Trump slurring words, lies

Ukraine was invaded by Russia. Just because putin and Trump are buddies doesn't make that ok.

And I didn't say not to help Israel at all but we have been propping them up for decades. They should be more capable of dealing with hamas compared to Ukraine dealing with a much a enemy
Invaded under Biden, because Putin knows Biden is weak.
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Because masks don’t work stupid.
Talk about stupid...

Must be a coincidence that in the period between the end of the first wave (June 1, 2020) to the time when the vacine became readily available (Dec 2020) states with a mask mandate and higher compliance had a 30% lower death rate/ per 1000 than states with low compliance and no mask mandate...

"We see–in flat contradiction to Stephens’ assertion–that states without mask mandates (where 65.7% reported wearing masks) have an approximately 30% higher death rates than states with mandates, where 75.1% reported wearing masks (87.7 deaths per 100,000 vs. 67.4 per 100,000 in states with mask mandates)".

Why do you think that is, since masks don't work?

" The 11 states that had no mask mandates during the period under investigation are: Arizona, South Dakota, Idaho, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, and Alaska."
Two of those states (AZ and GA) voted for Biden, but both were controlled by GOP Governors and Legislatures. In fact every single one of the states involved had GOP Governors and were controlled by GOP Legislatures.

There is no established definitive causation between the death rates and mask mandates. But there definitely is a correlation...
Talk about stupid...

Must be a coincidence that in the period between the end of the first wave (June 1, 2020) to the time when the vacine became readily available (Dec 2020) states with a mask mandate and higher compliance had a 30% lower death rate/ per 1000 than states with low compliance and no mask mandate...

"We see–in flat contradiction to Stephens’ assertion–that states without mask mandates (where 65.7% reported wearing masks) have an approximately 30% higher death rates than states with mandates, where 75.1% reported wearing masks (87.7 deaths per 100,000 vs. 67.4 per 100,000 in states with mask mandates)".

Why do you think that is, since masks don't work?

" The 11 states that had no mask mandates during the period under investigation are: Arizona, South Dakota, Idaho, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, and Alaska."
Two of those states (AZ and GA) voted for Biden, but both were controlled by GOP Governors and Legislatures. In fact every single one of the states involved had GOP Governors and were controlled by GOP Legislatures.

There is no established definitive causation between the death rates and mask mandates. But there definitely is a correlation...

He thinks because it didn't stop covid completely then it doesn't work at all.

His propaganda told him to stick his head in the sand and he happily complied.
He thinks because it didn't stop covid completely then it doesn't work at all.

His propaganda told him to stick his head in the sand and he happily complied.

He thinks because it didn't stop covid completely then it doesn't work at all.

His propaganda told him to stick his head in the sand and he happily complied.
You realize the masks were literally propaganda. The gov by and through fauci admitted as much.

Now were they of some benefit. I’m sure. But they were propaganda

You fell for your propaganda feed again
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You realize the masks were literally propaganda. The gov by and through fauci admitted as much.

Now were they of some benefit. I’m sure. But they were propaganda

You fell for your propaganda feed again
They were compliance flair.

This is basically a shitshow thread so I might as well drop this here...and it is kind of apropos to go here given the discussion saying that voting for a bad person makes you a bad person by extension....

Ashley Biden's diary has been confirmed and it did contain comments about "probably inappropriate" showers with her child hair sniffing, weirdo Dad.

So how should I view people who voted for this dude?
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They were compliance flair.

This is basically a shitshow thread so I might as well drop this here...and it is kind of apropos to go here given the discussion saying that voting for a bad person makes you a bad person by extension....

Ashley Biden's diary has been confirmed and it did contain comments about "probably inappropriate" showers with her child hair sniffing, weirdo Dad.

So how should I view people who voted for this dude?
I’m a Ph.D equivalent in psychology from the warrior and the blacademic and so many others on the gram. There’s no difference between trump and Biden when you dig in. The difference is that trump evokes an almost visceral hatred from people that colors their perception. Add in a dose of partisanship and you see how things get overlooked. Trump is also a big mouth and a narcissist and doesn’t have the legacy media behind him as well.

But the posters acting like Biden with his serial lying about matters material to all of us is less than trump is silly
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You can see the massive inflation spike after bills were stayed and the buffet opened. That’s when prices soared. Too much instant cash chasing too few goods. And most importantly that is agenda for Biden progressives. Not a Covid fix
I believe there was a lag in the impact on pricing for many segments because of the crush of demand from Covid. Many of the industries and sectors have prices baked in for extended periods of time, so a sudden, enormous increase in demand that saps supply, doesn't immediately kick off wide spread inflation. It varies per industry, sector, commodity...with many of them working off set pricing for extended periods of time.

Long way of saying the full impacts of Covid, on inflation, weren't fully felt until well after Covid was "over", which was well after Biden was in office, and after the free money programs you mentioned were introduced.

As I've said numerous times now though, Biden's free money programs were like pouring gasoline on an already well established it relates to inflation.
He thinks because it didn't stop covid completely then it doesn't work at all.

His propaganda told him to stick his head in the sand and he happily complied.
How many boosters have you had?
They were compliance flair.

This is basically a shitshow thread so I might as well drop this here...and it is kind of apropos to go here given the discussion saying that voting for a bad person makes you a bad person by extension....

Ashley Biden's diary has been confirmed and it did contain comments about "probably inappropriate" showers with her child hair sniffing, weirdo Dad.

So how should I view people who voted for this dude?
We know Trump isn't at all morally superior to Biden. Character isn't a winning issue for either of them.
You realize the masks were literally propaganda. The gov by and through fauci admitted as much.

Now were they of some benefit. I’m sure. But they were propaganda

You fell for your propaganda feed again
Concur that they provided some benefit. It's only common sense that they'd help some with a virus transmitted from person to person by respiratory fluids or aerosol (through the air). It's silly to claim they were/are totally useless. However, like most of the actions during COVID the mandates were excessive. I was a fan of the Great Barrington Declaration approach and believe in hindsight it's even more clear that it was the way to go.

What's equally excessive is for people to get upset about seeing someone wearing a mask. If they feel they're sick and want to protect others from getting sick, more power to them. It should be considered admirable, not ridiculous. Anyone that has spent time in Asia knows that this is a common practice. It's considered polite and considerate. That's becoming the norm here. Getting stupid about it and ridiculing those that choose to wear a mask only reflects poorly on those doing the ridiculing. It makes them look ignorant and petty. That mask on another person is doing no harm to them. Ignore it and move along.

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They were compliance flair.

This is basically a shitshow thread so I might as well drop this here...and it is kind of apropos to go here given the discussion saying that voting for a bad person makes you a bad person by extension....

Ashley Biden's diary has been confirmed and it did contain comments about "probably inappropriate" showers with her child hair sniffing, weirdo Dad.

So how should I view people who voted for this dude?
Gave that its own thread yesterday, it was taken down and I was told no pedo sh!t. I throw my arms up at this point.
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He has done the transgender message on the same day every year. It had nothing to do with Easter ending up falling on that day.

In fact, Transgender Day of Visibility has been March 31st since back in 2010. WELL BEFORE BIDEN BECAME PRESIDENT.

Quit being so sensitive.
Are you saying the President didn't know Easter was on that date this yr? Why couldn't he change it to the day before or the day after? He had to know it would offend Christians across the world.
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Are you saying the President didn't know Easter was on that date this yr? Why couldn't he change it to the day before or the day after? He had to know it would offend Christians across the world.

No, I said he didn't choose that day. And whoever did choose that day 14 years ago didn't choose it because easter might fall on the same day once every blue moon.

Any Christians offended by it are overreacting pussies. Wish I had the carefree awesome life where I had to actually search for ridiculous things to be offended by.
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If you are ever in Elkhart go to Bill's BBQ. I was visiting a parishioner in the hospital in town and ate lunch there. It was very good. The restaurant was full and there was not one woman in the place. We all let our guts hang out. It was great! lol
Bill had his first set up at an abandoned gas station on Indiana and Franklin. Started in the late 80s. I was frequent visitor and got to know Bill. I was one of the only white people he had as a regular. Elkhart in the 80s was pretty racist.

He still alive?
Concur that they provided some benefit. It's only common sense that they'd help some with a virus transmitted from person to person by respiratory fluids or aerosol (through the air). It's silly to claim they were/are totally useless. However, like most of the actions during COVID the mandates were excessive. I was a fan of the Great Barrington Declaration approach and believe in hindsight it's even more clear that it was the way to go.

What's equally excessive is for people to get upset about seeing someone wearing a mask. If they feel they're sick and want to protect others from getting sick, more power to them. It should be considered admirable, not ridiculous. Anyone that has spent time in Asia knows that this is a common practice. It's considered polite and considerate. That's becoming the norm here. Getting stupid about it and ridiculing those that choose to wear a mask only reflects poorly on those doing the ridiculing. It makes them look ignorant and petty. That mask on another person is doing to them. Ignore it and move along.

Bill had his first set up at an abandoned gas station on Indiana and Franklin. Started in the late 80s. I was frequent visitor and got to know Bill. I was one of the only white people he had as a regular. Elkhart in the 80s was pretty racist.

He still alive?
I believe his family runs the business, but I don't know if he is still with us.
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Invaded under Biden, because Putin knows Biden is weak.
Yeah Biden is so weak that Putin engineered a plot to try and sabotage his chances to win in 2020...Remember that DF-1023 that you thought was so real and so damaging to Biden? You fell for Putin's false narrative hook,line and sinker...

You want to know why Wray,Barr and the rest of Trump's FBI were reluctant to trust Smirnov and his DF-1023 when he filed it in May/June 2020? Hopefully I'm not giving you too much credit here...

"Smirnov is accused of falsely claiming to the FBI that executives of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma admitted to him in 2015 and 2016 that they hired Hunter Biden to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems." Hunter Biden was a Burisma board member.

Smirnov made the claim to investigators in June 2020 when Joe Biden was a presidential candidate. U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia sought to help Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, Biden's opponent in 2020, in that election and in 2016."

Now where do you think Smirnov with his long time links to Russian intelligence got the story he told about Joe/Burisma? The DF-1023 he filed that claimed Joe was paid $5 Million to fire Shokin, which btw you repeatedly claimed ad nauseum? It was an attempt to embarras Biden and Ukraine. And I wonder who had something to gain by embarrassing both Biden and Ukraine?

But yeah, Putin was "afraid" of Trump...
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Donald Trump Puppy GIF by Creative Courage
Are you saying the President didn't know Easter was on that date this yr? Why couldn't he change it to the day before or the day after? He had to know it would offend Christians across the world.
Seriously? You think your holiday should take precedence over the event that had been on the SAME date for 14 yrs? Entitled much?

Do you ever stop showing your ignorance? Trans visibility day is celebarted every March 31 and Easter revolves based on Lent. So all 4 yrs of Trump's Presidency TDOV was held on March 31, just like this year. And last year and every year since 2010...

Why exactly do you think that a special fixed day should be transformed into a floating day just to accomodate you? You think you're more important and should take priority over a day trans CITIZENS use to celebrate themselves? How about we just say everybody's equal, and you have no more rights than any other single person?

I don't remember which date Easter is from year to year, but I'd be willing to bet it didn't fall on March 31 in 2010. You must think that the organizers should have anticipated all of the MAGA whining which would occur 24 yrs later when Easter also fell on March 31?

All of the whining is coming from the Right. I'm not aware of anyone in the LGBTQ community being upset at you taking their holiday in a one off this year. But of course you have to make yourself the victim...

"Every year, Trans Day of Visibility is recognized on March 31. In 2024, Easter falls on the same date. Reflecting on this overlap, the United Church of Christ’s Minister for Gender and Sexuality Justice Ministries, Rachael Ward, offers a commentary on the significance of Easter this year for LGBTQ+ people — and trans and non-binary people in particular. "
My article (which you obviously didn't read) is the scientific response to the opinion piece you linked. They pointed out that Stephens did not base his opinion on actual statistical analysis, and you just did the same thing...

Again a 30% higher death per/1000 rate pre-vacine among states with no mask mandate and lower mask usage. Are you saying that's a coincidence?
Seriously? You think your holiday should take precedence over the event that had been on the SAME date for 14 yrs? Entitled much?
I’ll give you a straight answer. Yes. Easter should take precedence over “transgender day of visibility”.

TDOV should be axed because it’s a celebration of mental illness. But if you’re not going to axe it, at least move it so it never conflicts with Easter.
Really! How about the ****ing idiot in office now that can’t read a teleprompter, or sides Hamas against Israel. Thinks what’s going on at universities is ok and all the other bullshit that senile **** has caused. His border policies are a ****ing joke. His bullshit of holding weapons that Israel has already paid for is the same shit that the Dems impeached Trump for. I guess when you’re a ****ing rat Democrat you can do wtf you want. Take your bullshit and flush it down the toilet along with that head of your because you’re a clueless ****.

Next time, dazzle us with something brilliant and new. You sound like Jesse Watters' auto-post.
No, I said he didn't choose that day. And whoever did choose that day 14 years ago didn't choose it because easter might fall on the same day once every blue moon.

Any Christians offended by it are overreacting pussies. Wish I had the carefree awesome life where I had to actually search for ridiculous things to be offended by.
It's a stupid talking point that MAGA's been pushing since late March.

Correct, Biden has/had nothing to do with scheduling the trans day observance.

I'm a practicing Christian and Easter is obviously a huge day in our faith (and in house), but I can readily admit that there's nothing divine or even spiritual about the scheduling of Easter each year. It's a lunar thing. It's always set for the first Sunday following the first full moon of Spring. Doubtful that the MAGA morons know that.
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Yeah Biden is so weak that Putin engineered a plot to try and sabotage his chances to win in 2020...Remember that DF-1023 that you thought was so real and so damaging to Biden? You fell for Putin's false narrative hook,line and sinker...

You want to know why Wray,Barr and the rest of Trump's FBI were reluctant to trust Smirnov and his DF-1023 when he filed it in May/June 2020? Hopefully I'm not giving you too much credit here...

"Smirnov is accused of falsely claiming to the FBI that executives of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma admitted to him in 2015 and 2016 that they hired Hunter Biden to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems." Hunter Biden was a Burisma board member.

Smirnov made the claim to investigators in June 2020 when Joe Biden was a presidential candidate. U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia sought to help Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, Biden's opponent in 2020, in that election and in 2016."

Now where do you think Smirnov with his long time links to Russian intelligence got the story he told about Joe/Burisma? The DF-1023 he filed that claimed Joe was paid $5 Million to fire Shokin, which btw you repeatedly claimed ad nauseum? It was an attempt to embarras Biden and Ukraine. And I wonder who had something to gain by embarrassing both Biden and Ukraine?

But yeah, Putin was "afraid" of Trump...
So, Putin got Trump elected in 2016 and then got him beat in 2020.... make up your mind.

And he never even came close to invading Ukraine, which Trump armed and trained, after Obama/Biden sent blankets after Putin's 2014 invasion of Crimea. But less than a year after Biden is elected, Putin started massing on the Ukrainian border.

Yeah, clearly he had nothing to do with Trump's campaign and did not want to test him on Ukraine. Anyone who thinks differently is a partisan boob.

Talk to the FBI about their informer they paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to previously and who they considered a valuable asset. I mean, he's no Christopher Steele, who authored the fake Steele Dossier, which Hillary paid for - but, of course, she wasn't charged with interfering in an election.....

You people have chutzpah, if nothing else.
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So, Putin got Trump elected in 2016 and then got him beat in 2020.... make up your mind.

And he never even came close to invading Ukraine, which Trump armed and trained, after Obama/Biden sent blankets after Putin's 2014 invasion of Crimea. But less than a year after Biden is elected, Putin started massing on the Ukrainian border.

Yeah, clearly he had nothing to do with Trump's campaign and did not want to test him on Ukraine. Anyone who thinks differently is a partisan boob.

Talk to the FBI about their informer they paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to previously and who they considered a valuable asset. I mean, he's no Christopher Steele, who authored the fake Steele Dossier, which Hillary paid for - but, of course, she wasn't charged with interfering in an election.....

You people have chutzpah, if nothing else.
You're impossible to debate because things just go completely over your head. The same guy that you were touting as being a "trusted agent" because you thought he had the goods on Joe Biden over an alleged bribe, has basically admitted that he made the whole thing up with assistance from Russian Intelligence. Btw, about 6 months or so ago similar events occurred when the people in Ukraine who had pushed the Biden corruption narrative were tied to Russian Intelligence and charged with treason.

Yet all we heard from you for the past year was that Burisma had bribed Joe Biden and that Comer Pyle had the goods, because a "trusted FBI agent" had filed a DF-1023. In fact MAGA basically compelled the FBI to release the 1023, because they thought it "proved" Burisma had paid Joe Biden $5 Million to get Shokin fired. You were the biggest Comer cheerleader on this board, which means you're as big an idiot as he is...

In my earlier post, I tried to give you enough credit to figure out on your own why Barr,Wray and basically the whole FBI/DOJ were skeptical of the DF-1023 in the first place. Why they thought it was likely a Russian plot. But apparently even when I underlined the key FACTS in red, it still went over your head. So I guess I have to spell it out for you...

Smirnov contacted his FBI handler in spring (May) of 2020 with claims that Biden had been bribed by Burisma. He said he knew this because in 2015-16 he (Smirnov) had attended a meeting with Burisma officials where they disclosed that info. In summary Smirnov said he learned that in 2015-16.

The major red flag was that it was now 2020, 5 years AFTER the time Smirnov says he found about the bribe. Maybe you don't understand, but this was not the first time Smirnov had communicated with his handler since 2016. In fact the only time over the past 5 yrs while in REGULAR COMMUNICATION with his handler that Smirnov even mentioned Burisma, was a 2017 call in which he casually mentioned that Hunter Biden was on the Burisma board, and was the son of the FORMER VP.

See the FBI (and most normal people) would think it strange that Smirnov claimed to have been at a 2015 meeting where he was told about the "bribe", yet in all those following years he NEVER told the FBI. It was 5 yrs later before he told the FBI of this supposed meeting, about the time Joe Biden became the clear frontrunner for the Dem nomination...That was red flag #1...

The FBI also knew that Smirnov had extensive contacts with Russian intelligence, because he had bragged about it. In that capacity the FBI had used Smirnov to deliver false intelligence to the Russians- they knew he was basically a double agent. He made his living by selling info, they were aware of all that.

But they never believed the 2016 meeting took place. Those are the reasons Barr and Wray suspected the whole "Burisma story" was Russian disinformation.Smirnov even made comments about Hunter's laptop, which Rudy had been told in 2018 the contents had been hacked by GRU agents. So there was not enough evidence to prove Smirnov had made it all up, but the FBI and DOJ believing the DF-1023 was fake had basically kept it under wraps...

And now in his pretrial questioning Smirnov has basically admitted he was working with Russian Intelligence on that story all along. Which comes back to my point that it's stupid to say Putin felt Biden was "weak", when Putin basically masterminded the whole Burisma lie in hopes of hurting Biden's campaign in 2020. Putin did NOT want Biden to win the election and tried to sabotage those efforts.

And Smirnov has admitted to meeting with Russian agents and assasins as recently as Nov 2023 in what the FBI fears is an attempt to influence the 2024 elections. That's why Smirnov was arrested at the LV airport and why the DOJ considered him a flight risk. He's never denied his Russian contacts, and has met with them periodically ever since he filed that original DF-1023.

You were wrong all along about the whole Burisma lie. I provided documented evidence repeatedly of the facts that debunked the whole "theory". But you coninually fell back on the "trusted agent" "DF-1023" nonsense, even though I told you that both Barr and Wray were suspicious of the "trusted agent's" claims since the very start.

Now that that "trusted agent" has basically admitted that he fabricated the whole "bribery" claim as part of a Russian plot you're left with egg on your face.I tried to educate you on a subject you repeatedly made false claims about and really knew nothing about. But you're too stubborn...

So I'm telling you now, be prepared for more relevations about the content of "Hunter's laptop", emerging from Smirnov's trial. Or possibly more likely, his plea deal...
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You're impossible to debate because things just go completely over your head. The same guy that you were touting as being a "trusted agent" because you thought he had the goods on Joe Biden over an alleged bribe, has basically admitted that he made the whole thing up with assistance from Russian Intelligence. Btw, about 6 months or so ago similar events occurred when the people in Ukraine who had pushed the Biden corruption narrative were tied to Russian Intelligence and charged with treason.

Yet all we heard from you for the past year was that Burisma had bribed Joe Biden and that Comer Pyle had the goods, because a "trusted FBI agent" had filed a DF-1023. In fact MAGA basically compelled the FBI to release the 1023, because they thought it "proved" Burisma had paid Joe Biden $5 Million to get Shokin fired. You were the biggest Comer cheerleader on this board, which means you're as big an idiot as he is...

In my earlier post, I tried to give you enough credit to figure out on your own why Barr,Wray and basically the whole FBI/DOJ were skeptical of the DF-1023 in the first place. Why they thought it was likely a Russian plot. But apparently even when I underlined the key FACTS in red, it still went over your head. So I guess I have to spell it out for you...

Smirnov contacted his FBI handler in spring (May) of 2020 with claims that Biden had been bribed by Burisma. He said he knew this because in 2015-16 he (Smirnov) had attended a meeting with Burisma officials where they disclosed that info. In summary Smirnov said he learned that in 2015-16.

The major red flag was that it was now 2020, 5 years AFTER the time Smirnov says he found about the bribe. Maybe you don't understand, but this was not the first time Smirnov had communicated with his handler since 2016. In fact the only time over the past 5 yrs while in REGULAR COMMUNICATION with his handler that Smirnov even mentioned Burisma, was a 2017 call in which he casually mentioned that Hunter Biden was on the Burisma board, and was the son of the FORMER VP.

See the FBI (and most normal people) would think it strange that Smirnov claimed to have been at a 2015 meeting where he was told about the "bribe", yet in all those following years he NEVER told the FBI. It was 5 yrs later before he told the FBI of this supposed meeting, about the time Joe Biden became the clear frontrunner for the Dem nomination...That was red flag #1...

The FBI also knew that Smirnov had extensive contacts with Russian intelligence, because he had bragged about it. In that capacity the FBI had used Smirnov to deliver false intelligence to the Russians- they knew he was basically a double agent. He made his living by selling info, they were aware of all that.

But they never believed the 2016 meeting took place. Those are the reasons Barr and Wray suspected the whole "Burisma story" was Russian disinformation.Smirnov even made comments about Hunter's laptop, which Rudy had been told in 2018 the contents had been hacked by GRU agents. So there was not enough evidence to prove Smirnov had made it all up, but the FBI and DOJ believing the DF-1023 was fake had basically kept it under wraps...

And now in his pretrial questioning Smirnov has basically admitted he was working with Russian Intelligence on that story all along. Which comes back to my point that it's stupid to say Putin felt Biden was "weak", when Putin basically masterminded the whole Burisma lie in hopes of hurting Biden's campaign in 2020. Putin did NOT want Biden to win the election and tried to sabotage those efforts.

And Smirnov has admitted to meeting with Russian agents and assasins as recently as Nov 2023 in what the FBI fears is an attempt to influence the 2024 elections. That's why Smirnov was arrested at the LV airport and why the DOJ considered him a flight risk. He's never denied his Russian contacts, and has met with them periodically ever since he filed that original DF-1023.

You were wrong all along about the whole Burisma lie. I provided documented evidence repeatedly of the facts that debunked the whole "theory". But you coninually fell back on the "trusted agent" "DF-1023" nonsense, even though I told you that both Barr and Wray were suspicious of the "trusted agent's" claims since the very start.

Now that that "trusted agent" has basically admitted that he fabricated the whole "bribery" claim as part of a Russian plot you're left with egg on your face.I tried to educate you on a subject you repeatedly made false claims about and really knew nothing about. But you're too stubborn...

So I'm telling you now, be prepared for more relevations about the content of "Hunter's laptop", emerging from Smirnov's trial. Or possibly more likely, his plea deal...
You can write all the gibberish you want. The FBI believed this guy. And Joe threatened to fire the guy who was investigating Burisma. Those are facts.

I'm not really interested in anyone who can only spout speculation from leftist sources.

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