply w/ none of those things yet have unfettered rights to sell here in the US.

the biggest hindrance to profitability for manufacturing in the US is gov itself. that's why so many liked trump. it's also why most small business owners are independents/republicans not dems.
Well, you're wrong . . . again.

I won't get into a whose dick is bigger contest with you . . . after having just read an excellent article regarding Bruce Lee's philosophy regarding pride vs. self-esteem. Good luck!
Uh-huh. You linked that previously. If you don't want to be responsive, don't respond. ;)
your response is yet again devoid of content. snipe. just snipe. if you have content on the issue post it. labor is the biggest detriment to manufacturing at the moment. it's hard to find workers. demand is there but labor isn't. no one wants the jobs and if you have to pay too much for what are unskilled gigs the profit gets eaten up
your response is yet again devoid of content. snipe. just snipe. if you have content on the issue post it.

You mean deep and insightful content like,

methinks you have no clue what it costs to run a company

Physician, heal thyself.

I enjoy discussing complex issues. I think the differences between sectors of business (manufacturing, tech, service, etc.) and how government interacts with them is an interesting topic. If you would like to engage on it in more than a bumper sticker fashion, I'm all for it. But you're just pissed off because you're getting what you're giving on the topic right now. ;)
physician, heal thyself. all your posts ever are are snipes at conservatives that trigger you. if you have content to post; any content at all; do so. otherwise carry on with your feelings....

You should ask Dr. Hoops about that. I snipe at his posts, too, and I'm pretty sure you don't think he's a conservative. I'm equal opportunity in that if a post is stupid, I snipe it. If you're getting sniped a lot, you might want to do some self-assessing. 🤷‍♂️

So, post more than vacuous proclamations and you might get more serious responses. Post that Sope has no clue what it costs to run a company and you'll get something equally unserious back. I should have gone with something more like,

"I can see why you have such trouble making your manufacturing business profitable"

That would have been some epic sniping, but it would have been totally unfair. Much like your post to Sope. You both deserve better than that. ;)
You should ask Dr. Hoops about that. I snipe at his posts, too, and I'm pretty sure you don't think he's a conservative. I'm equal opportunity in that if a post is stupid, I snipe it. If you're getting sniped a lot, you might want to do some self-assessing. 🤷‍♂️

So, post more than vacuous proclamations and you might get more serious responses. Post that Sope has no clue what it costs to run a company and you'll get something equally unserious back. I should have gone with something more like,

"I can see why you have such trouble making your manufacturing business profitable"

That would have been some epic sniping, but it would have been totally unfair. Much like your post to Sope. You both deserve better than that. ;)
1) i posted a link stating the misconceptions the public holds about business' profitability in response to sope's post re profits.
2) i posted re political persuasion and business owners.

content. You just got triggered. So you snipe. It's your pattern.

If you want to discuss either of these issues i'm happy to. there's a perception/misconception re business ownership and the belief that companies are all banking big bucks. As evidenced by the CONTENT I posted. that too long business has focused on profit to the exclusion of employee inclusion/benefits/wages/etc
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1) i posted a link stating the misconceptions the public holds about business' profitability in response to sope's post re profits.
2) i posted re political persuasion and business owners.


If you want to discuss either of these issues i'm happy to. there's a perception misconception re business ownership and the belief that companies are all banking big bucks

I agree that there's a misconception re: companies all banking big bucks. I think there are a lot of misconceptions on both sides of these issues. There are tons of differences between manufacturing and tech and service. Between urban and suburban and rural. Between regions of the country. We'd do better to understand them and more carefully tailor policies to the specifics of each while having some unity in objectives.

The link you provided is helpful in understanding misconceptions the public holds. I'm not sure it adds a ton in terms of actually understanding the intersection of business and policy, but so be it.

That said, I don't think grand pronouncements like "you have no clue what it costs to run a company" or "the biggest hindrance to profitability for manufacturing in the US is gov itself" are much in the way of content.

And you didn't like me addressing that part of your post. If you don't want it addressed, don't include it. It might make someone focus more on the link you wanted to focus on. 🤷‍♂️
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I agree that there's a misconception re: companies all banking big bucks. I think there are a lot of misconceptions on both sides of these issues. There are tons of differences between manufacturing and tech and service. Between urban and suburban and rural. Between regions of the country. We'd do better to understand them and more carefully tailor policies to the specifics of each while having some unity in objectives.

The link you provided is helpful in understanding misconceptions the public holds. I'm not sure it adds a ton in terms of actually understanding the intersection of business and policy, but so be it.

That said, I don't think grand pronouncements like "you have no clue what it costs to run a company" or "the biggest hindrance to profitability for manufacturing in the US is gov itself" are much in the way of content.

And you didn't like me addressing that part of your post. If you don't want it addressed, don't include it. It might make someone focus more on the link you wanted to focus on. 🤷‍♂️
Agreed. But that's a common thing you do. Interject yourself into a thread when you are triggered by conservatives. Look at the fight between stoll and hoops. You call stoll out countless times while silent with hoops. Telling stoll he's an angry person. He might be angry about politics but the happiest person on earth. What does that add to a discussion? Stoll is talking about biden yet you are talking about stoll. Why? You don't interject to add content. You interject bc u are triggered. It adds nothing to discussion. physician heal thyself applies to you hoosboot.

So I will work to do better if you do too. read bradstevens posts he's a good measure for us all to live up to. he's like a young marv with his posting decorum.

As for the content of your post I largely agree with you. That said it's no coincidence CEO's and small business leaders list republican/independent.
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methinks you have no clue what it costs to run a company


the margins on the sports equipment manufacturing businesses are tiny. they're squeezed to death by gov oversight/taxes/flsa/etc. and compete with overseas companies that comply w/ none of those things yet have unfettered rights to sell here in the US. same holds true for so many other manufacturing businesses.

the biggest hindrance to profitability for manufacturing in the US is gov itself. that's why so many liked trump. it's also why most small business owners are independents/republicans not dems.

Don't foreign companies pay taxes on US profits?

In China, one can often see the air and wearing facemasks outdoors is almost required for health. Is that what we need to do to compete? Is that what we want?
I agree with that. For many years after our founding, to get incorporated the corporation had to pledge to serve the public good. Eventually return a profit to holders became rule 1.

As a nation, we far too much focus on money as if money alone brings happiness. There are a lot of unhappy billionaires so we should know better.

There are times we need a healthy dose of island time inside this country. But we scoff at countries like Sweden that get more vacation time, and by we I mean many of the KnoBs that Brad has coined even more than many of the rest. These countries get more vacation time and are happier. But if I suggest looking at what Sweden does, the far right populists tell me that is freaking crazy.

But there is not some secret cabal promoting corporations to destroy the little guy.

And I do recall Miller coming to North and talking to us. It was clear he was not the profit above all type.
Regarding being more like Sweden, I thought that for a long time as well, but I'm become more sceptical of that over the last few years. A couple of examples of why:

I think I linked a Freakonomics podcast a couple of months ago that showed just how hard it is to make intra-nation comparisons like that. It doesn't work really well, according to a lot of "experts" :) they interviewed.

In another vein, Russ Roberts of EconTalk had frequent guest Michael Munger on talking about tradeoffs and the free market. He said the problem with the type of thinking above is that we don't encapsulate all the benefits we get from the thing we want changed (another example of unintended consequences). We think we can keep everything the same, get all the benefits from the way the system is now, but just tweak that one little thing without it changing a lot of other benefits (I admit I do this all the time and I thought their discussion of the problem a really great reminder/corrective). He says it better if you want to listen:

I do agree wholeheartedly though that we should at least look at what other nations or cultures do, compare it to ours, and ask which values we want and don't want. That's helpful and healthy and those who shut down that conversation are generally not very deep thinkers.
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Don't foreign companies pay taxes on US profits?

In China, one can often see the air and wearing facemasks outdoors is almost required for health. Is that what we need to do to compete? Is that what we want?
We definitely don't want that. And taxes are paid. But a thing like seasonal manufacturing - the difference in labor costs is out of this world. You can have a set work force but during busy season you need overtime. Now you have FLSA and shadow FLSA concerns than make a GED laborer earn literally more than 10x an overseas worker in the exact same industry. And this doesn't include workers' comp etc.

I truly believe the one size fits all laws have a deleterious impact on so many of our industries. I don't know what the happy medium is w re to regulation

I'm not sure there's a more poignant interaction than that of what we're seeing with the Fed gov, dol, and gig economy
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Agreed. But that's a common thing you do. Interject yourself into a thread when you are triggered by conservatives. Look at the fight between stoll and hoops. You call stoll out countless times while silent with hoops. Telling stoll he's an angry person. He might be angry about politics but the happiest person on earth. What does that add to a discussion? Stoll is talking about biden yet you are talking about stoll. Why? You don't interject to add content. You interject bc u are triggered. It adds nothing to discussion. physician heal thyself applies to you hoosboot.

So I will work to do better if you do too. read bradstevens posts he's a good measure for us all to live up to. he's like a young marv with his posting decorum.

As for the content of your post I largely agree with you. That said it's no coincidence CEO's and small business leaders list republican/independent.

You're way too concerned with sides, my guy. You'd do better to actually read and respond to the posts being made. I merely responded to the actual words of the post that you made on the same level of depth that you used and you didn't like that. That's on you.

As for being triggered by conservatives, I again suggest you ask Hoops about how I've criticized his posting. It's not a conservative or liberal thing. It's a quality of post thing. I'm pretty sure I've never sniped one of Marvin's posts. Or a bradstevens post. Or a Noodle post. Or a hoot post. Or a DougS post. But I've sniped plenty of your just as I've sniped plenty from Hoops. Up to you to decide which group you want to be in.

So, it's hilarious that you start to wrap things up with "As for the content of your post, I largely agree with you" in a post decrying my lack of content and before finishing with the shallow and silly partisan nonsense of "That said it's no coincidence CEO's and small business leaders list republican/independent". I'm sure that you think that's deep content deserving of something more than sniping. :rolleyes:
You're way too concerned with sides, my guy. You'd do better to actually read and respond to the posts being made. I merely responded to the actual words of the post that you made on the same level of depth that you used and you didn't like that. That's on you.

As for being triggered by conservatives, I again suggest you ask Hoops about how I've criticized his posting. It's not a conservative or liberal thing. It's a quality of post thing. I'm pretty sure I've never sniped one of Marvin's posts. Or a bradstevens post. Or a Noodle post. Or a hoot post. Or a DougS post. But I've sniped plenty of your just as I've sniped plenty from Hoops. Up to you to decide which group you want to be in.

So, it's hilarious that you start to wrap things up with "As for the content of your post, I largely agree with you" in a post decrying my lack of content and before finishing with the shallow and silly partisan nonsense of "That said it's no coincidence CEO's and small business leaders list republican/independent". I'm sure that you think that's deep content deserving of something more than sniping. :rolleyes:
Triggered snipe devoid of content. I know you can do better if you try. Just ask yourself "am I addressing the poster or am I posting content." Am I calling stoll an angry person or am I posting actual content. Just above you Marv posted content but here you are again with this stuff. You can do it! I'm cheering for you.
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I have hope for you tho. I'm rooting for you

Hey, dude, that's my line. Plagiarism doesn't look good on you, my man. 🤣

Triggered snipe devoid of content. Marv and I are discussing stuff.

Now you're getting it! That's why I was responding to a post you made responding to Sope. You were posting triggered snipe devoid of content. Post something thoughtful, get a thoughtful reply. Post a snipe, get a snipe in return. Glad we were able to help you grow a little. I have hope for you and am totes rooting for you. 👍
Hey, dude, that's my line. Plagiarism doesn't look good on you, my man. 🤣

Now you're getting it! That's why I was responding to a post you made responding to Sope. You were posting triggered snipe devoid of content. Post something thoughtful, get a thoughtful reply. Post a snipe, get a snipe in return. Glad we were able to help you grow a little. I have hope for you and am totes rooting for you. 👍
Yawn. Don't include yourself with those posters. you are among the sniping personal attack posters. if 1 out of 10 of your posts contain content it's a miracle. So, before you post just ask yourself: am I posting info or am I posting about the poster because i feel triggered and angry...just take a breath and try. the latter are just thread killers. otherwise if you're not going to post content and just snipe maybe you should look into being a moderator? unclemark's app is stuck in limbo it seems. you might be a good mod!
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Regarding being more like Sweden, I thought that for a long time as well, but I'm become more sceptical of that over the last few years. A couple of examples of why:

I think I linked a Freakonomics podcast a couple of months ago that showed just how hard it is to make intra-nation comparisons like that. It doesn't work really well, according to a lot of "experts" :) they interviewed.

In another vein, Russ Roberts of EconTalk had frequent guest Michael Munger on talking about tradeoffs and the free market. He said the problem with the type of thinking above is that we don't encapsulate all the benefits we get from the thing we want changed (another example of unintended consequences). We think we can keep everything the same, get all the benefits from the way the system is now, but just tweak that one little thing without it changing a lot of other benefits (I admit I do this all the time and I thought their discussion of the problem a really great reminder/corrective). He says it better if you want to listen:

I do agree wholeheartedly though that we should at least look at what other nations or cultures do, compare it to ours, and ask which values we want and don't want. That's helpful and healthy and those who shut down that conversation are generally not very deep thinkers.
The Freakonomics article did not mention, or I missed it, how would we know rugged individualism has failed. Would it be mass systemic unemployment in urban and rural areas leading to disaffection? Would it be an opioid crisis? Would it be a rise in populism?

We have borrowed a lot of things from Germany, Social Security and the entire safety net. Bismark wanted to keep his people happy while sending their sons on endless wars, another thing we borrowed.

We may have to make things our own and not borrow directly. But we have all this wealth, all our rugged individualism, and surveys show Sweden is far happier. I think most people want to be happy, if we are failing (we are) it is fair to ask why.
Yawn. Don't include yourself with those posters. you are among the sniping personal attack posters. if 1 out of 10 of your posts contain content it's a miracle. So, before you post just ask yourself: am I posting info or am I posting about the poster because i feel triggered and angry...just take a breath and try. the latter are just thread killers. otherwise if you're not going to post content and just snipe maybe you should look into being a moderator? unclemark's app is stuck in limbo it seems. you might be a good mod!

Sniping personal attacks like this?

methinks you have no clue what it costs to run a company

See, you don't read the actual words in posts. You're just reaping what you sew, my guy. The reply you got literally parroted your language back to you. ;)

I get that it bums you out that I don't include you with those esteemed posters. You've got a long way to go. I mean, even Unky Mark is way closer to that rarefied air. But chin up, my guy...I don't include myself with them either. They're far above folks like you and me in terms of demeanor and content. That's why they don't get sniped. You on the other hand...

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Sniping personal attacks like this?

See, you don't read the actual words in posts. You're just reaping what you sew, my guy. The reply you got literally parroted your language back to you. ;)

I get that it bums you out that I don't include you with those esteemed posters. You've got a long way to go. I mean, even Unky Mark is way closer to that rarefied air. But chin up, my guy...I don't include myself with them either. They're far above folks like you and me in terms of demeanor and content. That's why they don't get sniped. You on the other hand...

Look at your posts in this thread. Never content. Just trash threads with snipe. sope's a big boy. he can handle himself. but you get triggered so you interject yourself. never with content. just snipe. it's such a predictable pattern. i honestly don't know if i've ever read a post where you post content. so if you're so much more interested in posting about the poster than posting content just be a mod. it could be your wc calling
Maybe this is why you struggle so badly. You can't even remember what you post a few hours before.

Methinks you misunderstand what "honestly" means. ;)
Methinks you lack self awareness. Have you posted anything of substance to any topic today?
You should ask my friend.
See you can do it. Your average is low but you can do it. i personally want to read your take on things. posting about how stoll is angry, or triggered posting, just clutters the board. and i too am guilty of shitty posting. a long history of it.
Well then . . . do better. You're not doing your side, or yourself, any favors . . . .
Right back at ya. You aren't doing your side, or yourself any favors when brad flat out tells you he read a book and you challenge it. Good grief.

Not all of us are as excited about a book by a liberal ivy leaguer with a degree in art history who has spent his life in journalism. As brad pointed out there's bias -

I suspect you have more experience in gov than that author. Hell we all have first hand experience. Want to know how efficiently gov works see how long it takes SSA to issue a disability check for back benefits. Or for an ALJ to get an opinion done. Those guys are making $180k a year with an insane amount of time off. The job couldn't be easier. You can literally change out a few words from the boilerplate and issue the same opinion with the same verbiage 500 times a year. Hell some of us don't even want social security. I'd rather have the money to do what I want with now - invest in joe hoopsier's hanger. I can buy my own disability plan.

We all know gov is vital. Some services only gov can provide. But some of us believe less gov is better and our current system is far overreaching
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Right back at ya. You aren't doing your side, or yourself any favors when brad flat out tells you he read a book and you challenge it. Good grief.

Not all of us are as excited about a book by a liberal ivy leaguer with a degree in art history who has spent his life in journalism. As brad pointed out there's bias -

I suspect you have more experience in gov than that author. Hell we all have first hand experience. Want to know how efficiently gov works see how long it takes SSA to issue a disability check for back benefits. Or for an ALJ to get an opinion done. Those guys are making $180k a year with an insane amount of time off. The job couldn't be easier. You can literally change out a few words from the boilerplate and issue the same opinion with the same verbiage 500 times a year. Hell some of us don't even want social security. I'd rather have the money to do what I want with now - invest in joe hoopsier's hanger. I can buy my own disability plan.

We all know gov is vital. Some services only gov can provide. But some of us believe less gov is better and our current system is far overreaching
Well, I tried.

Good night.
See you can do it. Your average is low but you can do it. i personally want to read your take on things. posting about how stoll is angry, or triggered posting, just clutters the board. and i too am guilty of shitty posting. a long history of it.

If hoosboot made a post in the woods and mcm couldn't remember that he read it, did it really happen in the first place? It's deep thoughts like this that keep me up at night. 🤷‍♂️

My thoughts are that human beings have a fundamental resistance to things that are different from their own experience and we've increasingly become prisoners of our own experience. People in Los Angeles often feel they have more in common with people from London than they do with people from Clayton, GA, who often feel they have more in common with people from a place like Madeley, Shropshire than they do with people in Los Angeles. And all of the above feel that the differences in their experience are more important than the commonalities in their experience. You and I are different in many ways, but we have a lot in surviving tween/teen daughters and being snipers guilty of shitty posting. 🤣
If hoosboot made a post in the woods and mcm couldn't remember that he read it, did it really happen in the first place? It's deep thoughts like this that keep me up at night. 🤷‍♂️

My thoughts are that human beings have a fundamental resistance to things that are different from their own experience and we've increasingly become prisoners of our own experience. People in Los Angeles often feel they have more in common with people from London than they do with people from Clayton, GA, who often feel they have more in common with people from a place like Madeley, Shropshire than they do with people in Los Angeles. And all of the above feel that the differences in their experience are more important than the commonalities in their experience. You and I are different in many ways, but we have a lot in surviving tween/teen daughters and being snipers guilty of shitty posting. 🤣
And for whatever reason(s) politics brings out the worst in people. I'm convinced this entire board of IU alums could sit at yogi's and drink beers and enjoy each other immensely discussing any and everything - but politics/gov. I'm not sure it's always been this way - but today peoples' fuses are short in that regard. Maybe it's the trump effect
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I get that it bums you out that I don't include you with those esteemed posters. You've got a long way to go. I mean, even Unky Mark is way closer to that rarefied air.

That's me. Also-ran as an esteemed WC poster.

so if you're so much more interested in posting about the poster than posting content just be a mod. it could be your wc calling

WTF??? I thought I could count on you in my Mod campaign?!?! Treason! Traitor! Turncoat!
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The Freakonomics article did not mention, or I missed it, how would we know rugged individualism has failed. Would it be mass systemic unemployment in urban and rural areas leading to disaffection? Would it be an opioid crisis? Would it be a rise in populism?

We have borrowed a lot of things from Germany, Social Security and the entire safety net. Bismark wanted to keep his people happy while sending their sons on endless wars, another thing we borrowed.

We may have to make things our own and not borrow directly. But we have all this wealth, all our rugged individualism, and surveys show Sweden is far happier. I think most people want to be happy, if we are failing (we are) it is fair to ask why.
I think the focus of the Freakonomics pod was more about how we ARE a nation that values rugged individualism (like it or not) and so any govt or cultural changes you compare are going to be apples and oranges.

As for the happiness polling of various nations, I think it wise to take those with a large grain of salt. Also, it’s tough (impossible?) to compare happiness polling across nations and say govt program X is or is not responsible for that reported happiness.