I certainly do being a former business owner myself. None I know have expressed those thoughts. They all understand it will take time to undue all the wrongs from the last administration. Anyone worth their salt understood there was going to be short to medium term pain involved.
Ha ha. You're either making it up, or lying. You have no idea what's happening to supply chains right now. And its all completely unnecessary. And none of it has anything to do with anything Biden did.
And one of the obvious main problems that Trump is going to have...many of the countries he's going to Trade War with... they're built to handle it better than we are. Many of their societies will, absorb the very deep immediate pain, for the better long term results.
Not sure where you've been in the last 10-15 years...United States government, citizens, and certainly Trump himself, are not suited to handle the crisis that all this will probably cause... Austerity is so 1950s here in the good Ole USA.
And just because people like you, and Trump actually, say you, they, we will. Doesn't mean your actions will follow that. Trump will melt down...he already is backing down in some cases. And certainly our citizens, on both sides of the aisle, won't "take one for the team". Especially when most will know its unnecessary.
Again, I hope we all still have jobs, homes, ways of life we want, by the time this stupid shit ever has a chance to show any benefit.