You're missing the point, Aloha. In fact, it sort of feels like you're deliberately trying to avoid it.
First, this has nothing to do with criminality on Biden's part. So let's set that aside.
Second, it has nothing to do with what impact (if any) it had on the 2020 election. Personally, I'm also very skeptical that it had any impact. But, again, it's entirely beside the point.
Third, which media outlets did or did not report on the laptop is, once again, also beside the point.
So....what, then, is the point? The point is that high-ranking veterans of our intelligence community -- including 5 or 6 former CIA directors(!) -- coordinated with a presidential campaign to disseminate misinformation in order to influence an election. Personally, I don't think a single one of them actually believed the laptop was a Russian op. But I'm not inside their heads. If we're going to be charitable to them, we would at least have to say they had no factual basis on which to make the claim that they did. Obviously...because they were totally wrong.
So whether it was deliberate lying or just rank incompetence (and recklessness, making such a claim without any basis to do so), the primary issue here is that they did damage to the institutional credibility of our intelligence community. And why? To influence a presidential election?
What they did is simply inexcusable and there needs to be some kind of accountability. But I think a lot of people have a hard time recognizing that because the candidate they were working against was Donald Trump. To the degree that's the case, it's very short-sighted.