The lawsuits either lacked merit or were brought out of time or at the wrong time. so they were dismissed. like 50 of em joe. in state and federal courts. That’s a lot of shoppin. largely bc they failed to adequately state a cause of action. you can't plead in broad generalities. the elements of a cause of action must be detailed in a complaint. and those claims must be supported by facts, the law, and a conclusion that flows from the application of the law to those facts.We agree, on 50% of things.
WAY WAY WAY to much smoke and obstruction on your first point though. Why would anyone obstruct an audit that could totally prove they were effective or capable and are totally vindicated of any (un)intentional wrong doing? Why?
I could understand being totally obstinate to anyone questioning "your" ability/ character/ effectiveness, but in this particular environment, is a total dis-qualifier for those who WE place in positions of public power. .. i.e. SWAMP SLIME.
There's more to this.
in these 50 cases they were filed after the fact, challenging issues that should have been raised prior to the election, or predicated on goofy "evidence." these weren't dismissed with leave to amend for pleading infirmities; they were dismissed because they were meritless - or the affidavits attached as "support" were on their face comical.
the election wasn't stolen bud. 50 cases is a lot of chances to find at least one, drunk, sympathetic judge to hear it - tho not even a drunk biased judge would order the relief prayed for
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