Trump’s most recent lie filled monologue


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Oct 26, 2003
Some of you try to pretend to be appalled when Biden lies occasionally, but like to ignore the fact that every single speech Trump gives is filled with easily provable lies. Additionally, how you can listen to his word salad, rambling, losing track of his thoughts, bringing in things that have nothing to do with the subject, and making up words and find him fit is beyond me. I’m here to remind you every time Trump opens his mouth, he can barely complete a sentence without lying. And we just ignore it because we expect it of him.
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Some of you try to pretend to be appalled when Biden lies occasionally, but like to ignore the fact that every single speech Trump gives is filled with easily provable lies. Additionally, how you can listen to his word salad, rambling, losing track of his thoughts, bringing in things that have nothing to do with the subject, and making up words and find him fit is beyond me. I’m here to remind you every time Trump opens his mouth, he can barely complete a sentence without lying. And we just ignore it because we expect it of him.
This is why cnn and the rest are garbage and you have to learn to think for yourself. Homicides in 2017 and 2018 were at 70 year lows in nyc. Going back to 90 doesn’t capture the spike of woke defund policies. So when they misrepresent or try to color in a favorable light the first thing they wrote why would anyone read on. They aren’t presenting facts they’re propagandists. No different than a politician. Cnn is awful. And they were once the go to for everyone
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This is why cnn and the rest are garbage and you have to learn to think for yourself. Homicides in 2017 and 2018 were at 70 year lows in nyc. Going back to 90 doesn’t capture the spike of woke defund policies. So when they misrepresent or try to color in a favorable light the first thing they wrote why would anyone read on. They aren’t presenting facts they’re propagandists. No different than a politician. Cnn is awful. And they were once the go to for everyone
You keep trying to tie Biden to defund the police and I believe you know that is incorrect. Biden has never been in favor of defunding the police. Your thinking for yourself is pointing out a Biden lie over and over, and yes CNN and everyone else covered that too.
You keep trying to tie Biden to defund the police and I believe you know that is incorrect. Biden has never been in favor of defunding the police. Your thinking for yourself is pointing out a Biden lie over and over, and yes CNN and everyone else covered that too.
Biden is a progressive and Harris was vocal on her attacks on cops tweeting that they were murderers. Biden and Harris were complicit.
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You keep trying to tie Biden to defund the police and I believe you know that is incorrect. Biden has never been in favor of defunding the police. Your thinking for yourself is pointing out a Biden lie over and over, and yes CNN and everyone else covered that too.

Your revisionist history is painful.

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