Ukraine Fun Facts....

They were part of a Union that invaded Afghanistan in 1979 (destroying it). They are in Syria now (destroying it). They destroyed Chechnya. They attacked and seized territory from Georgia. They annexed Crimea, the Donbas, and launched the current war against Ukraine.

As to your list:

They were in Vietnam, as mentioned above they attacked Ukraine. That is all on them. They are currently in Syria like we are, just backing a different side. The US didn't destroy Lebanon, they were in a Civil War and we sent peacekeepers to try and back a ceasefire. Then the radical Arabs and Iranians got a chance to attack the Great Satan. Communism destroyed Cuba and frankly, given your defense of Russia for having their enemy right up to their border, we would have been justified in steam rolling them decades ago. We did destroy Afghanistan (or we knocked over a few moelre rocks there) but we kind of had a reason for that. Iraq was a mistake in hindsight but hey, Chechnya, Ukraine, and Georgia....and we didn't permanently claim any territory in the exchange unlike the Russians.

The Russians suck. If you believe parts of the Western System aren't great, hey I am there with you. However, for all it's faults that system is leaps and bounds better than the kleptocracy and autocratic mess that the Russians have ALWAYS been.

I don't believe that the good news out of Ukraine is all on the up and up. It is propaganda as well. However, it has been more accurate than your sources have been in the past. The Russians are an Empire on life support. They are getting assistance from North Korea (the hermit kingdom) and the Iranians (backwards terrorist state) against a 3rd rate European state. They need this support in a war they started. They aren't the good guys. They are the same rape and pillage Army they were in 1944-45 as they "liberated" Eastern Europe. Which in effect was just exchanging slave masters.

You can disagree with our support for Ukraine without being a Russophile.
Yet another tweet from a Trumpster Twitter twit. You guys should run from Twitter. It’s rotting your brains.
The video was there, what linkage do you think Zelensky was trying to make? I think the Trumpster Twitter Twit was right. Zelensky knows what kind of junk motivates the world community right now and he is doing his best to throw as many noodles against the wall to continue to receive support against the Russians. Otherwise what concerns would he have about Global Warming in (checks notes) Libya and Morocco at the moment?
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Mas, at this current rate, how much longer do you think Ukraine can last? It looks like we’re aiming to approve another 20+ Billion, but all the money in the world means little if you have no men to fight.

Is it fair to say Ukraine will not have enough men left to pursue the war by mid 2024?
Yes, seriously.

I don't blame him, you talk the language of the people who have what you need. In his case the UN and West is all about the climate change. It gets attached to every discussion. He is smart to try and attach his situation to that because it is likely to keep his real problem at the forefront of the global liberal elite who tend to get bored by conflicts after awhile. Outside of that, I doubt he gives 2 shits about half of what he talked about in that clip.
Yes, seriously.

I don't blame him, you talk the language of the people who have what you need. In his case the UN and West is all about the climate change. It gets attached to every discussion. He is smart to try and attach his situation to that because it is likely to keep his real problem at the forefront of the global liberal elite who tend to get bored by conflicts after awhile. Outside of that, I doubt he gives 2 shits about half of what he talked about in that clip.
No, I mean you seriously don't know why he's mentioning North Africa?
Putin accidently let it slip that they've lost 230,000

They're well on their way to losing as many souls as the US did in WWII.

That has to be devastating. I can't believe this isn't causing more internal uproar inside Russia.
Awesome idea here... connect global warming to the Russian-Ukraine conflict... and now you have even more of a story to push for funds, support, etc.

Zelensky following orders... new plays from the playbook.

Anyone in his position would be making any kind of argument needed to help him win the war.

He's not following anyone's orders - he's fighting for survival.

I wish we had leaders like him.
Anyone in his position would be making any kind of argument needed to help him win the war.

He's not following anyone's orders - he's fighting for survival.

I wish we had leaders like him.
Once he learns to show a Russian bombing a planned parenthood, there will be 1,000 Abrams on the way all being driven by pissed Karen’s!
He needs to work the crowd for $$$
They're well on their way to losing as many souls as the US did in WWII.

That has to be devastating. I can't believe this isn't causing more internal uproar inside Russia.
You think the average citizen has any idea what is really happening? Putin controls all the media and lets the average citizen see what he wants them to see.
You think the average citizen has any idea what is really happening? Putin controls all the media and lets the average citizen see what he wants them to see.
With that many people killed, it would be hard to miss it. I don't know what the US population was during WWII, but I think it was probably close to what Russia's is today, and it was pretty damn big news when people in your local town are getting killed.

I don't doubt they've been fed propaganda about why they're fighting, but the casualties have to be obvious to anyone in the country.
With that many people killed, it would be hard to miss it. I don't know what the US population was during WWII, but I think it was probably close to what Russia's is today, and it was pretty damn big news when people in your local town are getting killed.

I don't doubt they've been fed propaganda about why they're fighting, but the casualties have to be obvious to anyone in the country.
Could be but I'm not convinced that they know how many. I'll bet a lot of people think their loved ones are still away "fighting for the cause".
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Could be but I'm not convinced that they know how many. I'll bet a lot of people think their loved ones are still away "fighting for the cause".
Not when they get one of Putin's sympathy cards.

They get rubles when their loved ones are killed - I would bet they know. Maybe it takes time, but they know.
Not when they get one of Putin's sympathy cards.

They get rubles when their loved ones are killed - I would bet they know. Maybe it takes time, but they know.
2 things. Russia is truly running Mobile crematoriums, not exploded tanks (that was my joke), but honest field crematoriums.
There has been many videoed mass Russian graves in the field.
Not reporting casualties saves Pootin sacks of potato payments.
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The video was there, what linkage do you think Zelensky was trying to make? I think the Trumpster Twitter Twit was right. Zelensky knows what kind of junk motivates the world community right now and he is doing his best to throw as many noodles against the wall to continue to receive support against the Russians. Otherwise what concerns would he have about Global Warming in (checks notes) Libya and Morocco at the moment?
I didn’t bother. I gave up thinking anything he links is factual or logical years ago. It’s a near certainty anything he links is bogus nonsense.

I have no doubt Zelenskyy is saying what he needs to say to maintain and increase support.
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Oh the questions of how vulnerable the Black sea fleet has finally been identified by the orch sea commander. They be leaving port now !!

WE could stop all of this killing if only we have some REAL republican's that love the REAL legacy republicans, who know how to drive ships and collect payoffs for the REAL republicans.
If we had those people in charge, this is over tomorrow. ... Where is mittens. I bet he could borrow Kerry's wifes jet and end this tomorrow. Problem solved. Carbon be damned.
REAL republicans profit again. win win win loose for er'body else.
Legacy REAL republicans are Al Olinsky without a book deal.
Ambassador for what and why do you care? Did you know Shirley Temple was an ambassador for the US? She wasn’t the only celebrity to be an ambassador either.
Because our tax dollars are now going to fund a spirit cooking Satanist while our country goes straight to hell (pun intended).

Russia has started receiving tanks from China and NK. Things are really blowing up.

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Russia's system maintaining their 6 sigma quality policy for advanced Yacht payments in DC.... err I mean the Kremlin.

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Sarcasm. n.
Look it up.

History did not begin in February.

NATO(US) has been spending $Billions building infrastructure (to include bio-labs likely involved in gain-of-function virus development) to support a half million military personnel, equipment, weapons, logistics, transportation....for at least ten years...
Putin turned most of those $Billions into corpses and burning junk...
The West, NATO(US) et. al.,
will ultimately walk out on their 'allies' in Ukraine...just like VietNam, Afghanistan, then likely Taiwan..

You have seen reporting that numerous 'journalists' were on retainer to the alphabet agencies, including those from the _NT, WaPo, New Yorker, LAT and many more.
The same people funding gain-of-function biolabs all over the world were censoring and propagandizing major 'news' content providers everywhere. It's ongoing.
For a century...