The Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group . . .

It doesn’t have any bearing on this “mishap”. I never said it did. I don’t think you read my second link. This “mishap” neutralized the strike group because we have no back up. We have no backup because of failure to meet recruitment goals. For many reasons, white males are dropping out of many important jobs. I think that is a problem.

I agree with you but let’s focus on this as opposed to many important jobs. Otherwise, it’s just going to turn into a pissing contest and your point is going to get lost in about 3 posts
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I agree with you but let’s focus on this as opposed to many important jobs. Otherwise, it’s just going to turn into a pissing contest and your point is going to get lost in about 3 posts
I get the point. The lack of military recruits is one part of a much bigger issue. But, especially in this case, it’s a threat to safety and could be the cause of more bloodshed.
My son has mentioned maybe applying to the Naval Academy or doing ROTC. Wonder if this situation would help his chances.
Wow!!! Big time. I have an old soccer friend who played at navy. He hated it and left. Many years ago obviously so probably doesn’t mean much. He actually moved to Carmel. Loved that life. Obviously. Did navy help him know he deserves the best? Maybe
Is he any good at athletics? I think all Cadets and Midshipmen have to play a varsity sport. I could be wrong about that, but I know a guy who went there (50 years ago) and he said it was a requirement.
Still a requirement, however, club and intramural sports suffice.
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Are we ready to start talking about compulsory national service?
No. Conscripts typically suck when speaking in military terms and I think the same would hold true in the "other services" you guys talked about up above as well. The last thing you want is someone in the 18-22 age range forced to having to take care of like the elderly. That is something that takes a level of empathy and understanding that not everyone has, let alone young adults in that age range.

My opinion.
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No. Conscripts typically suck when speaking in military terms and I think the same would hold true in the "other services" you guys talked about up above as well. The last thing you want is someone in the 18-22 age range forced to having to take care of like the elderly. That is something that takes a level of empathy and understanding that not everyone has, let alone young adults in that age range.

My opinion.
Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too.
No. Conscripts typically suck when speaking in military terms and I think the same would hold true in the "other services" you guys talked about up above as well. The last thing you want is someone in the 18-22 age range forced to having to take care of like the elderly. That is something that takes a level of empathy and understanding that not everyone has, let alone young adults in that age range.

My opinion.

I think conscripts is the wrong term. Over time it would be expected and inevitable. Attitudes would change. And, as Univee noted, there's plenty of shit work to go around that needs done.
So, he stole from Judge Smails, too?
Haven't we all....

"i've sent boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn't want to, felt I OWED it to them"

"This is (fill in the blank golf club) sir, and I never slice!"

"Oh Billy, billy, billy..."

"Chop Chop"

"Don't you people have homes?"

And, of couse (though not Judge Smails related) whenever I'm given the opporunity to answer how I measure myself against anything, I offer up the Ty Webb response "by height".
Haven't we all....

"i've sent boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn't want to, felt I OWED it to them"

"This is (fill in the blank golf club) sir, and I never slice!"

"Oh Billy, billy, billy..."

"Chop Chop"

"Don't you people have homes?"

And, of couse (though not Judge Smails related) whenever I'm given the opporunity to answer how I measure myself against anything, I offer up the Ty Webb response "by height".
I hear this place is restricted, Wang, so don’t tell them you’re Jewish.
I hear this place is restricted, Wang, so don’t tell them you’re Jewish.
You'll get nothing and like it!! (personal usage in the hundres of times at this point)

Lacey Underalls: Here's a check for $70,000
Ty Webb: Keep it
Lacey Underalls: And a summons....

Ty Webb: What's wrong with lumberyards? I own two of them.
Danny: I notice you don't spend a lot of time there.
Ty Webb: I'm not really sure where they are.
Is one of the most lethal forces on the planet. It is positioned in the Persian Gulf. It’s now nothing more than a collection of floating funny looking excursion boats. Why? It can’t get more jet fuel. The Navy’s oiler attached to the strike group ran aground and is out of service. Our navy has no ready replacement. Why? Because of failure to meet recruiting goals, the Navy sidelined logistical ships.

Why can’t we meet recruiting goals? Many reasons and the issue is complicated. But we do know that white males are dropping out of everything, from being students to being accomplished tradesmen, well-educated professionals and signing up for the military.

We have a problem.
In many public schools white males are at the end of the serving line.
Is he any good at athletics? I think all Cadets and Midshipmen have to play a varsity sport. I could be wrong about that, but I know a guy who went there (50 years ago) and he said it was a requirement.
No. Most that were accepted played a varsity support in High School. It’s not a requirement at the USNA or at NROTC units. They have a ton of intramural sports many play but not a requirement.
Is he any good at athletics? I think all Cadets and Midshipmen have to play a varsity sport. I could be wrong about that, but I know a guy who went there (50 years ago) and he said it was a requirement.
Good? No. I'm not sure if he'll go through with it or not but I'd love it if he did.

Re requirements, you do not have to have played varsity to qualify. You do have to pass a fairly rigorous fitness test:

Maximum Performance Scores by Event and Gender:​

B-Ball ThrowPull-UpsShuttle RunCrunchesPush-Ups1-Mile

Testing Sequence​

The test sequence will follow the order listed below. This order cannot be modified. There are no exceptions to this sequence or timing.

EventsTest Start TimeTesting TimeRestTotal Elapsed Time
Basketball Throw0:002 minutes3 minutes5:00
Pull-Ups5:002 minutes3 minutes10:00
Shuttle Run10:002 minutes3 minutes15:00
Crunches15:002 minutes3 minutes20:00
Push-Ups20:002 minutes3 minutes25:00
1-Mile Run30:0010 minutes5 minutes*40:00
* The 5-minute rest includes the transition time to the outdoor track. If the 1-mile run cannot be started by minute 30, an alternative arrangement for a running surface must be found.
Good? No. I'm not sure if he'll go through with it or not but I'd love it if he did.

Re requirements, you do not have to have played varsity to qualify. You do have to pass a fairly rigorous fitness test:

Maximum Performance Scores by Event and Gender:​

B-Ball ThrowPull-UpsShuttle RunCrunchesPush-Ups1-Mile

Testing Sequence​

The test sequence will follow the order listed below. This order cannot be modified. There are no exceptions to this sequence or timing.

EventsTest Start TimeTesting TimeRestTotal Elapsed Time
Basketball Throw0:002 minutes3 minutes5:00
Pull-Ups5:002 minutes3 minutes10:00
Shuttle Run10:002 minutes3 minutes15:00
Crunches15:002 minutes3 minutes20:00
Push-Ups20:002 minutes3 minutes25:00
1-Mile Run30:0010 minutes5 minutes*40:00
* The 5-minute rest includes the transition time to the outdoor track. If the 1-mile run cannot be started by minute 30, an alternative arrangement for a running surface must be found.
Damn that's no joke.