Thinking of applying for a job in the Harris Administration?

This would be an excellent alternative for Baller, so he doesn't have to Door Dash.
Oh for sure. Biden is a piker compared to Kamala when it comes to hiring weirdos.

Reminds me of when I once had to interact with former Democratic Congresswoman Julia Carson (deceased).

Never before had I seen such a large congregation of so many wild eyed, purple and orange haired, nose ringed, tattooed, pierced everywhere possible, types... My first thought was that circus had come to town and Julia had just happened to be there at the same time... Turned out that was just her entourage... 🙄

I'm guessing Kamala hangs with a similar crowd. All True Believers in the DNC mantras... Retaining Power is all that matters to them irregardless of the consequences...
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