The extended version of "Five Armies" should be good....


Aug 10, 2011
No mention at the end of the Arkenstone, Orcrist, or Dain I noticed. Jackson released a 2.5 hour movie, at 2.75 hours he could have wrapped it all up, I think...
Those are the worst movies ever made.

bar none, and it's not arguable. So don't argue. I hold you and anyone that paid money to see that cluster fk of a movie series in dire contempt.

Christopher Tolkien was so pissed he denied further rights to make any more movies based on his father's books. He basically called those movies (The Hobbit) money grabbing crap.

That stupid Fran Walsh beeotch ruined my childhood memories with that POS attempt at retelling a classic. I can only imagine Christopher feels likewise and would probably hold her down while I kicked her in her stupid gaping crotch.

This post was edited on 12/28 1:07 PM by T.M.P.
Did Mommy make you put your helmet on..

I hope so. I would also suggest a bib so you don't ruin your keyboard with drool and slobber.
No it isn't ..

it's bad, but it's not Fran Walsh bad. Nothing is Fran Walsh bad, unless it was written by Fran Walsh. She's the worst screenwriter in the history of the medium.
I can think of a thousand..

but unless it was written by Fran Walsh, it doesn't compare in horribleness. If Tom Crean were a screenwriter he would be an orange over stimulated Fran Walsh. If Fender was a screenwriter he would be bald douchebag gullom looking Fran Walsh. If Purdue Basketball were a screenwriter, it would be fat overweight smelly Fran Walsh. The beeotch wrote for Zena, and then thought she could enhance the story of a master storyteller. There's no one worse nor has there ever been anyone worse.

This post was edited on 12/28 3:05 PM by T.M.P.
Where does Fran compare

to Lindsey Buckingham?

This post was edited on 12/28 3:06 PM by Rangeline Fan
Re: I can think of a thousand..

How do you really feel about her? Please don't hold back.

I don't even on know who that is. I don't read or watch that genre of crap
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: I can think of a thousand..

But you think Crean's a good coach, so your opinion isn't worth much.
She is objectively bad at her craft.

A lot of times people think writing is bad simply because they don't like it. This is not one of those cases. She is objectively bad at what she does. I have near my desk a well-thumbed copy of GWW guide to writing fiction, and every single chapter could be followed with excerpts of her scripts as examples of what not to do.

A lot of people liked the Hobbit movies, but they don't realize that they liked them in spite of Fran's contributions, and not because of them. Most people who enjoyed those abortions don't have the slightest inkling of how great they could have been had the story been given a proper treatment.

Fran is by no means the worst writer in the history of writing, but she's certainly the worst of all the writers to be given the opportunity to write on such a big stage for such a big audience. I hope Peter has some really nasty bedroom habits, because she better have earned this.

Re: She is objectively bad at her craft.

I keep holding out hope that this Hobbit rendition was done so poorly that someone else will get a shot at it 10 yrs down the road. Someone that actually gives two shits abt the story and not pampering to people who only know it due to the LOTR movies
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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