The REAL theft of our elections...

I agree it's a problem however Google is a private company that can do as they please when it comes to their algorithms. Unless of course, you think they should be slapped with federal... REGULATIONS...dun dun dun.
It's not a private company - it's a public company, traded on the NASDAQ.

Ever heard of monopolies? Those are broken up all the time, and, as pointed out above, Google is at war with Elizabeth Warren, who wants to break them up. Why? Because they've become too powerful as a monopoly.

But you know all that - stop being so disingenuous.
It's not a private company - it's a public company, traded on the NASDAQ.

Ever heard of monopolies? Those are broken up all the time, and, as pointed out above, Google is at war with Elizabeth Warren, who wants to break them up. Why? Because they've become too powerful as a monopoly.

But you know all that - stop being so disingenuous.
Are you being serious?
GIF by Giphy QA
Obviously, you don't know the history of he US and monopolies
I'm not an expert, no. I do agree they are probably too big at this point and could stand to be scrutinized in that sense.

I thought the OPs issue was with the algorithms that direct people towards pro left leaning information. I have issue with that too and think that practice should be outlawed or some transparency should be required. Who is monetizing the algorithms? Because Its happening. Sadly I don't think anyone can do much about it.
Anyone who doesn’t think Google is trying to manipulate the election in one direction is just plain naive.
or it's quite possible they're not excessively paranoid and actually understand how a search engine works and how to use it.

Hmmmm ...
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or it's quite possible they're not excessively paranoid and actually understand how a search engine works and how to use it.

Hmmmm ...

But likely they have read research by the foremost expert that has testified to Congress with actual data that has been peer-reviewed.

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