These are Devils Advocate questions and a bit of push back:
The high CEO comp has more effects on our system than just cost to consumers, I think. The amount of wealth they accumulate makes it a qualitative difference compared to docs, and distorts our democracy via ability to affect public discourse (Musk is the extreme example) and,
probably more importantly, access to the powerful politicians (and judges?).
Re docs, if we didn’t spend a lot of money via medical care from govt, would you be questioning their income? Re corporate CEOs and execs, if they’ve been bailed out or subsidized by govt, does that then make their salaries open to questioning (sorry, Jamie)?
I understand and sympathize with the impulse. I think it makes sense to step back and question any system that produces absurd, irrational, or morally despicable results. However, I don’t think there is a perfect system and you’re usually trading one bad outcome for another in this realm.