Trump at Arlington National yesterday.

Yeah, and NBC, CNN, and WaPo settled with Nick Sandmann, a teenage kid they defamed after the Lincoln Memorial demonstration.

It’s crazy to me that people think there is any difference between the major networks. They’re all hideously biased in one direction or the other.
The major networks/legacy media is wayyyy left at this point.
And add PBS to the list of those to be defunded.

Say it with me people. No state sponsored media.
In both cases only about 10% of their funding comes from the federal government. And neither is intended to be a solely a news media outlet. I don't think we should stop funding. It's a great outlet for people who don't have access to Hollywood or big time media outlets. So many awesome works have come from both that would never see the light of day otherwise.

I do think that the governing bodies of both should do their best to keep things apolitical.
In both cases only about 10% of their funding comes from the federal government. And neither is intended to be a solely a news media outlet. I don't think we should stop funding. It's a great outlet for people who don't have access to Hollywood or big time media outlets. So many awesome works have come from both that would never see the light of day otherwise.

I do think that the governing bodies of both should do their best to keep things apolitical.
You’re telling me Ken Burns couldn’t get his Docs picked up by Netflix? We need PBS? Mister Rogers and Sesame Street couldn’t have ran on any other network? Maybe in the network television era you would’ve had a point, but they’ve outgrown their usefulness in the post-network era.
I have no idea
You really didn't even need to post that for us to read.
We all, kinda already know that. Wait, how many times do you go back and re-read your own post.? AWWW you print your post out and read them to your neighbors, don't you.
You are like Ted on Airplane talking, making people suicide themselves.
You’re telling me Ken Burns couldn’t get his Docs picked up by Netflix? We need PBS? Mister Rogers and Sesame Street couldn’t have ran on any other network? Maybe in the network television era you would’ve had a point, but they’ve outgrown their usefulness in the post-network era.
I actually thought about that after I posted and I that makes sense. However NPR and PBS are also not supposed to have any corporate bias. Funded by donations from people like you and me.

It is antiquated. I agree there.
I imagine it was more of a disapproval with the way the withdrawal was handled being expressed by the families.
The entire fact that you had to type that out, is so very sad. Minimal human brain power, understands this. It is also very evidentiary of the mentality of those who are currently on the left. (It was a major F U to dem leadership).
That did not happen because it wasn’t an official military or Arlington event. Of course he wasn’t invited because of what “what our nation’s bravest” (weird use of quotes there) think of him. You either made that up yourself or listened to an idiot that made it up. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again because it’s true, and a MilTimes poll confirms it, Trump was the least popular of all Republican Presidents since 1980.
Hang in their DNC, Under Aloha is here to save the day.

Urban Dictionary: White Knight

Usually a man who puts himself in someone else’s business to stick up for a girl, even if she’s wrong or has done something wrong.
You really didn't even need to post that for us to read.
We all, kinda already know that. Wait, how many times do you go back and re-read your own post.? AWWW you print your post out and read them to your neighbors, don't you.
You are like Ted on Airplane talking, making people suicide themselves.
You really didn't even need to post that for us to read.
We all, kinda already know that. Wait, how many times do you go back and re-read your own post.? AWWW you print your post out and read them to your neighbors, don't you.
You are like Ted on Airplane talking, making people suicide themselves.
What the eff are you talking about? Seriously, I call this gibberish, but that would be an insult to all the gibberish that’s ever been posted here.

Maybe you should ask a friend to read what you write before you hit ‘post reply’
Prove it and go away. You said it, just how sorry are you? Or just more BS fainting couch stuff? t
Yeah, you caught me. I was saying sorry facetiously. Most everyone else probably already got that, but I’m not mad about having to explain it to you. It’s sure of is what it is I guess…
If it was to commemorate the 13 that were killed at Abbey Gate it's obvious why they weren't invited. Biden/ Harris decisions got them killed and they've behaved abhorrently in the aftermath. Going as far as to say "No soldiers have died on my watch" and check your watch as caskets are offloaded at Dover.

Chicago Fire, the loss of 13 military members in the poorly executed withdrawal from Afghanistan as the underrated Taliban swarmed the airbase was definitely a bad day for the Biden administration.

Cannot blame Trump for going to Arlington as the families of the 13 killed have gone on record as being unhappy with the way Biden dealt with their loss.
Grandpa Joe wasn’t doddering around drooling on the tombstones because he wasn’t invited.

It says a lot about what “our nations bravest” think of Joe that they invited Trump and not him.

Trump can do anything he wants, because Hoopsdoc deflects to criticize Joe Biden.

It's OK, Hoops. Don't feel poorly. What you tried to do is the only way anyone can "defend" Trump. You can't "defend" him any other way.
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You’re telling me Ken Burns couldn’t get his Docs picked up by Netflix? We need PBS? Mister Rogers and Sesame Street couldn’t have ran on any other network? Maybe in the network television era you would’ve had a point, but they’ve outgrown their usefulness in the post-network era.
Should have been "couldn't have run."

Don't claim you're thinking at a college level when you can't even write at an eighth grade level.
This tranny shit has gotten out of hand.
A couple of posters are destroying this forum. There are escalating personal attacks and new lows every day. One guy this morning (I don’t need to identify him; your first hunch as to his identity is likely the correct one) told another poster that the poster was mad because his “daughter’s c*ck is bigger than” the poster’s. This kind of disgusting content is making the WC unreadable.
A couple of posters are destroying this forum. There are escalating personal attacks and new lows every day. One guy this morning (I don’t need to identify him; your first hunch as to his identity is likely the correct one) told another poster that the poster was mad because his “daughter’s c*ck” is bigger than” the poster’s. This kind of disgusting content is making the WC unreadable.
why don't you check and see who posted first about people's kids. you ignore the first post because it's your team. stop being disingenuous. for once.
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The Minnesota National Guard told Fox News that Walz's unit was not given deployment orders to Iraq until July 2005 and he had put his retirement papers in five to seven months prior to his retirement in May 2005.

Do the math.

That means October- December 2004 he filed for retirement.
March 2005 he is notified of a two year window for possible deployment.
May 2005 his retirement is finalized
July 2005 his former unit is deployed.

He didn't ditch anything, unless he had some crazy psychic ability to know 7-9 months before deployment

He also quit teaching and coaching, so it wasn't just the NG he retired from. While DANC jr is correct that you can do both NG and run for office, it's also true that penty of people decide not to do because they don't think it's right to splt their time that way. Walz was running in a rural Red district that hadn't elected a Dem in close to 70 yrs. So he knew he had a major battle to win a seat...

Also he was determined to press for veterans issues in Congress, so he felt he owed it to his constituent to dedicate all his efforts to represent them...

It's a losing argument promoted by losers.They'll be whining for the next 4 yrs when Walz is doing great things as VP...
He also quit teaching and coaching, so it wasn't just the NG he retired from. While DANC jr is correct that you can do both NG and run for office, it's also true that penty of people decide not to do because they don't think it's right to splt their time that way. Walz was running in a rural Red district that hadn't elected a Dem in close to 70 yrs. So he knew he had a major battle to win a seat...

Also he was determined to press for veterans issues in Congress, so he felt he owed it to his constituent to dedicate all his efforts to represent them...

It's a losing argument promoted by losers.They'll be whining for the next 4 yrs when Walz is doing great things as VP...
No the coward took a leave of absence from teaching in March 2006, a full year after ruining from Iraq, in hopes of winning his congressional campaign. He won, but the job would’ve been awaiting him on his return had he lost.

Dishonest. Shill. Full of shit.
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Trump can do anything he wants, because Hoopsdoc deflects to criticize Joe Biden.

It's OK, Hoops. Don't feel poorly. What you tried to do is the only way anyone can "defend" Trump. You can't "defend" him any other way.
You don’t even make sense. Really, this response makes no sense at all.
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Taking pics, making vids, giving thumbs up....w our nation's bravest as a backdrop. Breaking rules, written and unwritten. Shame.

Get your new NFTs, fellas. They'll sell out quickly. My favs are the one of Trump dancing and the one where he's shooting a lightning bolt.
trump what a Ass-hole
No the coward took a leave of absence from teaching in March 2006, a full year after ruining from Iraq, in hopes of winning his congressional campaign. He won, but the job would’ve been awaiting him on his return had he lost.

Dishonest. Shill. Full of shit.
You must be talking about trump.
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I agree. Trump Devotion Syndrome is fascinating. It’ll be studied for decades as an amazing phenomenon in US history.
It will be pointed to as the event that put the US down a path of radical progressive policy implementation enabled by alleged “conservatives” that were easily manipulated by media convincing them Trump would single handedly take over the country & destroy it with mean tweets & babbling press conferences…
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Yeah, and NBC, CNN, and WaPo settled with Nick Sandmann, a teenage kid they defamed after the Lincoln Memorial demonstration.

It’s crazy to me that people think there is any difference between the major networks. They’re all hideously biased in one direction or the other.
I think those are wildly different scenarios. There wasn't proof that those networks were complicit in purposely misleading the public with misinformation. There were text messages, emails and other proof that Fox News brass and on-air personalities knew they were peddling BS.

There's also the issue of them being complicit in trying to help Trump overthrow a fair and legitimate election.
It will be pointed to as the event that put the US down a path of radical progressive policy implementation enabled by alleged “conservatives” that were easily manipulated by media convincing them Trump would single handedly take over the country & destroy it with mean tweets & babbling press conferences…
Nah. It’ll be about weak minded, low intellect, easily impressed, alleged “conservatives” who were convinced to support a deeply dishonest con artist who completely lacks the character, integrity and mental stability necessary for the office of President.

Your TDS is evident.

PS I’m not talking about everyone casting a vote for him - just those with TDS.
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Nah. It’ll be about weak minded, low intellect, easily impressed, alleged “conservatives” who were convinced to support a deeply dishonest con artist who completely lacks the character, integrity and mental stability necessary for the office of President.

Your TDS is evident.

PS I’m not talking about everyone casting a vote for him - just those with TDS.
You choose Progressivism, it’s ok, just own it…
Send in Vance to say there just happened to be a camera there. That should help all this blow over.
Do you think he remembers any of them? ANY?
So this video segment below includes the picture of Trump giving the thumbs up at the grave of one of the 13. Do what I did and freeze frame the pic to read the dates on the tombstone on the next grave over to the right (MSG Andrew Marckesano) which is also included in the picture. If you do, you'll notice that he wasn't one of the 13 killed in Aug of 2021, but rather that he died a year earlier in July 2020.

I'm not aware of Trump ever attending a memorial in his honor,and on first glance he would seem to be one of the 13 being honored. Maybe you can link to the photo of Trump honoring him in July 2023 on n the 3rd anniversary of his death.? Or better yet maybe you can link to a single instance of Trump attending a Memorial to any of the 65 military personnel that died during his term? For some reason Trump seems to have no problem "honoring" the 13 killed on Biden's watch, but has little regard for the 4x as many who died from 2017- 2020.

I wonder what Sgt Marckesano's family/loved ones ones think about Trump? Were they eager to invite him to any of the private memorials they held for their son, only to find that Trump had a previous engagement? Surely that must be the case for him and the 65 others, because (without checking) I feel pretty confidant in saying any pics of Trump honoring fallen military who died whie he was POTUS simply dont exist.

So I wonder what the Sgts family think about Trump. Since he died in July of 2020, I wonder if his death involved any of the 5000 Taliban fighters that Trump earlier ordered released? I know one thing, his family was not happy about their son's grave being included in Trump's polltical photo op...

All true. But, again, it's a matter of semantics.

If a politician is at an event and cameras are there, it's a political event. I'm sure there are some formal distinctions in law. But I'm just talking in practical terms.

If President Biden had gone there and acted precisely as we would expect presidents to act at such solemn still would've been a political event, even if it might not meet any formal definition of that, and even though he's no longer running for reelection.
That’s the problem cameras were not supposed to be there! Trump and his staff were told - he wanted it to be a political event.
Are you really not allowed to film in Arlington? I swear I saw people filming when I went. There are all sorts of videos online of Tomb guards chewing people out for being disrespectful. Presumably someone is filming those.