They are drinking the Kool-Aid in Georgia!

Here's a perspective with a little more balance, from a journalist who's a UK grad and former columnist at the Louisville Courier-Journal who is now at the Atlanta Journal Constitution: The fact is, nobody in Georgia can trash Crean yet because he just got here, and no one wants to undercut the local university's hire before it's clear there's reason to do so. So just like most folks gave Crean plenty or room and rope to hang himself with at IU when he first got there (me included), folks down here will do the same.

That said, I'd say that reading between Bradley's lines in that post tells me an awful lot about what Crean's gonna be in for if his tenure at UGA follows what we saw at IU . . . and chief among that will be whether Crean can keep Georgia talent in-state. Sound familiar?

The biggest issue with Crean isn’t recruiting. It’s his coaching philosophy . He doesn’t care if his teams turn the ball over at an exceptionally high rate or demand they play defense. He only cares about being more efficient on offense.
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The biggest issue with Crean isn’t recruiting. It’s his coaching philosophy . He doesn’t care if his teams turn the ball over, at an exceptionally high rate, or demand they play defense. He only cares about being more efficient on offense.
Only, he cheats the defensive doing so.

Crashing offensive boards, increases offensive efficiency but decreases defense by allowing opponent transition. Shooting transition threes from the top of the key to free throw extended, increases offensive efficiency but decreases defense by allowing more opponent transition. Leaking on defense to create more transition, also decreases defensive efficiency, while increasing offense.

A good offensive coach has an efficient offense, without giving up defense to do so. The guy is a fraud..

His recruting is also as flawed. He doesn't build teams he recruits like a teen age girl chooses barbie clothes. Purely on whim. Every year we had a positional weakness because Crean doesn't understand or value roles. "Positionless" basketball does not exist. He bought into his own marketing slogan.

Next year at Georgia he's going to a 3/4 press. lol Gimmick of the year.... still searching for that magic wand.
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The biggest issue with Crean isn’t recruiting. It’s his coaching philosophy . He doesn’t care if his teams turn the ball over, at an exceptionally high rate, or demand they play defense. He only cares about being more efficient on offense.

*slaps forehead*

I was just identifying what Mark Bradley was pointing out.
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Here's a perspective with a little more balance, from a journalist who's a UK grad and former columnist at the Louisville Courier-Journal who is now at the Atlanta Journal Constitution: The fact is, nobody in Georgia can trash Crean yet because he just got here, and no one wants to undercut the local university's hire before it's clear there's reason to do so. So just like most folks gave Crean plenty or room and rope to hang himself with at IU when he first got there (me included), folks down here will do the same.

That said, I'd say that reading between Bradley's lines in that post tells me an awful lot about what Crean's gonna be in for if his tenure at UGA follows what we saw at IU . . . and chief among that will be whether Crean can keep Georgia talent in-state. Sound familiar?
does it really matter what kind of talent he gets or where it comes from? i think not.
Georgia really has no/low expectations, so he may ok here. If he can win 20 and compete in the conference, he could be there a long time. Or, it could be an absolute train wreck.
Georgia really has no/low expectations, so he may ok here. If he can win 20 and compete in the conference, he could be there a long time. Or, it could be an absolute train wreck.
We know he will win 12 games!
What success other than the final four?

The bar being set at making the tournament once in a while. Also having certain type of players that excel in hucking and chucking. Big men handling the ball made me spit out my coffee. Unless you are a top rated player with size, that is just a horrendous idea.
Georgia really has no/low expectations.

What makes you think UGA has low expectations? They fired a guy - George Fox - who was building a program the right way, but taking longer to do it than either the athletic director or the fan base wanted. I think Fox is a MUCH better coach and program head than Crean is . . . you think that those low expectations got Fox fired?
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does it really matter what kind of talent he gets or where it comes from? i think not.

Really? Why would you think that?

Folks in Georgia want their local kids to be on local TV with local programs as much as Indiana folks do . . . and there's more talent in Georgia than there is in Indiana, year-in, year-out (although I don't think the kids here generally have the bball IQ that Indiana high school kids have coming out). Those last two 5 stars that UK signed? Both Atlanta area kids . . . .
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UGA does not have low expectations. They just spent big $$$ to get a coach. His leash will be shorter than you think. Don’t underestimate their interest in a great hoops program.

UGA alums are very proud of their school just like we are. They are just football first.

Crean will be crean and they will move on soon enough.
Go Hoosiers!
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We shouldnt bash CTC and should cheer him on and hope he does well. He took over this program and took a risk coming here given the situation we were in and really turned things around and moved us to that next level. He was a good person and always positive about Indiana University and did not do anything to harm our image or reputation. I'm in 100 percent agreement that it was time for him to move on and I support the AD decision 100 percent for reasons that I posted about in detail while he was still here. With that said, he is gone and we should all show some class and be happy for Georgia and hope does great things there. Everyone deserves a second chance.
Crean's inability to recruit enough Indiana hot shots ultimately doomed him. Archie corrects that and the program will be back on track to compete every year.

Good lord, look what the cat just dragged in. Good to see you, stranger!
What makes you think UGA has low expectations? They fired a guy - George Fox - who was building a program the right way, but taking longer to do it than either the athletic director or the fan base wanted. I think Fox is a MUCH better coach and program head than Crean is . . . you think that those low expectations got Fox fired?

Football school
Football school
Gee, I've never heard that one before.

Of course, being a football school of necessity precludes having a competent basketball program . . . just like Florida, Florida State, Miami, Michigan even Ohio State . . . .

DWS, in case there was any question at all . . . .
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We shouldnt bash CTC and should cheer him on and hope he does well. He took over this program and took a risk coming here given the situation we were in and really turned things around and moved us to that next level. He was a good person and always positive about Indiana University and did not do anything to harm our image or reputation. I'm in 100 percent agreement that it was time for him to move on and I support the AD decision 100 percent for reasons that I posted about in detail while he was still here. With that said, he is gone and we should all show some class and be happy for Georgia and hope does great things there. Everyone deserves a second chance.
What level are you referring to?
What level are you referring to?
When he took over we were a D2 talent team at best. When he left we had top 25 talent (lacked x's and o's coaching) but the talent was here. So, we had top 25 talent with occasional NCAA appearance and Sweet 16 advancement. That's not the level we expect at Indiana but he did take us up quite a few notches from where we were when he took over. You have to admit that and give him the credit he deserves.
He's a fraud.
A fraud? Please explain that to me with facts to back up your claim. I can agree that he lacked X's and O's knowledge and I completely disagreed with his style of coaching but I do feel that he believes in it and thus does not make him a fraud. I've heard multiple stories of CTC that lead me to believe that he is a great person and did a lot of good things for people and really cared for IU and his players. I think it lacks integrity and class to bash someone when they leave and that's all my point is.
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A fraud? Please explain that to me with facts to back up your claim. I can agree that he lacked X's and O's knowledge and I completely disagreed with his style of coaching but I do feel that he believes in it and thus does not make him a fraud. I've heard multiple stories of CTC that lead me to believe that he is a great person and did a lot of good things for people and really cared for IU and his players. I think it lacks integrity and class to bash someone when they leave and that's all my point is.

Ya, funny how we heard so much about Crean’s secret charity work. And he loved the kids so damn much he turned over a third of the roster every year.

Seriously, he’s not a great person.
When he took over we were a D2 talent team at best. When he left we had top 25 talent (lacked x's and o's coaching) but the talent was here. So, we had top 25 talent with occasional NCAA appearance and Sweet 16 advancement. That's not the level we expect at Indiana but he did take us up quite a few notches from where we were when he took over. You have to admit that and give him the credit he deserves.

And it only took 9 years, and one of the most embarrassing coaching dismantles I've ever seen against Syracuse. I believe 95% of the fan base saw what he was after that game. Someone in way over his head and a one trick pony.
A fraud? Please explain that to me with facts to back up your claim. I can agree that he lacked X's and O's knowledge and I completely disagreed with his style of coaching but I do feel that he believes in it and thus does not make him a fraud. I've heard multiple stories of CTC that lead me to believe that he is a great person and did a lot of good things for people and really cared for IU and his players. I think it lacks integrity and class to bash someone when they leave and that's all my point is.

If you believe in something so vehemently like his vast amount of plays in his massive playbook, and hardly any of them work, I'd say he is a man of quantity over substance. Hence, the fraud label. It doesn't take a genius to realize that every respected coach above him had his number and knew exactly how to beat him. Even our best few years with him when ran up against a coach (not a team) that picked him a part. Hell, temple almost beat us that year. I still have flash backs of Cody driving into the 3 defenders when the entire lane was open. That isn't stupidity on Cody's part...That was coached.
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When he took over we were a D2 talent team at best. When he left we had top 25 talent (lacked x's and o's coaching) but the talent was here. So, we had top 25 talent with occasional NCAA appearance and Sweet 16 advancement. That's not the level we expect at Indiana but he did take us up quite a few notches from where we were when he took over. You have to admit that and give him the credit he deserves.

Many coaches could have accomplished what he did at IU. Without being a weirdo.
These ‘anti-Crean’ posts are just love letters to him. This is no different than the girl who teases you because she’s crazy about you. Let the Tom-fest continue!
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Ya, funny how we heard so much about Crean’s secret charity work. And he loved the kids so damn much he turned over a third of the roster every year.

Seriously, he’s not a great person.
My personality is not one to jump on board the bashing train, but there really is an element of truth to this post.

We are in good shape with Archie.
Many coaches could have accomplished what he did at IU. Without being a weirdo.
I disagree with that. Some people seem to forget what Sampson left us with. Sanctions, walk ons and very little talent. I seriously doubt that many people could have come in and did as well with the program as he did. Come on, calling him a weirdo? Seriously? He was a good recruiter and good at player development. Because of that he was able to make our program relevant enough to land top 25 talent again. I think he was a good choice for Georgia and the Georgia fans have a lot to look forward to. Will they compete for titles? No, but Georgia does not expect to compete for titles in basketball. Will they have a winning season every year? No, but they dont expect that either. Georgia will be considerably better under CTC than they have been the past 20 years.
If you believe in something so vehemently like his vast amount of plays in his massive playbook, and hardly any of them work, I'd say he is a man of quantity over substance. Hence, the fraud label. It doesn't take a genius to realize that every respected coach above him had his number and knew exactly how to beat him. Even our best few years with him when ran up against a coach (not a team) that picked him a part. Hell, temple almost beat us that year. I still have flash backs of Cody driving into the 3 defenders when the entire lane was open. That isn't stupidity on Cody's part...That was coached.
I dont disagree with anything you said at all. As a matter of fact, I was saying the exact same thing a couple seasons ago. My disagreement with the other posters is bashing him and calling him a fraud. A fraud is unwarranted. That would be suggesting that those bad plays in his playbook were intentionally designed by him so we would lose, or that would mean that he purposely let those coaches out coach him so he wouldnt win. The guy is no longer here. Why cant we be classy and remember him for the good things he did for us and wish him the best of luck? Bashing a former Coach that did nothing wrong other than being mediocre at his job makes our fan base look kind of douchy.
Ya, funny how we heard so much about Crean’s secret charity work. And he loved the kids so damn much he turned over a third of the roster every year.

Seriously, he’s not a great person.
Look, that was his coaching philosophy which is one of the many techniques he used that I didnt agree with. That was his system and you can tell me which part of it makes him a bad person. Kids go pro early. Kids transfer at higher rates today than they did 20 years ago. So, he over recruited because he would rather have too many than not enough. That resulted in weeding out kids that he gave a shot to come here and didnt meet expectations. The players coming new the expectations when they came and reaped the consequences if they didnt rise to them. What part of that makes him a bad person? I dont agree with that way of doing it but I also dont think that way of doing it crosses any kind of ethical lines. I didnt agree with constantly changing the lineup and benching players after they got hot. But, that was his way of coaching and it didnt make him a bad guy. Tom is gone so the horse is dead, get off it! Especially with the personal attacks on his character. Embrace the Coach you have and be glad he is here. If CTC didnt Coach the way he did, we would never have the opportunity to have Archie.
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Look, that was his coaching philosophy which is one of the many techniques he used that I didnt agree with. That was his system and you can tell me which part of it makes him a bad person. Kids go pro early. Kids transfer at higher rates today than they did 20 years ago. So, he over recruited because he would rather have too many than not enough. That resulted in weeding out kids that he gave a shot to come here and didnt meet expectations. The players coming new the expectations when they came and reaped the consequences if they didnt rise to them. What part of that makes him a bad person? I dont agree with that way of doing it but I also dont think that way of doing it crosses any kind of ethical lines. I didnt agree with constantly changing the lineup and benching players after they got hot. But, that was his way of coaching and it didnt make him a bad guy. Tom is gone so the horse is dead, get off it! Especially with the personal attacks on his character. Embrace the Coach you have and be glad he is here. If CTC didnt Coach the way he did, we would never have the opportunity to have Archie.

You could have saved everyone some time by just saying I am Tom Crean's family member and you meanies need to stop telling the truth about Tom being a bad coach.
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