"The 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closes professional scrutiny and WHEN I WIN...

Whether someone votes now or on election day is no indication of their level of being informed.

The liberal bastion of Mississippi allows voting 45 days before election day. ****ing woke.
If Mississippi voter laws are stupid then Mississippi voter laws are stupid. Political party has nothing to do with it.

It absolutely has to do with being informed. Someone who votes tomorrow doesn't have the same amount of information as someone who votes 11/5.

We can't legislate that everyone is well read, listens to Ben Shapiro and reads national Review. But we can also not create laws and regulations that make it easier to make uniformed decisions.
If Mississippi voter laws are stupid then Mississippi voter laws are stupid. Political party has nothing to do with it.

It absolutely has to do with being informed. Someone who votes tomorrow doesn't have the same amount of information as someone who votes 11/5.

We can't legislate that everyone is well read, listens to Ben Shapiro and reads national Review. But we can also not create laws and regulations that make it easier to make uniformed decisions.
The 2024 Democratic party ladies and gentlemen.
That you?
Law and Order, but only when convenient. Noted. We don't need spies in Iran or China anyway.

They are fine with
army marching GIF

as long as Trump is calling the shots.
“.... those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again," he wrote.

He continued, “Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.”

Shame on the Fraternal Order of Police for endorsing this guy and letting him stand up there and threaten Americans for what HE did in 2020.

Give me a ****ing break, fellas.
Let's hope he follows through with his promises!
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If Mississippi voter laws are stupid then Mississippi voter laws are stupid. Political party has nothing to do with it.

It absolutely has to do with being informed. Someone who votes tomorrow doesn't have the same amount of information as someone who votes 11/5.

We can't legislate that everyone is well read, listens to Ben Shapiro and reads national Review. But we can also not create laws and regulations that make it easier to make uniformed decisions.
Interesting that other civilized countries have 1 day to vote. And with paper ballots. Why? Because they know anything else is major opportunity for fraud.

But we do it over months because.... well, that's how the Democrats want it.
Interesting Wiki left out France, which is the most ethnically diverse of European nations, and had single day voting.

And none of them allow voting as early as we do.

I'd be fine with a few days early voting a couple weeks before the election - not almost 2 months.

There is also a difference between in-person early voting at a voting station versus mail-in ballots and those dropped off by anyone.
Interesting Wiki left out France, which is the most ethnically diverse of European nations, and had single day voting.

And none of them allow voting as early as we do.

I'd be fine with a few days early voting a couple weeks before the election - not almost 2 months.

There is also a difference between in-person early voting at a voting station versus mail-in ballots and those dropped off by anyone.

You wrote "Interesting that other civilized countries have 1 day to vote." My link proved you are a LIAR. When are you going to stop LYING???

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You wrote "Interesting that other civilized countries have 1 day to vote." My link proved you are a LIAR. When are you going to stop LYING???

When you stop being an asshole. So, I guess I'll be lying for a loooo-oooong time.
Trump believes his lies. I’d bet on it
Someone had said Trump told them that repeating lies is a good strategy to getting people to believe them.

Trump may believe some of his lies but I bet most of his lies are done knowingly.

Of course impossible to prove and he lies so much that it would be a full time job keeping track.
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Someone had said Trump told them that repeating lies is a good strategy to getting people to believe them.

Trump may believe some of his lies but I bet most of his lies are on done knowingly.

Of course impossible to prove and he lies so much that it would be a full time job keeping track.
It’s funny because in this day of information lies are very easy to catch. But we also live in a time of lazy citizens who are willing to believe anything their hero tells them. Nit just Trump but most people in general seem to be lapping up all sorts of lies
It’s funny because in this day of information lies are very easy to catch. But we also live in a time of lazy citizens who are willing to believe anything their hero tells them. Nit just Trump but most people in general seem to be lapping up all sorts of lies
Just going to get worse as photoshopping and altering videos becomes easier so you can fabricate evidence to backup the lie
PSA ...

Currently, the anti-American propaganda cabal of Russia and MAGA, are pushing the stupid ass Haitian pussy eating story. Will Trump follow Putin's propaganda plan in the debate tomorrow and mentioned Haitians eating pussy? We all know that one of the biggest fears of MAGA men are people who can do what they never could ...

Side note: Just how f*cking ate up and stupid do these weirdos have to be to believe such inane shit?
PSA ...

Currently, the anti-American propaganda cabal of Russia and MAGA, are pushing the stupid ass Haitian pussy eating story. Will Trump follow Putin's propaganda plan in the debate tomorrow and mentioned Haitians eating pussy? We all know that one of the biggest fears of MAGA men are people who can do what they never could ...

Side note: Just how f*cking ate up and stupid do these weirdos have to be to believe such inane shit?
Interesting Wiki left out France, which is the most ethnically diverse of European nations, and had single day voting.

And none of them allow voting as early as we do.

I'd be fine with a few days early voting a couple weeks before the election - not almost 2 months.

There is also a difference between in-person early voting at a voting station versus mail-in ballots and those dropped off by anyone.
The sound of goalposts moving once again. DUNC is never wrong, he just switches topics.
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It’s funny because in this day of information lies are very easy to catch. But we also live in a time of lazy citizens who are willing to believe anything their hero tells them. Nit just Trump but most people in general seem to be lapping up all sorts of lies
The exchange between you and HIckory remind me of conversations between my 5 and 3 year old grandkids.

Except they'e on a higher intellectual level.
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You wrote "Interesting that other civilized countries have 1 day to vote." My link proved you are a LIAR. When are you going to stop LYING???

Here's what I wrote: "Interesting that other civilized countries have 1 day to vote." I never said they all had 1 day to vote.

So, you changed the goal post. What are you going to stop moving the goal posts?
Trusted, fair, and accepted elections in America are a thing of the past. The Democrats oppose every single measure to make elections more reliable even though majorities of citizens approve them. I don’t believe for a second that the Democrats are interested in expanding the right to vote. Their positions makes cheating easier. I believe if people can cheat, they will.

Take Pennsylvania. Most pundits say that is a must win state for Trump. In 2023 Shapiro signed an automatic motor-voter registration bill. In Pennsylvania any registered voter can request on-line a mail ballot. Pennsylvania does not have signature verification. All the requirements are by self authentication And everything, except the mail ballot, is online without showing anybody any verification. This is nuts. Pennsylvania will not have a result accepted as legit because it can’t.
"In Pennsylvania any registered voter can request on-line a mail ballot. Pennsylvania does not have signature verification. All the requirements are by self authentication And everything, except the mail ballot, is online without showing anybody any verification."

I believe you'll find all of these provisions in Act 77 enacted in 2019. Hre is the link...

Now correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not) but I believe the Legislature which enacted this bill in 2019 was controlled by The GOP. The act was a compromise between GOP Legislators who wanted to eliminat straight ticket ballots and Dems who wanted to allow for no excuse needed absentee balloting. I don't think the GOP was even that opposed to the concept, since up until that time absentee ballots were largely the purview of the GOP. In fact it was only a year later when Trump started whining that Republicans started to characterize expanding absentee balloting as "evil"...

You know OH,FL and PA all have early mail and in person voting. OH and FL were both able to declare their winner on election night because the early votes were opened and prepped for counting prior to election day. In both states Biden had a lead based on early returns but as election day ballots were tallied Trump ended up winning. Easy Peasy..., no whining about made up shenanigans...

But rather than adopt a similar procedure for processing early votes, PA insists on processing early votes last. Again it's that GOP controlled Legislature mandating that mail/early ballots can't even be opened till election day, and can't be counted till election day ballots are already counted and added in...

Now I wonder who has a vested interest in the continued application of such a policy? Not only was this a concerted effort on Trump's part to pretend to be ahead, but he also unscrupiously tried to use this fake lead as a justification to have a 3am press conference claiming he "won".

Trump knew that if PA's early votes were counted first then operation "red mirage" couldn't be implemented. Simple math tells you that with the amount of early ballots to be counted and Trump discouraging his followers from Early/mail voting that Trump's "lead" was illusionary with record numbers of early votes yet to be tallied. So Trump pressured the GOP Legislators not to modify the procedure to make things more convenient...

It wasn't a huge secret. That's why the Dems were completely prepared with legal teams and experts in every contested state. Hell even I was aware of what Trump was going to try to do. Here's an article from Oct 31 warning about the "red mirage" and explaining what Trump was up to.

"In Pennsylvania any registered voter can request on-line a mail ballot. Pennsylvania does not have signature verification. All the requirements are by self authentication And everything, except the mail ballot, is online without showing anybody any verification."

I believe you'll find all of these provisions in Act 77 enacted in 2019. Hre is the link...

Now correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not) but I believe the Legislature which enacted this bill in 2019 was controlled by The GOP. The act was a compromise between GOP Legislators who wanted to eliminat state ticket ballots and Dems who wanted to allow for no excuse needed absentee balloting. I don't think the GOP was even that opposed to the concept, till up until that time absentee ballots were largely the purview of the GOP. In fact it was only a year later when Trump started whining that Republicans started to characterize expanding absentee ballots as "evil"...

You know OH,FL and PA all have early mail and in person voting. OH and FL were both able to declare their winner on election night because the early votes were opened and prepped for counting prior to election day. n both states Biden had a lead based on early returns but as election day ballots were tallied Trump ended up winning. Easy Peasy...

But rather than adopt a similar procedure for processing early votes, PA insists on processing early votes last. Again it's that GOP controlled Legislature mandating that mail/early ballots can't even be opened till election day, and can't be counted till election day ballots are already counted and added in...

Now I wonder who has a vested interest in the continued application of such a policy? Not only was this a concerted effort on Trump's part to pretend to be ahead, but he also unscrupiously tried to use this fake lead as a justification to have a 3am press conference claiming he "won".

Trump knew that if PA's early votes were counted first then operation "red mirage" couldn't be implemented. Simple math tells you that with the amount of early ballots to be counted and Trump discouraging his followers from Early/mail voting that Trump's "lead" was illusionary with record numbers of early votes yet to be tallied. So Trump pressured the GOP Legislators not to modify the procedure to make things more convenient...

It wasn't a huge secret. That's why the Dems were completely prepared with legal teams and experts in every contested state. Hell even I was aware of what Trump was going to try to do. Here's an article from Oct 31 warning about the "red mirage" and explaining what Trump was up to.

Nice try, but nothing I said is wrong.
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Interesting Wiki left out France, which is the most ethnically diverse of European nations, and had single day voting.

And none of them allow voting as early as we do.

I'd be fine with a few days early voting a couple weeks before the election - not almost 2 months.

There is also a difference between in-person early voting at a voting station versus mail-in ballots and those dropped off by anyone.
"Interesting Wiki left out France, which is the most ethnically diverse of European nations, and had single day voting.

And none of them allow voting as early as we do."

France had two seperate election weekends, nothing close to single day voting. The whole reason Macron was able to fashion a coaltion to keep the neo-Nazi nutters out, was because normal people were apalled at the amount of first weekend support the Fascists were able to garner.
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Nice try, but nothing I said is wrong.
I didn't say it was wrong. Just pointing out that anything approved by the Legislature (and signed by Shapiro or his predecessor Wolf) actually was passed by a GOP controlled Legislature...

It's MAGA who wants to make it as difficult as possible for people to exercise their right to vote...That's the tactic you are forced to resort to when you're a minority with unpopular opinions.