Ukraine Fun Facts....

You mean against the Russian invaders? I'm not picking up why you love Russia? What's up with that man?
Joe, I don't have any 'love' for Russia, any more than for Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, any of them.

Unfortunately, you're starting to sound like a couple of the insipid stupid progressive cvnts on this board.
Joe, I don't have any 'love' for Russia, any more than for Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, any of them.

Unfortunately, you're starting to sound like a couple of the insipid stupid progressive cvnts on this board.
Ummm. How am I sounding like Bloom?
Your comments on the Russian/ Ukraine SMO is very Russian slanted, that I can find no indipendant agencies reporting anywhere close to what you post. We all know that it's hell for both sides, but your reporting seems to totally be Russia slanted. Maybe everyone else is lying and you have the real proof, but it's kind of hard to believe right now.

Anyway that you can help confirm that your data is factual? I'm all ears. But never Confuse me for Bloom again, with all do respect Brother.
45 minutes of Orchs being 200 classified. This is much better than Bobbert giving a handy in a movie theater.
Slava Ukraine
Ummm. How am I sounding like Bloom?
Your comments on the Russian/ Ukraine SMO is very Russian slanted, that I can find no indipendant agencies reporting anywhere close to what you post. We all know that it's hell for both sides, but your reporting seems to totally be Russia slanted. Maybe everyone else is lying and you have the real proof, but it's kind of hard to believe right now.

Anyway that you can help confirm that your data is factual? I'm all ears. But never Confuse me for Bloom again, with all do respect Brother.
Oh, so now posters have to be able to confirm data is factual? For you?
How about you start confirming some of the bullshit you post?
Oh, so now posters have to be able to confirm data is factual? For you?
How about you start confirming some of the bullshit you post?
Bulk. I believe everyone has value. As I am lover of humanity in general.
I'm sorry that you just don't fit into any useful category, and that is sad considering that some give Briben respect. You are 10 fold below Briben. I'm sorry man. That has to hurt. Go ahead and end it all now. you will be at peace.
Kind of like Trump's favorite line, "some people say..."
Did some people not "say"? Are you saying that you have proof that some people didn't "say"? Some say that you are an intelligent, HONEST person and poster. Are they right, or wrong?
Ummm. How am I sounding like Bloom?
Your comments on the Russian/ Ukraine SMO is very Russian slanted....
Are they 'Russian slanted',
or are the comments focused on what NATO(US)' failed jingoism has wrought
First, I compared you to no one....but when you throw out 'love for Russia", who do you sound like?.
Check out:
Judge Andrew Napolitano's 'Judging Freedom', drops 3-3:30 pm M-F ..I watch on YT.

ANY of Patrick Lancaster's
reporting ...spoiler: he speaks (((Russian)))!

Alex Mercouris reporting

'Redacted' with Clayton Morris

'The Plague Chronicles ' by Eugyyppius

COL. (Ret.) US Army Douglas Macgregor, founder of the Organization 'Our Country, Our Choice.

Scott Ritter, former Weapons Inspector

Two social media Groups with Russian subject matter,
One Ukrainian Group same site

A Ukrainian couple living nearby,married, I see one who speaks very good English couple of times per week..we talk.

You asked...


Keep coaching Murty....he's showing a little life lately.
Are they 'Russian slanted',
or are the comments focused on what NATO(US)' failed jingoism has wrought
First, I compared you to no one....but when you throw out 'love for Russia", who do you sound like?.
Check out:
Judge Andrew Napolitano's 'Judging Freedom', drops 3-3:30 pm M-F ..I watch on YT.

ANY of Patrick Lancaster's
reporting ...spoiler: he speaks (((Russian)))!

Alex Mercouris reporting

'Redacted' with Clayton Morris

'The Plague Chronicles ' by Eugyyppius

COL. (Ret.) US Army Douglas Macgregor, founder of the Organization 'Our Country, Our Choice.

Scott Ritter, former Weapons Inspector

Two social media Groups with Russian subject matter,
One Ukrainian Group same site

A Ukrainian couple living nearby,married, I see one who speaks very good English couple of times per week..we talk.

You asked...


Keep coaching Murty....he's showing a little life lately.
You know this will take me 2 weeks…… more ….
To research.
In the short, do all of those people say the Orchs are winning? (Although there is no winner with this destruction) If so, why so many trucks “parked” in Kiev?
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You know this will take me 2 weeks…… more ….
To research.
In the short, do all of those people say the Orchs are winning? (Although there is no winner with this destruction) If so, why so many trucks “parked” in Kiev?
I wouldn't expect anyone could decipher it all in two weeks..this shit goes back to well before 2004.
Napolitano, Redacted and Lancaster could be a reasonable starting point.
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I wouldn't expect anyone could decipher it all in two weeks..this shit goes back to well before 2004.
Napolitano, Redacted and Lancaster could be a reasonable starting point.
What happened to the 750,000 man winter Russian offensive? What you’re claiming and what is actually happening aren’t the same. You’re embarrassing yourself. I’m feeling bad for you.
Russian gov local gangs being sent to nationalize the largest russian Independently owned petroleum company. Seems a little Germany 1938ish...

I wouldn't expect anyone could decipher it all in two weeks..this shit goes back to well before 2004.
Napolitano, Redacted and Lancaster could be a reasonable starting point.
Why don’t you tell us why the 750,000 man winter Russian offensive didn’t happen as you predicted? You basically guaranteed it. Could it be all your sources are worthless?

What’s the real story here?

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So the story goes like this:

-NATO wasn't supposed to expand to the East because even after the Soviet collapse the Russians believe that they are entitled to a sphere of influence in Eastern Europe.

-The Eastern Europeans aren't really fond of their former "liberators" who raped and pillaged their way across Eastern Europe while "liberating" it and have historically been under the Cossak's boot. The Eastern Europeans saw an opportunity to flip that historical perspective and petitioned the much better off countries to their west to join that gravy train.

-The Russians do not believe that independent countries should be able to independently make their own decisions unless those decisions lead to their doorstep. Unfortunately for the Russians they run a system that has little to no redeeming value for anyone, including themselves. So their only takers are generally despots and losers (see North Korea and Iran).

-Ukraine was overthrown in a "coup" by a Western backed color revolution. Only Russian backed propaganda that destabilizes leadership in a country is valid.

-The Russians invaded Ukraine as "liberators" of the ethnic Russians who lived in Ukraine. The Ukrainian government didn't look very favorably on that because, hey, that is our territory. They were as accepting of that as we would be if Mexico invaded across the Rio Grande into Texas and into other areas of the Southwest.

Basically what this all breaks down to is saying the U.S./NATO is at fault for bringing their military and economic alliance up to the border of Russia. From a Russian POV this is probably true. However, to subscribe to this POV you also have to subscribe to the idea that all of those countries who willingly and actively pursued those alliances aren't allowed a say...the type of thinking which runs contrary to the whole "Western Global Hegemony" argument. (The argument that it is wrong for the West to bully countries into line but apparently that is a-okay for the Russians.)

I think we need to be smart in our application of power and view alliances rationally. I don't think Ukraine should be allowed in NATO anytime probably in my lifetime, but I see no issue with arming it to the teeth. The Russians have been invited to the table on many occasions over my lifetime. They expect a seat and say larger than either their military or economy would afford them in normal circumstances. Frankly they were the failed Empire with the failed system. They can join the rest of the world at any time, all they have to do is stop being assholes.

All that said, I am interested in a smarter application of our foreign policy. I think we lack a cohesive plan.
Oh when you start to run out of mobile crematoriums.

The Kiev Post??
The fvcking Kiev Post??

You asked not to be 'compared' to the Fractured Fairy Tale crowd, and you're quoting the Kiev Post..

Stupid is as stupid does, Joe.

Don't be that guy...
  • Haha
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The Kiev Post??
The fvcking Kiev Post??

You asked not to be 'compared' to the Fractured Fairy Tale crowd, and you're quoting the Kiev Post..

Stupid is as stupid does, Joe.

Don't be that guy...
The French researchers or the ISW not good enough for you?
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So the story goes like this:

-NATO wasn't supposed to expand to the East because even after the Soviet collapse the Russians believe that they are entitled to a sphere of influence in Eastern Europe.

-The Eastern Europeans aren't really fond of their former "liberators" who raped and pillaged their way across Eastern Europe while "liberating" it and have historically been under the Cossak's boot. The Eastern Europeans saw an opportunity to flip that historical perspective and petitioned the much better off countries to their west to join that gravy train.

-The Russians do not believe that independent countries should be able to independently make their own decisions unless those decisions lead to their doorstep. Unfortunately for the Russians they run a system that has little to no redeeming value for anyone, including themselves. So their only takers are generally despots and losers (see North Korea and Iran).

-Ukraine was overthrown in a "coup" by a Western backed color revolution. Only Russian backed propaganda that destabilizes leadership in a country is valid.

-The Russians invaded Ukraine as "liberators" of the ethnic Russians who lived in Ukraine. The Ukrainian government didn't look very favorably on that because, hey, that is our territory. They were as accepting of that as we would be if Mexico invaded across the Rio Grande into Texas and into other areas of the Southwest.

Basically what this all breaks down to is saying the U.S./NATO is at fault for bringing their military and economic alliance up to the border of Russia. From a Russian POV this is probably true. However, to subscribe to this POV you also have to subscribe to the idea that all of those countries who willingly and actively pursued those alliances aren't allowed a say...the type of thinking which runs contrary to the whole "Western Global Hegemony" argument. (The argument that it is wrong for the West to bully countries into line but apparently that is a-okay for the Russians.)

I think we need to be smart in our application of power and view alliances rationally. I don't think Ukraine should be allowed in NATO anytime probably in my lifetime, but I see no issue with arming it to the teeth. The Russians have been invited to the table on many occasions over my lifetime. They expect a seat and say larger than either their military or economy would afford them in normal circumstances. Frankly they were the failed Empire with the failed system. They can join the rest of the world at any time, all they have to do is stop being assholes.

All that said, I am interested in a smarter application of our foreign policy. I think we lack a cohesive plan.
The Biden administration is making it up as they go along.
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Joe you're talking to a poster who refers to the Times as the _YT, because his posts get deleted when he calls them the JYT. Think about what really passes for a source with someone like that.
Jyt…. Ok that’s funnier that shot. Never heard that before.
Hurty words Joe.

You said it would take you two weeks to look at the source material I posted for you.
It will help your perspective.
JYT being funny to me has nothing to do with your source material or meant to be hurty.

I just think it’s funny!!! Nothing more.

About what. Russia destroyed the countries behind the iron curtain. They are fighting wars across Africa today (I see Ukraine attacked Russian troops in Africa today). Russia fought a war in Afghanistan and inflicted a lot of damage. They fought a war against Chechnya flattening cities. They are stealing Ukrainian children today, flat out stealing them.
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About what. Russia destroyed the countries behind the iron curtain. They are fighting wars across Africa today (I see Ukraine attacked Russian troops in Africa today). Russia fought a war in Afghanistan and inflicted a lot of damage. They fought a war against Chechnya flattening cities. They are stealing Ukrainian children today, flat out stealing them.
Attacking Russian troops in Africa? Hadn't seen that, but I like the idea of it.
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Former military and US government sources have estimated the casualty ratio from 5-1 to 7-1.

At 6-1, Russia may have suffered 65 thousand KIA and 125-130 thousand wounded.

I have listed my sources previously.
Putin accidently let it slip that they've lost 230,000

Awesome idea here... connect global warming to the Russian-Ukraine conflict... and now you have even more of a story to push for funds, support, etc.

Zelensky following orders... new plays from the playbook.