I have an issue with it because it's something that we all have to pay for. CEO comp is rather meaningless. If a Walmart CEO gets paid $100k or $50m it is more or less irrelevant to what the costs are in the store. It's such a small amount of people at the top it doesn't matter to the consumer. Plus it's all extremely competitive with basically no barriers of entry (not that medical specialists aren't competitive slots, they are, but only artificially created).
But vs Drs, where its a proven data point that why we all pay so much more is due to how highly compensated our Drs are vs the rest of the world.... And it's heavily gatekept and rent seeked via govt and interest groups.
People get into the medical field today to make money. It was never that way before. My grandfather was a country doctor and a farmer as doctoring was a respected job, but wasn't lucrative. People did it at they had a calling. Now it's a way to guarantee wealth, particularly as a specialist.
My buddy's wife is planning to work 15 years. They have it all planned out. It's get in, max earnings, live basic, then be done by late 40s and go do what they actually like doing with life. I can't blame them, as those are the incentives setup for them. But all I can think is what a wasteful system to train someone for that many years just so they can go cash out ASAP.
And we all have to pay for that waste, we don't really get to choose to just not shop at Walmart (or go to a NBA game) because their costs are too high.