Ukraine’s Ex-President Says Biden Never Asked to Close Cases


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Sep 7, 2001
Per Bloomberg, Ukraine’s former president categorically denied that Joe Biden had ever asked him to open or close any criminal cases. A knock out blow to Trump’s conspiracy theory about frmr Vice President Biden.

Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine's president from 2014 until earlier 2019, joined a growing list of Ukrainian officials who said they never saw Biden take any improper actions involving his son’s business work there.

Another one bites the dust.
And yet, Trumpbots 'just know' that Joe and Hunter Biden are dirty and that Adam Schiff wrote the whistleblower complaint.

Supposing my kids one day write papers about this period in time, I wonder how they'll cite the gut of right-wing conspiracy nuts/the 45th president of the United States.
And yet, Trumpbots 'just know' that Joe and Hunter Biden are dirty and that Adam Schiff wrote the whistleblower complaint.

Supposing my kids one day write papers about this period in time, I wonder how they'll cite the gut of right-wing conspiracy nuts/the 45th president of the United States.

In the U.S. history books a century from now, there will be no text in the chapter on politics in 2016-2020, and POTUS #45. There will merely be this pic:

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And yet, Trumpbots 'just know' that Joe and Hunter Biden are dirty and that Adam Schiff wrote the whistleblower complaint.

Supposing my kids one day write papers about this period in time, I wonder how they'll cite the gut of right-wing conspiracy nuts/the 45th president of the United States.

It will likely be remembered as the second coming of the "No-Nothings, the original anti-Immigrant,Xenophobic right wing cultists from the mid 1850s. They were
anti-Catholic and featured an ultra secret wing referred to as the "Order of the Star Spangled Banner".

Ironically enough compared with the Fascist undertones of this latest reincarnation of Nativist sentiment, the No Nothing era seems like the "Age of Enlightenment"...
Per Bloomberg, Ukraine’s former president categorically denied that Joe Biden had ever asked him to open or close any criminal cases. A knock out blow to Trump’s conspiracy theory about frmr Vice President Biden.

Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine's president from 2014 until earlier 2019, joined a growing list of Ukrainian officials who said they never saw Biden take any improper actions involving his son’s business work there.

Another one bites the dust.

so they don't admit to being party to the corruption.

i'm shocked. shocked i tell you.

i think we all realize Biden's son got on that board strictly on his being such a great board member.

or not.

funny how the media is pushing Trump's total scumbaggery and the Biden's corruption as being mutually exclusive possibilities.
What "Biden's corruption?"
I don't claim to know a thing about Hunter Biden, but it's reasonable to think he has played on his name. What I think hilarious is that people who support the father of Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric find that objectionable.
I don't claim to know a thing about Hunter Biden, but it's reasonable to think he has played on his name. What I think hilarious is that people who support the father of Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric find that objectionable.
I know what you're saying, and you and I don't often disagree here. But since when in this country is it ok to investigate someone because it's reasonable to think they might have done something wrong?
I know what you're saying, and you and I don't often disagree here. But since when in this country is it ok to investigate someone because it's reasonable to think they might have done something wrong?
You misunderstand me. In no way is it justified to investigate young Biden simply for cashing in on his name. But I don't think it's out of line to think he did so.
You misunderstand me. In no way is it justified to investigate young Biden simply for cashing in on his name. But I don't think it's out of line to think he did so.
I hear you. But there is nothing illegal or unethical about one capitalizing on their name for financial benefit. And until someone comes up with a shred of evidence that Joe and/or Hunter Biden did anything illegal or unethical, this is all just a bunch of tRump BS and nothing more.
You misunderstand me. In no way is it justified to investigate young Biden simply for cashing in on his name. But I don't think it's out of line to think he did so.

"traded on his name"?

a Kardashian endorsing a shoe is trading on a name.

this is selling influence and laundering a payoff/bribe at the highest levels, and pretty obviously so.

the Dem media is really playing this down since Joe was their big hope, but it's pretty obvious this is just laundered corruption,

Dems need to start distancing themselves from Joe, not try to pretend it isn't what it is.