They are drinking the Kool-Aid in Georgia!

Crean was only consistent at being inconsistent. After 2013, he just slapped together rosters without much thought. Giving kids like Priller, April, Hoetzel, and Gelon scholarships was absurd. His recruiting was vastly overrated and he did not develop players. Because he had no control over his team, there were a string of off court incidents that led to good players either transferring or being kicked off the roster who went on to nice careers elsewhere. And, of course, he was not respected or well liked in the state, and for good reason.
Look, that was his coaching philosophy which is one of the many techniques he used that I didnt agree with. That was his system and you can tell me which part of it makes him a bad person. Kids go pro early. Kids transfer at higher rates today than they did 20 years ago. So, he over recruited because he would rather have too many than not enough. That resulted in weeding out kids that he gave a shot to come here and didnt meet expectations. The players coming new the expectations when they came and reaped the consequences if they didnt rise to them. What part of that makes him a bad person? I dont agree with that way of doing it but I also dont think that way of doing it crosses any kind of ethical lines. I didnt agree with constantly changing the lineup and benching players after they got hot. But, that was his way of coaching and it didnt make him a bad guy. Tom is gone so the horse is dead, get off it! Especially with the personal attacks on his character. Embrace the Coach you have and be glad he is here. If CTC didnt Coach the way he did, we would never have the opportunity to have Archie.

What a blathering banquet of bull sh!t.

Why don't you tell us all how Luke Fischer wasn't cutting it and then decided to transfer. Or Matt Roth. Or maybe you can somehow justify the culture Crean let fester within the program that allowed a player to be hit by a car as a result of drunk driving.

To read yours posts is to wonder why Crean was even fired in the first place. I mean, it must have been some kind of mistake based on his recruiting ability, roster management, and skill development, right...?

Archie has barely been at Indiana one year and people are already misremembering the Crean era.

What total and complete nonsense.
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What a blathering banquet of bull sh!t.

Why don't you tell us all how Luck Fischer wasn't cutting it and then decided to transfer. Or Matt Roth. Or maybe you can somehow justify the culture Crean let fester within the program that allowed a player to be hit by a car as a result of drunk driving.

To read yours posts is to wonder why Crean was even fired in the first place. I mean, it must have been some kind of mistake based on his recruiting ability, roster management, and skill development, right...?

Archie has barely been at Indiana one year and people are already misremembering the Crean era.

What total and complete nonsense.
Take a chill pill bro! Luke Fischer was homesick and moved home. Players transfer at every school for one reason or another.
To read your posts, it's a wonder why any Coach would ever choose to come here in the first place. As soon as they leave, people like you bash them. I was as big of a fire tom Crean person as anyone on here. Go back several seasons and read my posts. I think they waited too long. But, the guy is gone. All I am saying is wish the guy the best of luck and thank him for what he did do right. We got what we wanted now lets show some class. Sampson put our program on probation and almost destroyed it. We have all the reason in the world to bash him. But, CTC was nothing but ethical and was a nice guy. He just wasnt the Coach for IU. Laughing at the fans of Georgia for being excited, bashing his character, etc is just not necessary and makes our fan base look like a bunch of douche bags. It wasnt any more his fault that he cant Coach up to our standards than it was Matt Roths fault that he didnt meet IUs expecations.

We have a great thing in Archie so lets talk about that. Let's bash Calipari and laugh at Purdue.
You could have saved everyone sometime by just saying I am Tom Crean's family member and you meanies need to stop telling the truth about Tom being a bad coach.
His family member? That's funny. The truth about his Coaching was told by Fred Glass when he let him go. That should be the end of it. Why have so much hate for the guy? He left the program better than he inherited it. Unlike Mike Davis and Kelvin Sampson. I thought he should have been let go years ago. I think I agree with every one of you on that. Where I disagree is kicking him while he's down. Im glad Georgia hired him so we dont have to finish his buyout. I hope he learned something between jobs and does really well there. Why cant the rest of our fan base have the same well wishes for him instead of insults and bashing? That makes us all look bad.
Take a chill pill bro! Luke Fischer was homesick and moved home. Players transfer at every school for one reason or another.
To read your posts, it's a wonder why any Coach would ever choose to come here in the first place. As soon as they leave, people like you bash them. I was as big of a fire tom Crean person as anyone on here. Go back several seasons and read my posts. I think they waited too long. But, the guy is gone. All I am saying is wish the guy the best of luck and thank him for what he did do right. We got what we wanted now lets show some class. Sampson put our program on probation and almost destroyed it. We have all the reason in the world to bash him. But, CTC was nothing but ethical and was a nice guy. He just wasnt the Coach for IU. Laughing at the fans of Georgia for being excited, bashing his character, etc is just not necessary and makes our fan base look like a bunch of douche bags. It wasnt any more his fault that he cant Coach up to our standards than it was Matt Roths fault that he didnt meet IUs expecations.

We have a great thing in Archie so lets talk about that. Let's bash Calipari and laugh at Purdue.


I stopped reading when you actually typed that Luke Fischer transferred because he was homesick. It's obvious that you don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.

Not. A. Clue.

Sing his praises all you want. But maybe do it on the Georgia boards. It's nothing but nonsense here.

I stopped reading when you actually typed that Luke Fischer transferred because he was homesick. It's obvious that you don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.

Not. A. Clue.

Sing his praises all you want. But maybe do it on the Georgia boards. It's nothing but nonsense here.
I'm not singing anyones praises. I am just saying that it makes our fan base look like we lack class to bash the guy now that he is gone. I was the biggest proponent of letting him go even early into his career. Go back and read my posts. I just think it's time to move on and when we get what we want (firing) we should wish the person the best in their future endeavors. He's no longer our problem and we should be happy with who we now have.

I stopped reading when you actually typed that Luke Fischer transferred because he was homesick. It's obvious that you don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.

Not. A. Clue.

Sing his praises all you want. But maybe do it on the Georgia boards. It's nothing but nonsense here.

Luke didn’t care the incessant dope smoking going on in his room. We were lucky we had him a semester; he wanted out after only a month.
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Luke didn’t care the incessant dope smoking going on in his room. We were lucky we had him a semester; he wanted out after only a month.
So, that is CTC fault? Did you go to IU? There was dope smoking going on in almost every room. We can go back to every Coach that coached here and there was still dope smoking going on with some of the players. Look, I agree with a lot of what you are saying and Im excited about our future. I knew after a couple seasons that it was going to be long ride with CTC and I advocated on here pretty strongly to cut ties. Where we disagree is continuing to bash someone after they leave. When I fire someone for poor performance, that person cost me money and was a strain on my organization but when that person is gone I wish them the best of luck and hope they rebound and get better. I dont continue to bash them and ridicule them and laugh at the next company they go to work. That's just immature and lacks character. And, my argument on here is when we do that with ex coaches and players, we look immature and douchy.
Luke didn’t care the incessant dope smoking going on in his room. We were lucky we had him a semester; he wanted out after only a month.
Luke was a good player and a huge loss to our program. I agree with you 100 percent. He would have been a great 4 year player for us and fit IU well. I wasnt a student during his tenure so all I knew of his departure was what was reported by the media and that was he got homesick.
So, that is CTC fault? Did you go to IU? There was dope smoking going on in almost every room. We can go back to every Coach that coached here and there was still dope smoking going on with some of the players. Look, I agree with a lot of what you are saying and Im excited about our future. I knew after a couple seasons that it was going to be long ride with CTC and I advocated on here pretty strongly to cut ties. Where we disagree is continuing to bash someone after they leave. When I fire someone for poor performance, that person cost me money and was a strain on my organization but when that person is gone I wish them the best of luck and hope they rebound and get better. I dont continue to bash them and ridicule them and laugh at the next company they go to work. That's just immature and lacks character. And, my argument on here is when we do that with ex coaches and players, we look immature and douchy.
You can feel how you want; that is your right.

I'll be just fine if Tom Crean is never brought up here again. But when he is, I'm not gonna act likely we should be all happy for him now that he's gone. He was paid handsomely for incompetence and was more style (talk) than substance.

The only thing positive to come out of his 9 years tenure was to have us in the position to get Archie. Let's leave it at that.

EDIT: And the dope smoking? That was from his teammates - Troy Williams, Devin Davis, Hanner, Yogi. The culture was horrible, and Crean did little to prevent it (outside of running laps in SSAH) and the lax punishment led to Hanner getting an DWI, Yogi and Stan getting busted for fake ID's and Devin nearly getting killed. The picture from that alone would have made you sick of Tom Crean.
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When he took over we were a D2 talent team at best. When he left we had top 25 talent (lacked x's and o's coaching) but the talent was here. So, we had top 25 talent with occasional NCAA appearance and Sweet 16 advancement. That's not the level we expect at Indiana but he did take us up quite a few notches from where we were when he took over. You have to admit that and give him the credit he deserves.

Crean arrived at IU with little talent. Crean left IU with lower level B1G talent. Who the heck was the top 25 talent you are talking about. ALL the major sports publications had IU rated at best 9th, at worst 12th in the BIG. That is the talent that Crean left us with. Archie overachieved. Crean sucked. Crean signed Jobe, Marc-Michel, April , Priller, Muniru and Jurkin- total disasters. The last straw was taking a commitment from Grant Gelon without ever seeing him play a high school game! Quit trying to rewrite history.
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He's a complete fraud. He's a self aggrandizing, drama queen.

His act on the sidelines is phony intensity to draw attention to himself.

The first thing he did was to air dirty laundry. He wanted everyone to know that we had a drug culture and 18 F's because he wanted you to buy his sob, oh my goodness no one has it harder than me narrative. Which many, many people did. It's referenced yet again in this post.

Can you even imagine Archie airing dirty laundry only for the sole purpose of making him look good? No. Of course not. A legit answer would still simply be 'we have a lot of work to do'.

He complained about negative recruiting publicly, again only to paint himself as a victim and get sympathy when it came out (by Kris Wilkes) that all he did was negative recruit against the other schools Wilks was interested in.

His victory lap was all about him. I might actually not laugh at that pathetic display of fake emotion if the team was involved like at the end of the Kentucky game. No it was just him celebrating a home win over a fringe top 25 team in year three.

Compare to Archie when he was asked if he was dissapointed in how we played against Michigan after playing so well vs Duke. He stopped and said we didn't play well against Duke. We were tied with six minutes left, at home with an amazing crowd behind us and we didn't win. That's a dissapointing performance.

Crean is the king of the fake 'we don't accept moral victories, but....'.

Losing the Kentucky series was him at his fakest. He sold you a bill of goods again.

His disgust with the drug atmosphere when he took over was fake. He was worse and did nothing about it. I believe he lied to you again last year when Blackmon mysteriously was out for exactly three games with a leg injury. Worse yet he used that again to try to get more sympathy from us fools.

He preached family but he constantly oversigned. Buss Patterson was expendable once he signed Stan but he sold the fools a story about him not passing summer classes which convieniently got our roster to 13 just days before it had to.

My Marquette friends were laughing their asses off at his new found public religion. Said he never was very religious for them. Funny how when he finds religion when he needs Cody Zeller to save his ass.

Lastly, even his tan is fake.

The thing about Archie that I love, not like but LOVE is he just gets to work. No drama, no spinning to get sympathy for himself, no self proclamations. It's pretty drama free now thank God. No more oversigning.

Remember everyone defending the multiple transfers we had every damn year. Yeah, that's been pretty drama free so far to hasn't it?

Basically I don't believe a f#$king thing that comes out of Crean's f#$king mouth.

Once you realize that...he starts to make sense.
People like to talk like there was no talent on the team when Crean took over. This simply isn't true. The year before he arrived they were a top 10 team for most of the season until the implosion after Sampson's firing. From that team EG was gong pro no matter what, Dakich kicked some players off, then Crean kicked the rest off. If he had wanted to, Crean could've reinstated the players Dakich kicked off and tried to retain the other talent. He didn't and then blamed their character. His hypocrisy was later exposed on this issue.

Sure, there were sanctions to deal with but he was the one that decided to get rid of all the players from previous team and remake the team his own way. When he was fired, his final team was a .500 club. So actually, the talent available to the new coach was less than when he took over.
People like to talk like there was no talent on the team when Crean took over. This simply isn't true. The year before he arrived they were a top 10 team for most of the season until the implosion after Sampson's firing. From that team EG was gong pro no matter what, Dakich kicked some players off, then Crean kicked the rest off. If he had wanted to, Crean could've reinstated the players Dakich kicked off and tried to retain the other talent. He didn't and then blamed their character. His hypocrisy was later exposed on this issue.

Sure, there were sanctions to deal with but he was the one that decided to get rid of all the players from previous team and remake the team his own way. When he was fired, his final team was a .500 club. So actually, the talent available to the new coach was less than when he took over.

I don't believe he started selling/airing dirty laundry until after he couldn't keep Bassett, Crawford and Holman.

I think people forget that he tried.

Had he simply said let's get to work, my team is on the floor, support us for who we are I probably would have liked him more instead of having this swarmy, selling reaction right from the start. He was trying too hard to sell the fan base this narrative that Baylor had it easier than we did because he had to root out all of the druggies and horrific characters to establish the right culture here. I mean my God we had 18 F's!!!!

Oh woe is me.

But we'll be back. They don't want us back but we're coming back (in 4 effing years).

Btw, who the f is 'they' that he keeps mentioning that didn't want us back? The boogiemen?

Did you know that before Sampson imploded he said that the basketball team had a 3.2 grade average the first semester that year? Ya think the 18 F's we're because players stopped after Sampson was booted in February, which is what a third of the way into the semester?

Again I took it as a spinjob to gain sympathy. He certainly didn't weed out the bad characters during the movement when we had more failed drug tests, DUIs and police blotter appearances than anytime I ever remember.

Luke Fischer didn't even last a semester before he got the F out. We had frikken walk ons transfer out. I've never seen that.

Again just assume that everything Crean says is like the Grinch talking to Cindy Lou Hoo and...the narratives make more sense.
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He's a complete fraud. He's a self aggrandizing, drama queen.

His act on the sidelines is phony intensity to draw attention to himself.

The first thing he did was to air dirty laundry. He wanted everyone to know that we had a drug culture and 18 F's because he wanted you to buy his sob, oh my goodness no one has it harder than me narrative. Which many, many people did. It's referenced yet again in this post.

Can you even imagine Archie airing dirty laundry only for the sole purpose of making him look good? No. Of course not. A legit answer would still simply be 'we have a lot of work to do'.

He complained about negative recruiting publicly, again only to paint himself as a victim and get sympathy when it came out (by Kris Wilkes) that all he did was negative recruit against the other schools Wilks was interested in.

His victory lap was all about him. I might actually not laugh at that pathetic display of fake emotion if the team was involved like at the end of the Kentucky game. No it was just him celebrating a home win over a fringe top 25 team in year three.

Compare to Archie when he was asked if he was dissapointed in how we played against Michigan after playing so well vs Duke. He stopped and said we didn't play well against Duke. We were tied with six minutes left, at home with an amazing crowd behind us and we didn't win. That's a dissapointing performance.

Crean is the king of the fake 'we don't accept moral victories, but....'.

Losing the Kentucky series was him at his fakest. He sold you a bill of goods again.

His disgust with the drug atmosphere when he took over was fake. He was worse and did nothing about it. I believe he lied to you again last year when Blackmon mysteriously was out for exactly three games with a leg injury. Worse yet he used that again to try to get more sympathy from us fools.

He preached family but he constantly oversigned. Buss Patterson was expendable once he signed Stan but he sold the fools a story about him not passing summer classes which convieniently got our roster to 13 just days before it had to.

My Marquette friends were laughing their asses off at his new found public religion. Said he never was very religious for them. Funny how when he finds religion when he needs Cody Zeller to save his ass.

Lastly, even his tan is fake.

The thing about Archie that I love, not like but LOVE is he just gets to work. No drama, no spinning to get sympathy for himself, no self proclamations. It's pretty drama free now thank God. No more oversigning.

Remember everyone defending the multiple transfers we had every damn year. Yeah, that's been pretty drama free so far to hasn't it?

Basically I don't believe a f#$king thing that comes out of Crean's f#$king mouth.

Once you realize that...he starts to make sense.

I can endorse this post.

I couldn't stand Crean and his act on the sidelines jumping around the whole game like he had firecrackers in his underwear. Drove me nuts and I don't know how the players could play w/him ranting and jumping around on the sidelines. The ONLY thing I liked about him is that he hired my high school buddy, Tim Buckley, on his staff. Aside from that, I was done with him 4 years ago.
this being said, for Georgia's fans sake, I don't wish their team ill will under him. I hope they are successful in spite of Crean. No reason they shouldn't be if they keep their in-state talent in Athens. My WAG is that they'll be singing "Yankee go home" within 3 years though.
There is some top talent in Georgia in the 2020 class. Let’s see if Crean lands any of it. I won’t hold my breath.
No, insightful. Some people on this board would have no meaning if they didn’t have Ghost Tom Crean to berate, hoping for ‘likes’ and others to make them feel part of a ‘community’. Keep living in the past.
I think it is fair to bring up Crean when we discuss where the program is at and how we got here. Until the players he brought in are gone, he will have some skin in the game. This last year was Archie coaching Crean's team. Archie called them "his guys" but that team was assembled by Crean and would have been coached by Crean if he had survived one more year.

We will discuss Crean less over the years. Crean was here 9 years. It will take time to forget his last year and what he left us.
I think it is fair to bring up Crean when we discuss where the program is at and how we got here. Until the players he brought in are gone, he will have some skin in the game. This last year was Archie coaching Crean's team. Archie called them "his guys" but that team was assembled by Crean and would have been coached by Crean if he had survived one more year.

We will discuss Crean less over the years. Crean was here 9 years. It will take time to forget his last year and what he left us.
Fair enough.
No, Fischer left because his prized autographed basketball was stolen by pothead Troy Williams and Crean did nothing about it.
Who was it autographed by? Just curious. There are plenty of stories about ol Troy and his crew making his life hell during his time at IU. Maybe Crean thought he was going to be a good influence on Troy as a barley grown teenager.... dumb. Good coaches/people with brains know how to manage that situation. He basically backed him into a corner because he was either going to be a snitch or transfer. Just dumb in every possible way.

So, that is CTC fault? Did you go to IU? There was dope smoking going on in almost every room. We can go back to every Coach that coached here and there was still dope smoking going on with some of the players. Look, I agree with a lot of what you are saying and Im excited about our future. I knew after a couple seasons that it was going to be long ride with CTC and I advocated on here pretty strongly to cut ties. Where we disagree is continuing to bash someone after they leave. When I fire someone for poor performance, that person cost me money and was a strain on my organization but when that person is gone I wish them the best of luck and hope they rebound and get better. I dont continue to bash them and ridicule them and laugh at the next company they go to work. That's just immature and lacks character. And, my argument on here is when we do that with ex coaches and players, we look immature and douchy.
Don’t be naive. There isn’t your buddy from down the hall bringing over his new piece to sample some super lemon haze. This is an ego maniac brat basketball player and his crew of hanger-ones stealing your chit and making your life hell by forcing their lifestyle onto you in your first semester of college. Not surprised in the slightest he left and Crean and his assistants should have properly managed that situation.
The clown will never find a cult following like he had here at IU for 7+ years. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a cult following like blind IU fans for Crean. 9 years is an eternity in college coaching. It’s a shame “we” as fans let that happen.
Who was it autographed by? Just curious. There are plenty of stories about ol Troy and his crew making his life hell during his time at IU. Maybe Crean thought he was going to be a good influence on Troy as a barley grown teenager.... dumb. Good coaches/people with brains know how to manage that situation. He basically backed him into a corner because he was either going to be a snitch or transfer. Just dumb in every possible way.

Don’t be naive. There isn’t your buddy from down the hall bringing over his new piece to sample some super lemon haze. This is an ego maniac brat basketball player and his crew of hanger-ones stealing your chit and making your life hell by forcing their lifestyle onto you in your first semester of college. Not surprised in the slightest he left and Crean and his assistants should have properly managed that situation.
I knew his mom or dad was down in Btown often and there was some issues, but I didn't realize how bad it was. If Troy had that impact on one player he likely was a distraction for others.

In Sampson's last year, you could see a definite division in the team when they were warming up and on the bench. There was a group that acted like they were at recess during their warm up and the other players avoided them and tried to focus. That team had some issues but found a way to win until Sampson left the team.
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His family member? That's funny. The truth about his Coaching was told by Fred Glass when he let him go. That should be the end of it. Why have so much hate for the guy? He left the program better than he inherited it. Unlike Mike Davis and Kelvin Sampson. I thought he should have been let go years ago. I think I agree with every one of you on that. Where I disagree is kicking him while he's down. Im glad Georgia hired him so we dont have to finish his buyout. I hope he learned something between jobs and does really well there. Why cant the rest of our fan base have the same well wishes for him instead of insults and bashing? That makes us all look bad.
We shouldnt bash CTC and should cheer him on and hope he does well. He took over this program and took a risk coming here given the situation we were in and really turned things around and moved us to that next level. He was a good person and always positive about Indiana University and did not do anything to harm our image or reputation. I'm in 100 percent agreement that it was time for him to move on and I support the AD decision 100 percent for reasons that I posted about in detail while he was still here. With that said, he is gone and we should all show some class and be happy for Georgia and hope does great things there. Everyone deserves a second chance.
32 million.. but he did take the job
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People like to talk like there was no talent on the team when Crean took over. This simply isn't true. The year before he arrived they were a top 10 team for most of the season until the implosion after Sampson's firing. From that team EG was gong pro no matter what, Dakich kicked some players off, then Crean kicked the rest off. If he had wanted to, Crean could've reinstated the players Dakich kicked off and tried to retain the other talent. He didn't and then blamed their character. His hypocrisy was later exposed on this issue.

Sure, there were sanctions to deal with but he was the one that decided to get rid of all the players from previous team and remake the team his own way. When he was fired, his final team was a .500 club. So actually, the talent available to the new coach was less than when he took over.
Dakich actually did Crean a favor and took the heat Crean would have gotten for kicking them off the team. I could look it up, but Crawford was about the only one we would have wanted back from an academic and character view. Holman had his plant throwing fit and we probably dodged a bullet (maybe bad choice of words) when he left.

That team was a mess. Sampson kept the them winning and everyone off probation from the school and the NCAA. I have often wondered if Sampson would have kept everyone eligible and what that team would have been like in the coming years.
I'm not gonna hate on the guy but he is certainly a comedy show that doesn't stop providing material. He goin to the beach to work on a Hawaii tan. Kinda like that TV show Coach. lol

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The only thing positive to come out of his 9 years tenure was to have us in the position to get Archie. Let's leave it at that.

No, not true. Indiana won the Big Ten twice and made 3 Sweet 16's. Plus, to be honest, Oladipo is a major boost to IU recruiting right now, and Cream did indeed recruit him to his team. There were are some positives.

But I agree with a number of things you mentioned.