How hard were you laughing as you wrote that.Our post WWII policy created the Cold War. A very expensive military stand-off. That began to crumble as the institutions we help build included third-world tin-horns in decision- making rolls and also of course with the Soviet break-up and Eastern Block disintegration.
Do you really want to restart a 21st Cenutury version of the Cold War?
Trump sees a world not based on military “security agreements” but one based on business and commerce where nations and institutions see the folly of military confrontations.
Trump has discussed using the military in Greenland, Mexico, Panama, Gaza. How often do business and commerce discuss forcibly annexing areas by military force or using military force to eliminate gangs or force passage of ships at favorable rates?
Siding with Putin is hardly a "business and commerce" exception as Putin in no way tried to buy or legally obtain the land he wants. He used military. Siding with Putin will encourage military solutions. not deter them.
The military alliance system was designed to create a huge area of the world free from conflict as conflict is bad for business. Free from conflict and consistent rule of law allow business to thrive and have been the idea of the US since WW2. It did allow American business and culture to embed itself across the world. You can go to McDonands in a whole lot of the world, buy a coke in a whole lot of the world, buy Nikes.
Trump is not advocating that system. He doesn't care about a consistent rule of law, and he doesn't really care about military conflict. He just wants to be seen on the side of the winner as he wants that winning image to reflect on him. So yep, if China looked like they were going to take Taiwan, Trump would gladly side with China. No doubt. Much as he appears to be doing in Ukraine.