Truly disgusted

It was the locals who drove this though:

Saying the locals weren't taking issue with this is wrong. There were people upset enough about it to go to their City officials and petition them about it. Now when this story first broke, I did see one prominent guy who they interviewed who loved the Haitians and it was a factory owner.

Trump is not the best mouthpiece for his positions, but what Vance discusses in the video below is where the majority of Americans are at.

You guys can racism, racism all you want but there are economic and cultural impacts felt when you take in this many unskilled people who come from areas that aren't on the same page as where they are going at one time.

I will stand in defense of nativism to a degree. Sometimes the nativist argument is valid because adding people who are not in alignment with your cultural norms is bad for your native population, case in point:

And I don't want to hear the whole, "Well not all migrants...." Yeah, obviously. However, don't you think the vetting process should be pretty darn thorough before you allow a person to touch ground here? I do.

We have the right and the duty to control who enters this country.

"Saying the locals weren't taking issue with this is wrong. There were people upset enough about it to go to their City officials and petition them about it. Now when this story first broke, I did see one prominent guy who they interviewed who loved the Haitians and it was a factory owner."

We could defintiely argue over the quality of the people complaining vs the quality of people defending the Haitians. It kind of undermines your credibility (the complainers) when you repeat a story about a missing cat and it turns out that the owner of that cat discovered the cat in her basement a few days later and didn't bother to make people aware of that development.

The picture of the "immigrant eating a cat in Springfield" turned out to be an American woman in a different city who had a mental breakdown and was arrested. And the "Haitian carrying off the goose" was again a non-Haitian citizen in Columbus who was working at his job (cleaning up roadkill) when his picture was taken. The photographer never intended it to be portrayed as a Haitian stealing a goose, but some people saw the picture and already hyped over the "deceased" Miss Sassy leaped to absurd conclusions...

I'd say that those people who leaped to those conclusions fed their own xenophobic tendancies. People move to new locales all the time, Chicago has hundreds of ethnic neighborhoods filled with people who weren't born in the city or the US. Same with NYC and many other large cities. People came to Springfield because there were opportunities and plentiful jobs.

It's not like locals were laid off to make room for Haitians. According to McGregor the owner of McGregor Metals that you referenced above he hired the Haitians because they showed up on time,didn't goof off and don't have the opioid problems that many of the locals suffer from...

If you're not willing to do the work at a business I don't know why it's any of your business to complain about the owner hiring willing workers to do the work you're not willing to do. Again it's not like the people complaining lost their jobs and they brought in Haitians to replace them. There is certainly no reason McGregor and his family should face death threats. But here we are...

Something tells me these aren't people who were fired by McGregor and are upset over losing their job...

Sounds like the legacy of the Church, or more broadly, religion itself
Ok. If that was supposed to be a home run,I'm sorry. I'm not religious. I don't think intelligent people believe in a little man in the sky who watches over everything and makes sure everything is OK because he loves you,and will also send you to enternal hell if you go against him. Try again