Trump Zelensky today.....

Maybe you should not agree to terms and then on live tv decide you are not going to sign the agreement. Also you should understand that if there are American citizens in Ukraine which there will be, America will be there to help protect them and their interests.

Couldn't the opposite be true in that you shouldn't go on live TV without a deal signed?
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Maybe you should not agree to terms and then on live tv decide you are not going to sign the agreement. Also you should understand that if there are American citizens in Ukraine which there will be, America will be there to help protect them and their interests.
Point to the part of the transcript where Zelenskyy said he wouldn't sign the agreement. I can't find it. He said before and after the shitshow that he would sign it.

Expecting some security guarantees are in the final deal is only natural. I damn sure wouldn't sign a final agreement that didn't have them.
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Point to the part of the transcript where Zelenskyy said he wouldn't sign the agreement. I can't find it. He said before and after the shitshow that he would sign it.

Expecting some security guarantees are in the final deal is only natural. I damn sure wouldn't sign a final agreement that didn't have them.
So you think that the US is not going to protect any investments in Ukraine?
That's OK - I know I'm right! ;)

A question for you. Where did you get your quotes from? The quote from Vance and Zelenskyy were wrong. The year was 2014 not 2013. Here's the actual quote from the video I watched and the correct transcript:

Vance: For four years, the United States of America, we had a president who stood up at press conferences and talked tough about Vladimir Putin, and then Putin invaded Ukraine and destroyed a significant chunk of the country. The path to peace and the path to prosperity is, maybe, engaging in diplomacy. We tried the pathway of Joe Biden, of thumping our chest and pretending that the president of the United States’ words mattered more than the president of the United States’ actions. What makes America a good country is America engaging in diplomacy. That’s what President Trump is doing.

Zelenskyy: Okay, he occupied our parts, big parts of Ukraine, part of East and Crimea, so he occupied it in 2014. So, during a lot of years, I’m not speaking about just Biden, but those time was President Obama, then President Trump, then President Biden, now President Trump and, God bless, now President Trump will stop him. But during 2014, nobody stopped him. He just occupied and took. He killed people, you know? What the contact line -

Then he was cut off by President Trump who said, "2015" and he was wrong. Zelenskyy AND Vance corrected him, though Vance tried to soften it by saying "2014 to 2015" which I thought was subtle ass kissing. The occupation (illegal, by the way) of Crimea happened in 2014, but that's to be expected from a VP to a Prez, I suppose.

Also, what Vance interrupted to say wasn't really responsive to the question to Trump, which the President answered. Vance jumped in after the President to say what he said. The "let me respond to this" part wasn't said because he wasn't responding to the question that Trump had already answered.

This has the video which starts before Vance jumped in and started the shitshow. It includes the transcript of the shitshow too:

Interestingly, this is what Senator Graham said that he said in that bipartisan Senator meeting with Zelenskyy:

I told him this morning, ‘Don’t take the bait. Don’t let the media or anyone else get you into an argument with President Trump.

I don't think Graham knew that it would be Vance to start the argument.

I'll reply later. Back to work.
Damn you are insecure to let his attire bother you that way. Of course if he showed up in a finely tailored Italian suit people would say it was clear he was skimming money. I like Lech Walesa's letter yesterday. I don't think Reagan would have gave a damn about the clothing.

Your Excellency Mr President,
We watched the report of your conversation with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenski with fear and distaste. We consider your expectations to show respect and gratitude for the material help provided by the United States fighting Russia to Ukraine insulting. Gratitude is due to the heroic Ukrainian soldiers who shed their blood in defense of the values of the free world. They have been dying on the frontline for more than 11 years in the name of these values and independence of their Homeland, which was attacked by Putin's Russia.
We do not understand how the leader of a country that is the symbol of the free world cannot see it.
Our panic was also caused by the fact that the atmosphere in the Oval Office during this conversation reminded us of one we remember well from Security Service interrogations and from the debate rooms in Communist courts. Prosecutors and judges at the behest of the all-powerful communist political police also explained to us that they hold all the cards and we hold none. They demanded us to stop our business, arguing that thousands of innocent people suffer because of us. They deprived us of our freedoms and civil rights because we refused to cooperate with the government and our gratitude. We are shocked that Mr. President Volodymyr Zelenski treated in the same way.
The history of the 20th century shows that every time the United States wanted to keep its distance from democratic values and its European allies, it ended up being a threat to themselves. This was understood by President Woodrow Wilson, who decided to join the United States in World War I in 1917. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt understood this, deciding after the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 that the war for the defense of America would be fought not only in the Pacific, but also in Europe, in alliance with the countries attacked by the Third Reich.
We remember that without President Ronald Reagan and American financial commitment it would not have been possible to bring the collapse of the Soviet Union empire. President Reagan was aware that millions of enslaved people were suffering in Soviet Russia and the countries it conquered, including thousands of political prisoners who paid for their sacrifice in defense of democratic values with freedom. His greatness was m. in. on the fact that he without hesitation called the USSR the "Empire of Evil" and gave it a decisive fight. We won, and the statue of President Ronald Reagan stands today in Warsaw vis a vis of the US embassy.
Mr. President, material aid - military and financial - cannot be equivalent to the blood shed in the name of independence and freedom of Ukraine, Europe, as well as the whole free world. Human life is priceless, its value cannot be measured with money. Gratitude is due to those who make the sacrifice of blood and freedom. It is obvious for us, the people of "Solidarity", former political prisoners of the communist regime serving Soviet Russia.
We are calling for the United States to withdraw from the guarantees it made with the Great Britain in the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, which recorded a direct obligation to defend the intact borders of Ukraine in exchange for giving up its nuclear weapons resources. These guarantees are unconditional: there is no word about treating such aid as an economic exchange.
Lech Wales, b. political prisoner, Solidarity leader, president of the Republic of Poland III
Mark Bailin, b. political prisoner, editor of independent publishing houses
Severn Blumstein, b. political prisoner, member of the Workers' Defense Committee
Teresa Bogucka, b. a political prisoner, activist of the democratic opposition and Solidarity
Gregory Bogut, b. political prisoner, activist of democratic opposition, independent publisher
Mark Borowik, b. political prisoner, independent publisher
Bogdan Borusewicz, b. political prisoner, leader of the underground Solidarity in Gdansk
Zbigniew Bujak, b. political prisoner, leader of the underground Solidarity in Warsaw
Władysław Frasyniuk, b. political prisoner, leader of the underground Solidarity in Wrocław
Andrew Gintzburg, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity
Richard Grabarczyk, b. a political prisoner, Solidarity activist
Alexander Janiszewski, b. a political prisoner, Solidarity activist
Peter Kapczy otrski, b. a political prisoner, activist of the democratic opposition
Mark Kossakowski, b. political prisoner, independent publicist
Christopher the King, b. a political prisoner , independence activist
Jaroslav Kurski, b. a political prisoner, activist of the democratic opposition
Barbara Swan, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity
Bogdan Lis, b. political prisoner, leader of the underground Solidarity in Gdansk
Henryk Majewski, b. a political prisoner, Solidarity activist
Adam Michnik, b. political prisoner, activist of the democratic opposition, editor of independent publishing houses
Slavomir Najniger, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity
Peter the German , b. political prisoner, journalist, and printer of underground publishing houses,
Stefan Konstanty Niesiołowski, b. a political prisoner , independence activist
Edward Nowak, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity
Wojciech Onyszkiewicz, b. political prisoner, member of the Workers' Defence Committee, Solidarity activist
Anthony Pawlak, b. a political prisoner, activist of the democratic opposition and underground Solidarity
Sylwia Poleska-Peryt, b. a political prisoner, activist of the democratic opposition
Christopher Push, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity
Richard Push, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity,
Jacek Rakowiecki, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity
Andrew Severn, b. political prisoner, actor, director of the Polish Theater in Warsaw
Witold Sielewicz, b. political prisoner, printer of independent publishing houses
Henryk Sikora, b. a political prisoner, Solidarity activist
Christopher Siemien Krski, b. political prisoner, journalist, and printer of underground publishing houses
Gra ,yna Staniszewska, b. a political prisoner, leaders of Solidarity of the Beskids region
George Degrees, b. a political prisoner, activist of the democratic opposition
Joanna Happy, b. political prisoner, editor of Solidarity underground press
Ludwik Turko, b. a political prisoner, activist of the underground Solidarity
Matthew Wierzbicki, b. political prisoner, printer and publicist of independent publishing houses
That's been his standard attire since Russia invaded. He's at war and he looks like he's at war. Other leaders have done the same during wartime. This stuff about his attire is super petty.
Everything we saw after the standard press conference should have happened in private. It was an embarrassment. It does not inspire our allies and partners around the world at all. It's the opposite.
The sweatsuit is theater.

Better theater would have been for Zelenskyy to show up looking like a President of a country ready to sign a deal that would finally signal and end to this war. As I said, following through on the deal and celebrating it would have been the most important event since the invasion.

Giving the United States skin in the game would have been a much stronger message to Putin than we send with continued supply of ammo and ongoing financial support for the Ukrainian government operations that is probably skimmed anyway.

This is the long game and it was blown.
So you think that the US is not going to protect any investments in Ukraine?
I certainly never said that, but the President has said more than once we won't put US troops in the country. France and UK both have stepped up to say they would and that's a good thing. The problem with the rare earths thing is that they're mostly or entirely in areas occupied by Russians. If a final agreement clears the Russians out of that area or makes those areas a DMZ at least, we've got the beginning of a decent final deal.

I'll reply later. Back to work.
I've seen it and the link I provided not only also has the transcript of that part, but it has the video so you can check for accuracy. It includes the final question and the President's answer before Vance jumped in unexpectedly. I recommend turning on CC.
The sweatsuit is theater.

Better theater would have been for Zelenskyy to show up looking like a President of a country ready to sign a deal that would finally signal and end to this war. As I said, following through on the deal and celebrating it would have been the most important event since the invasion.

Giving the United States skin in the game would have been a much stronger message to Putin than we send with continued supply of ammo and ongoing financial support for the Ukrainian government operations that is probably skimmed anyway.

This is the long game and it was blown.
The President's reaction to that was pure pettiness - it's the same attire he wore when meeting the previous President and when addressing Congress. Surely, you're not going to deny that the President has his pettiness moments. :)
The sweatsuit is theater.

Better theater would have been for Zelenskyy to show up looking like a President of a country ready to sign a deal that would finally signal and end to this war. As I said, following through on the deal and celebrating it would have been the most important event since the invasion.

Giving the United States skin in the game would have been a much stronger message to Putin than we send with continued supply of ammo and ongoing financial support for the Ukrainian government operations that is probably skimmed anyway.

This is the long game and it was blown.
ARE you suggesting that if he wore a suit the rest would not have happened?
The President's reaction to that was pure pettiness - it's the same attire he wore when meeting the previous President and when addressing Congress. Surely, you're not going to deny that the President has his pettiness moments. :)
He should have worn a suit. I suspect he dresses like that to project an image. He wasn’t on a frontline that day. But again he deserves grace for all he’s been through. It’s not worth broaching
The President's reaction to that was pure pettiness - it's the same attire he wore when meeting the previous President and when addressing Congress. Surely, you're not going to deny that the President has his pettiness moments. :)
Well, you are the guy who criticized Crimson Tide because of uniform mistakes. Is that petty?
He should have worn a suit. I suspect he dresses like that to project an image. He wasn’t on a frontline that day. But again he deserves grave for all he’s been through. It’s not worth broaching
It’s worth remembering that Zelensky is an actor, like a literal actor. He’s theatrical. Trump is also theatrical.

So what you get is two people performing theatrics for the cameras.
Well, you are the guy who criticized Crimson Tide because of uniform mistakes. Is that petty?
Saying the movie was good but noting that there were uniform mistakes any Navy person would catch is criticism of actual uniform mistakes, not pettiness. Ukraine is at war and Zelenskyy has doing what many other leaders in the world did during wartime, wearing a uniform.

Seriously, COH, you seem to have become unable to acknowledge well known President Trump traits - like pettiness. His reaction to Zelenskyy's attire was pure pettiness.
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Saying the movie was good but noting that there were uniform mistakes any Navy person would catch is criticism of actual uniform mistakes, not pettiness. Ukraine is at war and Zelenskyy has doing what many other leaders in the world did during wartime, wearing a uniform.

Seriously, COH, you seem to have become unable to acknowledge well known President Trump traits - like pettiness. His reaction to Zelenskyy's attire was pure pettiness.

Biden and Netanyahu absolutely hate each other and still looked beyond personal/ policy differences to defeat Hamas, Assad
regime, and Iran.

Now we pause funds because of heated press conferences and fashion choices.

The sweatsuit is theater.

Better theater would have been for Zelenskyy to show up looking like a President of a country ready to sign a deal that would finally signal and end to this war. As I said, following through on the deal and celebrating it would have been the most important event since the invasion.

Giving the United States skin in the game would have been a much stronger message to Putin than we send with continued supply of ammo and ongoing financial support for the Ukrainian government operations that is probably skimmed anyway.

This is the long game and it was blown.
Oh the suit again. About as dumb a thing to focus on as when Obama wore a brown suit.

Can Musk be trusted since he never wears a suit?
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Saying the movie was good but noting that there were uniform mistakes any Navy person would catch is criticism of actual uniform mistakes, not pettiness. Ukraine is at war and Zelenskyy has doing what many other leaders in the world did during wartime, wearing a uniform.

Seriously, COH, you seem to have become unable to acknowledge well known President Trump traits - like pettiness. His reaction to Zelenskyy's attire was pure pettiness.
I’ve frequently called Trump petty.. Calling Zelenskyy a dictator was petty.

Nothing that happened during the meeting was petty. It was deadly serious. Zelenskyy showed up knowing he would not agree. Trump very reasonably expected they would celebrate a deal together. That would have been an important milestone.

Even if Zelensky now comes back, the agreement won’t have the impact it should have. The moment is gone forever.

Zelenskyy’s antics will cost lives.
I’ve frequently called Trump petty.. Calling Zelenskyy a dictator was petty.

Nothing that happened during the meeting was petty. It was deadly serious. Zelenskyy showed up knowing he would not agree. Trump very reasonably expected they would celebrate a deal together. That would have been an important milestone.

Even if Zelensky now comes back, the agreement won’t have the impact it should have. The moment is gone forever.

Zelenskyy’s antics will cost lives.
If Zelenskyy said he was rejecting the deal in that meeting I missed it and haven't found it. He said before and after the meeting that he intended to sign it. I'm not confident that it's true that he rejected it at any point in that meeting. I've only seen that in a couple posts here and from MAGA Twitter Twits.

The bolded part is nonsense and a bit embarrassing given that congressional MAGAs delayed military aid for six months (that cost lives) and President Trump just paused already approved military aid and that will cost lives too.
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I’ve frequently called Trump petty.. Calling Zelenskyy a dictator was petty.

Nothing that happened during the meeting was petty. It was deadly serious. Zelenskyy showed up knowing he would not agree. Trump very reasonably expected they would celebrate a deal together. That would have been an important milestone.

Even if Zelensky now comes back, the agreement won’t have the impact it should have. The moment is gone forever.

Zelenskyy’s antics will cost lives.

How great of a negotiator is Trump if was going to celebrate a deal in front of cameras that hadn't been signed yet?
A lot of reasons for our presence in the Indo-Pacific it’s not solely to defend Taiwan, which we don’t even officially recognize.

Please, beyond China and NK, what are those reasons?

We shifted recognition for geopolitical reasons and because of economic reality. All the while, we still sell Taiwan billions in equipment and run exercises with their military.
You all voted for this.. Good luck.
Trump did not enable the start of the war (Sleepy Joe did), but Trump will clean it up. Zelensky was not ready for peace a week ago (after talking to dem Chris Murphy) but now is. This is what big boy diplomacy looks like. So Biden enables Putin to start the war but then dems complain about method in how Trump ends it. Typical.
Please, beyond China and NK, what are those reasons?
Guam is a territory. The Philippines has a mutual defense treaty. Japan and Korean installations are remnants of previous wars and also have treaties.

All of whom should be defended from Chinese predation.

You’ll notice that Taiwan is actually not any of these countries/ territories. It’s a different territory.
I’ve frequently called Trump petty.. Calling Zelenskyy a dictator was petty.

Nothing that happened during the meeting was petty. It was deadly serious. Zelenskyy showed up knowing he would not agree. Trump very reasonably expected they would celebrate a deal together. That would have been an important milestone.

Even if Zelensky now comes back, the agreement won’t have the impact it should have. The moment is gone forever.

Zelenskyy’s antics will cost lives.
Only gone is Ego Man’s glory and Vance’s credibility as a leader.

Petty is Ego Man pausing arms deliveries except that pettiness will cost lives.
Guam is a territory. The Philippines has a mutual defense treaty. Japan and Korean installations are remnants of previous wars and also have treaties.

All of whom should be defended from Chinese predation.

You’ll notice that Taiwan is actually not any of these countries/ territories. It’s a different territory.

You are 2/3s right. We put all those people and assets in Asia to defend Guam, the Phillipines, and Taiwan from China. Plus Japan, SK, Australia, New Zealand etc al. That list likely includes Vietnam now or soon will.

Not sure why you insist on dying on this hill. The world system as dictated by the US is based defending friends when possible.

Keep in mind, we didn’t have a security deal with Kuwait when the Iraqis rolled in.
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You are 2/3s right. We put all those people and assets in Asia to defend Guam, the Phillipines, and Taiwan from China. Plus Japan, SK, Australia, New Zealand etc al. That list likely includes Vietnam now or soon will.

Not sure why you insist on dying on this hill. The world system as dictated by the US is based defending friends when possible.

Keep in mind, we didn’t have a security deal with Kuwait when the Iraqis rolled in.
I’m not dying on any hill. I’m saying we shouldn’t go to war over Taiwan and that we likely wouldn’t.

You’re the one with the war boner who still thinks we live in a unipolar world.
Trump did not enable the start of the war (Sleepy Joe did), but Trump will clean it up. Zelensky was not ready for peace a week ago (after talking to dem Chris Murphy) but now is. This is what big boy diplomacy looks like. So Biden enables Putin to start the war but then dems complain about method in how Trump ends it. Typical.
Oh ok.

"Biden enables Putin"

"Big boy diplomacy" is giving Putin exactly what he wants? Wow. Look at the balls on this administration.
Oh ok.

"Biden enables Putin"

"Big boy diplomacy" is giving Putin exactly what he wants? Wow. Look at the balls on this administration.
You're seeing people with cognitive dissonance due to Trump's ongoing failure respond by making the failure all the fault of Biden and Z. It's simply easier for them to shift the blame than it is to admit they were wrong about Trump.
Our official position has never been that we would militarily defend Taiwan.
Every President since Reagan, except Trump, has said we will defend Taiwan. President Trump, always the outlier, hasn’t said we will or won’t.

In the meantime INDOPACOM continues to prepare to defend Taiwan if necessary, continues to send US Navy warships on Freedom of Navigation transits through the Strait of Taiwan which the PRC falsely claims as territorial waters, continues to patrol the South China Sea which the PRC falsely claims is their sea, and continually surveil the PRC for unusual military activity. Our military also conducts defense of Taiwan exercises with Taiwan’s military. The PRC is convinced we will defend Taiwan. If President Trump ever says we won’t it sets the stage for war.

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