Trump at Arlington National yesterday.

Maybe because it’s not true?

Nobody knows if it's true -- at least, nobody here does. I seem to remember one of these alleged incidents, Gen. Kelly had accused Trump of saying something....and one of the people present when it supposedly happened was John Bolton. But Bolton denied Trump said what Kelly accused him of saying.

That seems kind of important -- because Bolton had already become a Trump critic at the time he denied it.

That said...we very much do know that Trump made a callous remark about John McCain. What was it "I like veterans who don't get captured" or some such bullshit? I was never the biggest fan of John McCain as a politician. And I understand Trump throwing crap back at McCain after McCain had been throwing crap at him. So I'm cool with him returning serve.

But could he have picked a more obnoxious way to do it? John McCain, the Naval officer, had more selfless courage in his pinky than Donald Trump has in his entire corpulent body.
I’m not sure what you’re babbling about but I used “our nations bravest” because that’s what UTFO used in the original post.
Hoops, he’s just a dedicated GOP conservative setting you straight. Disregard the fact that the victim’s families of fallen soldiers didn’t invite Biden’s incompetent dumbass (who most likely was at least partially responsible for their deaths) to their memorial. We don’t want the narrative to be Biden is an asshat. Nope, the narrative has to be but but but Trump is dumb.
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Grandpa Joe wasn’t doddering around drooling on the tombstones because he wasn’t invited.

It says a lot about what “our nations bravest” think of Joe that they invited Trump and not him.
Can you link to any of the Memorial services held for any of the 65 Military personnel killed during Trump's 4 years? Not to mention the millions that died of covid...
Hoops, he’s just a dedicated GOP conservative setting you straight. Disregard the fact that victim’s families of fallen soldiers didn’t invite Biden’s incompetent dumbass (who most likely was at least partially responsible for their deaths) to their memorial. We don’t want the narrative to be Biden is an asshat. Nope, the narrative has to be but but but Trump is dumb.
I think Aloha’s TDS is flaring. I’m sure it itches.

There’s really no way to criticize Trump here, unless you believe NPR’s “anonymous sources”. Lol.

It’s not like he can refuse the invitation. That would be more of a dick move than going.
Nobody knows if it's true -- at least, nobody here does. I seem to remember one of these alleged incidents, Gen. Kelly had accused Trump of saying something....and one of the people present when it supposedly happened was John Bolton. But Bolton denied Trump said what Kelly accused him of saying.

That seems kind of important -- because Bolton had already become a Trump critic at the time he denied it.

That said...we very much do know that Trump made a callous remark about John McCain. What was it "I like veterans who don't get captured" or some such bullshit? I was never the biggest fan of John McCain as a politician. And I understand Trump throwing crap back at McCain after McCain had been throwing crap at him. So I'm cool with him returning serve.

But could he have picked a more obnoxious way to do it? John McCain, the Naval officer, had more selfless courage in his pinky than Donald Trump has in his entire corpulent body.
If I remember correctly McCain had the opportunity to get out of the Hanoi Hilton early once it was discovered his father was an Admiral. He refused as he wouldn't abandon his fellow POW's. In modern parlance that's referred to as the "anti-Walz"
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I think Aloha’s TDS is flaring. I’m sure it itches.

There’s really no way to criticize Trump here, unless you believe NPR’s “anonymous sources”. Lol.

It’s not like he can refuse the invitation. That would be more of a dick move than going.
It’s insane.

Sequence of events:

A withdrawal from Afghanistan that was a major f#ck up that we all got to see. The entire World. Leads to the deaths of 13 soldiers while Biden is President.

Several years pass and they invite Trump to the memorial, most likely because they can’t stand Biden.

Anonymous source from NPR (partially government funded news sources) says something about Trump’s staffers being idiots.

Narrative becomes: Trump’s a dumbass. Instead of Biden’s a f#cking piece of shit partially responsible for the deaths of fallen soldiers who families can’t f#cking stand him.

All it took was an anonymous source. It’s incredible. NPR made the story about some f#cking staffers🤣 It’s why I call bullshit on Republicans ever being the dominant party unless they control a majority of the media touch points. It comes down to controlling the narrative.
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It’s insane.

Sequence of events:

A withdrawal from Afghanistan that was a major f#ck up that we all got to see. The entire World. Leads to the deaths of 13 soldiers while Biden is President.

Several years pass and they invite Trump to the memorial, most likely because they can’t stand Biden.

Anonymous source from NPR (partially government funded news sources) says something about Trump’s staffers being an idiot.

Narrative becomes: Trump’s a dumbass piece of shit. Instead of Biden’s a f#cking piece of shit partially responsible for the deaths of fallen soldiers who families can’t f#cking stand him.

All it took was an anonymous source 🤣It’s incredible. NPR made the story about some f#cking staffers. It’s why I call bullshit on Republicans ever being the dominant party unless they control a majority of the media touch points. It comes down to controlling the narrative.
What little Federal funding NPR still gets needs to be pulled. As well as funding for any of it's non-profit member stations.
It’s insane.

Sequence of events:

A withdrawal from Afghanistan that was a major f#ck up that we all got to see. The entire World. Leads to the deaths of 13 soldiers while Biden is President.

Several years pass and they invite Trump to the memorial, most likely because they can’t stand Biden.

Anonymous source from NPR (partially government funded news sources) says something about Trump’s staffers being idiots.

Narrative becomes: Trump’s a dumbass piece of shit. Instead of Biden’s a f#cking piece of shit partially responsible for the deaths of fallen soldiers who families can’t f#cking stand him.

All it took was an anonymous source. It’s incredible. NPR made the story about some f#cking staffers🤣 It’s why I call bullshit on Republicans ever being the dominant party unless they control a majority of the media touch points. It comes down to controlling the narrative.
Hmm. I going out on a limb here I know. But maybe both Trump and Biden are dipshits?
If I remember correctly McCain had the opportunity to get out of the Hanoi Hilton early once it was discovered his father was an Admiral. He refused as he wouldn't abandon his fellow POW's. In modern parlance that's referred to as the "anti-Walz"

Yeah. Say what you want about McCain as a politician. I wasn’t a big fan, for a variety of reasons.

But his bona fides as an American war hero and man of courage and integrity are beyond reproach.
Nobody knows if it's true -- at least, nobody here does. I seem to remember one of these alleged incidents, Gen. Kelly had accused Trump of saying something....and one of the people present when it supposedly happened was John Bolton. But Bolton denied Trump said what Kelly accused him of saying.

That seems kind of important -- because Bolton had already become a Trump critic at the time he denied it.

That said...we very much do know that Trump made a callous remark about John McCain. What was it "I like veterans who don't get captured" or some such bullshit? I was never the biggest fan of John McCain as a politician. And I understand Trump throwing crap back at McCain after McCain had been throwing crap at him. So I'm cool with him returning serve.

But could he have picked a more obnoxious way to do it? John McCain, the Naval officer, had more selfless courage in his pinky than Donald Trump has in his entire corpulent body.
Bolton also said he couldn’t say it didn’t happen because he wasn’t in a position to hear all that was said.
“White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby indicated that Biden and Harris did not attended the Arlington commemoration because they weren’t invited.”

“There are many ways that we as a nation and our leaders can observe the third anniversary of Abbey Gate and Mr. Trump was invited by at least one — I think maybe several — of the families to lay a wreath at Arlington, and that is certainly a way to recognize the sacrifice and the loss,” Kirby said.

“But it was a personal invitation by families,” he added”
I understand the grief these families feel. But to blame what happened on Biden and absolve Trump of any responsibity is ignoring reality and revising history. Mc Mater made it pretty evident there was penty of blame to go around, and this was right after the election...

It’s insane.

Sequence of events:

A withdrawal from Afghanistan that was a major f#ck up that we all got to see. The entire World. Leads to the deaths of 13 soldiers while Biden is President.

Several years pass and they invite Trump to the memorial, most likely because they can’t stand Biden.

Anonymous source from NPR (partially government funded news sources) says something about Trump’s staffers being idiots.

Narrative becomes: Trump’s a dumbass. Instead of Biden’s a f#cking piece of shit partially responsible for the deaths of fallen soldiers who families can’t f#cking stand him.

All it took was an anonymous source. It’s incredible. NPR made the story about some f#cking staffers🤣 It’s why I call bullshit on Republicans ever being the dominant party unless they control a majority of the media touch points. It comes down to controlling the narrative.
Not only did Trump's team violate Federal law prohibiting filming for campaign activities within Army National Military Cemeteries. But Cheung who coninues to amaze me with his level of stupidity, basically admitted their guilt when he said the camapign was prepared to release video to prove no altercation occurred...

Video which of course constitutes a violation of Federal Law...

The Bullshit is your candidate, and trying to use a solemn occasion for naked political purposes. I also heard that other Gold Star families were not happy at the cemetary being used to politically promote Trump...

"A withdrawal from Afghanistan that was a major f#ck up that we all got to see. The entire World. Leads to the deaths of 13 soldiers while Biden is President."
I guess we'll mark you down in the "no blame for Trump" camp?

I think Aloha’s TDS is flaring. I’m sure it itches.

There’s really no way to criticize Trump here, unless you believe NPR’s “anonymous sources”. Lol.

It’s not like he can refuse the invitation. That would be more of a dick move than going.
I don’t have TDS. I’m trying to help you guys out with reality checks.
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If I remember correctly McCain had the opportunity to get out of the Hanoi Hilton early once it was discovered his father was an Admiral. He refused as he wouldn't abandon his fellow POW's. In modern parlance that's referred to as the "anti-Walz"
I know you don't care about facts, being a Trumper and all. But the Sgt Major who actually served a great number of those 24 yrs with Walz has called BS on your insinuations. One of the things he pointed out was that Walz discussed running for Congress with him, long before he filed the official paperwork in Feb 2005. Of course filing for Congress in Feb 2005 means that Walz had to initiate his retirement about 9 months to a year prior to his May 2005 retirement date. It don't happen overnight...

Another thing that Sgt Major pointed out was that when they were earlier deployed to Italy to support OEF, they actually thought up until the last minute that they were going to Afghan. So since Walz didn't retire earlier when faced with the prospect of going to Afghan, it's really stupid to imply that the man who served 24 yrs, rose to a rank that probably less than 1% of enlisted reach, and could have been deployed at a moment's notice to any hot spot from age 17 on was "skeered" to go to Iraq.

Really stupid...
Of course filing for Congress in Feb 2005 means that Walz had to initiate his retirement about 9 months to a year prior to his May 2005 retirement date. It don't happen overnight...
This is patently false. You can serve in congress and be in the National Guard. Walz planned to. Walz rushed through his retirement so much so that he didn’t even sign all the necessary paperwork.

You lie, again.
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Biden really DID botch the Afghan withdrawal plan. He should have torn up the plan that Trump agreed to in February 2020, but for some reason, while he dumped many of Trump policies, he adhered to Trump's stupid pullout.
I doubt that. Plans constantly evolve. The Afghanistan withdrawal was botched. It happened on Biden’s watch so he certainly deserves some blame for it.
I understand the grief these families feel. But to blame what happened on Biden and absolve Trump of any responsibity is ignoring reality and revising history. Mc Mater made it pretty evident there was penty of blame to go around, and this was right after the election...

Not only did Trump's team violate Federal law prohibiting filming for campaign activities within Army National Military Cemeteries. But Cheung who coninues to amaze me with his level of stupidity, basically admitted their guilt when he said the camapign was prepared to release video to prove no altercation occurred...

Video which of course constitutes a violation of Federal Law...

The Bullshit is your candidate, and trying to use a solemn occasion for naked political purposes. I also heard that other Gold Star families were not happy at the cemetary being used to politically promote Trump...

"A withdrawal from Afghanistan that was a major f#ck up that we all got to see. The entire World. Leads to the deaths of 13 soldiers while Biden is President."
I guess we'll mark you down in the "no blame for Trump" camp?

There’s no hope for you, buddy. We lost you Cosmo. You have a parasitic mind.
The Minnesota National Guard told Fox News that Walz's unit was not given deployment orders to Iraq until July 2005 and he had put his retirement papers in five to seven months prior to his retirement in May 2005.

Do the math.

That means October- December 2004 he filed for retirement.
March 2005 he is notified of a two year window for possible deployment.
May 2005 his retirement is finalized
July 2005 his former unit is deployed.

He didn't ditch anything, unless he had some crazy psychic ability to know 7-9 months before deployment

The Minnesota National Guard told Fox News that Walz's unit was not given deployment orders to Iraq until July 2005 and he had put his retirement papers in five to seven months prior to his retirement in May 2005.

He didn't ditch anything, unless he had some crazy psychic ability to know 7-9 months before deployment

If you’re going to respond to me respond to me. Common knowledge that his retirement did not follow normal procedure. Expedited by some friends he had in high places.

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Yeah. Say what you want about McCain as a politician. I wasn’t a big fan, for a variety of reasons.

But his bona fides as an American war hero and man of courage and integrity are beyond reproach.
Some would say he’s a loser because he got caught
I understand the grief these families feel. But to blame what happened on Biden and absolve Trump of any responsibity is ignoring reality and revising history. Mc Mater made it pretty evident there was penty of blame to go around, and this was right after the election...

Not only did Trump's team violate Federal law prohibiting filming for campaign activities within Army National Military Cemeteries. But Cheung who coninues to amaze me with his level of stupidity, basically admitted their guilt when he said the camapign was prepared to release video to prove no altercation occurred...

Video which of course constitutes a violation of Federal Law...

The Bullshit is your candidate, and trying to use a solemn occasion for naked political purposes. I also heard that other Gold Star families were not happy at the cemetary being used to politically promote Trump...

"A withdrawal from Afghanistan that was a major f#ck up that we all got to see. The entire World. Leads to the deaths of 13 soldiers while Biden is President."
I guess we'll mark you down in the "no blame for Trump" camp?

I really enjoy when you post CNN videos 😂
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That’s basically what you’ve been doing since 2016.
Ha...I haven't argued anything that is a matter of fact.

I'm usually in utter amazement that several asshats here see and hear him do crazy shit and react somewhere on the 'f*$k yeah!' to collective shrug scale.
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And add PBS to the list of those to be defunded.

Say it with me people. No state sponsored media.
I'd think it'd be reassuring that an official apology was issued. I'm fine with media occasionally issuing retractions and apologies as opposed to doubling down on election fraud lies and being sued for libel.

It's crazy to me that people trash reputable news sources by linking to articles from a source that lacks actually lacks credibility and accountability like Fox News.
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I'd think it'd be reassuring that an official apology was issued. I'm fine with media occasionally issuing retractions and apologies as opposed to doubling down on election fraud lies and being sued for libel.

It's crazy to me that people trash reputable news sources by linking to articles from a source that lacks actually lacks credibility and accountability like Fox News.
There’s more to it than that. Judy Woodruff when originally asked her source for such a claim, pointed to reporting by Reuters and Axios. When approached, it became apparent that Axios and Reuters had never reported any such thing. Axios mistakenly reported that Trump and Bibi had a call discussing Gaza and the hostages. However, there was never any indication even in Axios reporting as to the details, certainly no claim that Trump was recommending shelving the deal.

It was a full blown fabrication. She’s a fabulist and should be shitcanned.

Fox, a private company that doesn’t take American tax dollars, made their own bed. That’s what they get.

PBS takes our tax dollars and employs fabulists. It’s wholly unacceptable.
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Your mom should have pulled out

I'd think it'd be reassuring that an official apology was issued. I'm fine with media occasionally issuing retractions and apologies as opposed to doubling down on election fraud lies and being sued for libel.

It's crazy to me that people trash reputable news sources by linking to articles from a source that lacks actually lacks credibility and accountability like Fox News.
Yeah, and NBC, CNN, and WaPo settled with Nick Sandmann, a teenage kid they defamed after the Lincoln Memorial demonstration.

It’s crazy to me that people think there is any difference between the major networks. They’re all hideously biased in one direction or the other.