The Great Wealth Transfer

"Giving money" to someone is the very definition of an "economic transfer."

There might be other motivating reasons, sure, but it is what it is.
I consider what I have been fortunate enough to accumulate as belonging to the family. I worked for them. But I know not all families are the same and there are many variables.
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I consider what I have been fortunate enough to accumulate as belonging to the family. I worked for them. But I know not all families are the same and there are many variables.

this reminds me, we almost forgot to blame you Boomers for the staggering rise in wealth inequality over the last 40 years. huge oversight on our part. please give the country back its middle class. thanks! lol.
I consider what I have been fortunate enough to accumulate as belonging to the family. I worked for them. But I know not all families are the same and there are many variables.
So you redefine the terms to fit your partisan biases. Got it.
If I had done that I'd still be flipping burgers at McD... I think when my mom died in the mid 90s she was getting around $400/month in SS. Naturally I and my siblings sent her money.

Or one of those liar clubs you see in a lot of restaurants in the morning where all these older people are sitting at a table telling stories. :)

I think, to a large extent, happiness is a choice. I know that I'll get a lot of push back on that statement,

Looks like there was a surprise in that group. 😅 😅
My mom is going strong at 94 and draws $1,000/mo from SS. By the time she pays her Medicare supplement and rent (she lives in a subsidized senior apartment) and food, that's about it. 1 of my sisters is faithful about giving her money, and one sister will to it occasionally and let us all know about it..... and the other can't afford to help. So you know who picks up the slack..... I don't mind a bit. My parents are/were (my dad died in 2003) great people and great examples of Christian living.. But when it came to money, they were totally clueless. Of course, with 4 kids, it's tough even if you're good at managing money.
this reminds me, we almost forgot to blame you Boomers for the staggering rise in wealth inequality over the last 40 years. huge oversight on our part. please give the country back its middle class. thanks! lol.
Have you met JamieDiamonsBalls?
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So you redefine the terms to fit your partisan biases. Got it.
I have no idea what you mean. But I am grateful for a cohesive close family. . That’s worth a lot more than my modest assets. What I die with belongs to them.
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So you redefine the terms to fit your partisan biases. Got it.

I have no idea what you mean. But I am grateful for a cohesive close family. . That’s worth a lot more than my modest assets. What I die with belongs to them.

You guys are just being stubborn and talking past each other. Neither of you is wrong. Brad was right from a legal, technical and logical perspective.

COH’s point is that while the wealth may technically be under his name, he believes it should be shared by the family. That argument has some merit in that most of us aren’t working hard just for our own ego (plenty of exceptions). I’m working hard for my family and kids benefit.
Thank you Boomers. Your generations theft led to the invention of Bitcoin. The best money ever that will end the last legalized form of slavery, inflation, and finally separate the state from money. @UncleMark live it up and keep voting for the thieving leftist. Bitcoin is counting on you doing it.

Federal Reserve Bitcoin Meme GIF

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We just got our numbers for IU undergrad next year. It’s now over $31k instate. Federal student loans are capped at $5,500 a year. We got $0 in aid under the new FAFSA formula. The 529 will be depleted in 2 years.

Now that the FAFSA formula does not consider how many kids you have in college at the same time, I’m not sure what the hell I’m gonna do when I have 2 in a couple years. Writing checks for $50k each year seems untenable.

This is the generational issue. College is now outrageously expensive. It’s not just students and their debt load. It’s the parents trying to figure out how to pay these large bills each semester.
I take comfort that the IU BoT is doing everything they can to keep higher education affordable for average Indiana residents. Ha Ha Ha!