Pretty deep question, Brad!
Modern scientists postulate humans as strictly physical bodies.* As such, genetically and physically, there are clearly “races.” Puts scientists in a sticky wicket when trying to explain what a “social construct” actually is, so they just ignore such paradoxes.
My answer to your question is, yes, because all people are most fundamentally human beings. Sociocultural constructs, such as race are secondary.
So Mark’s point as I understand it holds.
As a side note, the above scientific paradox also yields an understanding of why people believe they’re not racist and yet exhibit certain attitudes with hints of racism. People know they are human beings, but science teaches them they’re bodies. 😳🧐
* (Kind of harkens back to the days of the stimulus-response behavioral psychology of the 1940s, doesn’t it? Cognitive psychology blew that out of tge water.)