Thanks, GOP & NRA! 384 Mass Shooting in 2024 (UPDATED 09/4/24)

Studies do show that conservatives are generally happier than liberals, and conservatives spend less time with mental health therapists than liberals. So there is that.
Pretty sure those studies were conducted prior to MAGA Trump anger started to emerge...

"Happy" people do not fall for conspiracy theories and then stage an insurrection to "take their country back" because they are unable to deal with the reality of being a minority...
Serious question... Are you guys as upset with the various state Legislatures that have passed "open carry" provisions, as you are with the "Progressive" Prosecutor who declined to prosecute this case over an issue that would not even be a crime in most "Red" states?

The MI "crime" of the young man having a loaded weapon in his car would not even be a crime in Texas.So why would this prosecutors actions upset you?Pretty sure all of you guys are advocates for open carry. Isn't that exactly what the shooter's "previous crime" basically amounted to?

Hell it's not even a crime in Indiana...

"In short, any proper person, as defined in Ind. Code § 35-47-1-7, may legally carry a handgun, concealed or openly, or have a handgun in their vehicle without a license. Ind. Code 35-47-2-1."
Police had been called to his house in the past for shooting in his backyard in lansing. That should have been the end of his fun with a gun
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If Michigan makes certain conduct with a gun a crime, why should a prosecutor not press that charge just cuz it isn’t a crime in Texas? I don’t get your logic.
You don't get the logic? People who believe anyone should be able to carry a loaded weapon without a license are upset because a Prosecutor in a different state failed to prosecute a case against a law they personally view as unconstitutional? You'd think they'd view the renegade prosecutor as a hero...
i hate to wade in on this, but can't help myself.
Before you condemn the legal law abiding gun owners -which, in full disclosure, includes me- have you watched what Hollywood and the video game industry has been putting out in recent years? (and I won't even touch some side streets of the music industry). The entertainment industry has glamorized gun use to the point where we don't even flinch seeing drive by shootings on the big screen, or even our own TVs. Pair that with social media, and the root cause is not the availability of guns. They've been here since the pilgrims. It's a societal, mental health issue. A lack of respect for human life.

The Waukesha dude killed a bunch of kids in a parade with a car. What do we do, ban automobiles?
9/11 was pulled off using airplanes.
How many stabbing deaths occur each year? Do we ban knives?
Paul Pelosi was almost killed with a hammer. What's the solution? Close down Home Depot?
Most of the shootings in Chicago are gang/drug related, and I'm willing to bet the perps are not FOID card holders using registered guns. So new laws aren't going to change the problem regardless.

We tried banning alcohol. All it did was make criminals like Capone more powerful.
Drugs are illegal. But the market thrives and cartels are more powerful than the Mexican government. Sad truth, as long as there is a demand...there will be a market, whether you legalize it or not.

I don't know what the answer is. But toning down the gun violence our kids see on TV, movies, video games, youtube, etc.....might be a good start.

Don't expect solutions for any major problems to come from the DC swamp. That's just a never ending power struggle and they'll use anything to gain points. Mayor Lightfoot doesn't seem too concerned with all the toe tags counted on the south side each weekend.
I want my kids safe in school. Is that too much to ask? Apparently so. As someone else said, if the slaughter of elementary school kids at Sandy Hook didn't provide sufficient incentive for meaningful legislative change, then nothing will.

And, news flash. It's not cars that are killing kids in school. Or hammers. Or knives. It's young adult losers who can buy guns without a waiting period, or who have easy access to a gun as a result of a parent or some other idiot who has irresponsibly failed to secure their firearm.
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Well there was a nice environmental disaster in Ohio involving transportation that he has been pretty quiet about....although he did get in enough time to travel and talk about how awful it is there are so many whites in construction.

Pete is an educated dumb-****.
Oh, that's Pete. I voted for the man and the only thing I read about him is what conservatives bring here.
The fentanyl is mostly brought in by Americans driving across the border. The next biggest source are shipping containers. We lack the resources to open every shipping container.

Sone believe the migrant issue is planned by the cartels to distract from these other routes.
We have no way of knowing how must of the fentanyl comes in. Yeah, most of the seizures are at controlled points of entry. That is to be expected. Gottaways are gottaways for a reason. The cartels are smart operations, smarter than our Biden, Harris, Mayorkas brain trust . They know the risk of seizure is higher at a controlled point of entry.
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Well there was a nice environmental disaster in Ohio involving transportation that he has been pretty quiet about....although he did get in enough time to travel and talk about how awful it is there are so many whites in construction.

Pete is an educated dumb-****.

Why would Pete be in charge of the states emergency response and public health teams?

Wouldn't that be governor issue?
Pretty sure those studies were conducted prior to MAGA Trump anger started to emerge...

"Happy" people do not fall for conspiracy theories and then stage an insurrection to "take their country back" because they are unable to deal with the reality of being a minority...
Oh for Pete’s sake.

You are wrong with both paragraphs. Wanna go for a trifecta?
We have no way of knowing how must of the fentanyl comes in. Yeah, most of the seizures are at controlled points of entry. That is to be expected. Gottaways are gottaways for a reason. The cartels are smart operations, smarter than our Biden, Harris, Mayorkas brain trust . They know the risk of seizure is higher at a controlled point of entry.

We stop and detain a whole lot of asylum seekers coming across. If they all were carrying 100 pounds of the stuff, I'd like to think we could find it.

I mentioned this in your SotU complaints, but you didn't respond. A single semi can carry a whole heck of a lot.

Why wasn't this already in place?
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You don't get the logic? People who believe anyone should be able to carry a loaded weapon without a license are upset because a Prosecutor in a different state failed to prosecute a case against a law they personally view as unconstitutional? You'd think they'd view the renegade prosecutor as a hero...
Who gives a crap? “They” don’t elect the prosecutor. Part of the reason for Michigan State shooting is because a liberal prosecutor was being a liberal.
We stop and detain a whole lot of asylum seekers coming across. If they all were carrying 100 pounds of the stuff, I'd like to think we could find it.

I mentioned this in your SotU complaints, but you didn't respond. A single semi can carry a whole heck of a lot.

Why wasn't this already in place?
Asylum seekers are not who we are talking about.
Serious question... Are you guys as upset with the various state Legislatures that have passed "open carry" provisions, as you are with the "Progressive" Prosecutor who declined to prosecute this case over an issue that would not even be a crime in most "Red" states?

The MI "crime" of the young man having a loaded weapon in his car would not even be a crime in Texas.So why would this prosecutors actions upset you?Pretty sure all of you guys are advocates for open carry. Isn't that exactly what the shooter's "previous crime" basically amounted to?

Hell it's not even a crime in Indiana...

"In short, any proper person, as defined in Ind. Code § 35-47-1-7, may legally carry a handgun, concealed or openly, or have a handgun in their vehicle without a license. Ind. Code 35-47-2-1."
That’s one hell of a whutabout.
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We have common sense gun laws. They aren't enforced. They often aren't enforced by progressive DAs who, because of equity, don't like throwing the book at criminals.

About that MSU shooter...

"Siemon is part of George Soros’s vast public safety network."

Once you hit that sentence, you should have stopped taking that article seriously.
Yep! I’ve had my share of blacks and moguls. Now it’s strictly groomers. Nothing like a leisurely cruise down a 2 mile groomed slope with fresh snow for this old man.. I apologize for nothing.
unless one is blessed with very unique genetics, and has not abused themselves physically in their youth, once you hit 50 (as I did yrs ago), moguls are unforgiving and not worth the glory. My knees cannot withstand the abuse....or my hips. Cruising down the blues on a long groomed run with the sun at your back (or even in your face)....that's a good life. My little bro is younger and still wants to veer off to the blacks at the top...I just tell him, do you, I'll see you at the bottom.
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Pretty sure those studies were conducted prior to MAGA Trump anger started to emerge...

"Happy" people do not fall for conspiracy theories and then stage an insurrection to "take their country back" because they are unable to deal with the reality of being a minority...
“prior to MAGA Trump anger started to emerge.”

This country must be a scary place for you.
I inserted some words to make your assertion substantially less ridiculous.
Allow me to elaborate on why the thinking behind your edit is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

By expanding the notion of systemic racism to everywhere and everything, you avoid dealing with specific problems. This racism is everywhere logic allows a liberal to belive they can fix things with racial preferences in college, teaching that the founding fathers were slave holders, changing the names of schools and places, removing statues, starting up DEI efforts in various institutions, and more. All of that is bullshit and serves the singular purpose of making people feel better. But it does nothing for the growing and serious problem of street crime and violence.

Focusing on the violent and dysfunctional environment many blacks must live in is difficult, it forces people to make judgements about people they are trying to help. Liberals have no problem judging a Trump voter, but you would rather stick a pin in your eye than judge the problems in Big City USA which is run by liberals, mostly black liberals. Yet we have to go there.

So keep on worrying about bubba and background checks, and keep on with stupid DEI efforts and watch millions of blacks circle drain because you have pulled the plug with your feeble ignorance.
Serious question... Are you guys as upset with the various state Legislatures that have passed "open carry" provisions, as you are with the "Progressive" Prosecutor who declined to prosecute this case over an issue that would not even be a crime in most "Red" states?

The MI "crime" of the young man having a loaded weapon in his car would not even be a crime in Texas.So why would this prosecutors actions upset you?Pretty sure all of you guys are advocates for open carry. Isn't that exactly what the shooter's "previous crime" basically amounted to?

Hell it's not even a crime in Indiana...

"In short, any proper person, as defined in Ind. Code § 35-47-1-7, may legally carry a handgun, concealed or openly, or have a handgun in their vehicle without a license. Ind. Code 35-47-2-1."
So we're clear, your argument against my point that additional laws won't be enforced is that Michigan has additional laws that Texas does not, so why enforce them?
I want my kids safe in school. Is that too much to ask? Apparently so. As someone else said, if the slaughter of elementary school kids at Sandy Hook didn't provide sufficient incentive for meaningful legislative change, then nothing will.

And, news flash. It's not cars that are killing kids in school. Or hammers. Or knives. It's young adult losers who can buy guns without a waiting period, or who have easy access to a gun as a result of a parent or some other idiot who has irresponsibly failed to secure their firearm.
someone who is intent on going into a school and killing students has a serious psychological problem, we can all agree. But anyone who is determined enough to do such an act, even to the point of taking their own life when it's over, will have little problem getting another gun via illegal means. Walk around the south side of Chicago and ask the local bangers how long their waiting period was until they obtained their 9mm. Those boys would easily sell an illegal weapon to a would-be mass shooter for a couple days worth of meals.

I have a son in HS and two in college. I understand the concern completely. But I've also studied this issue and compared it to drugs and even prohibition of alcohol. The sad truth is, as long as there is a market, there will be supply, legal or otherwise. The sad truth to our society is that more restrictive laws have eventually led to the rise of larger, more powerful organized crime like Capone and Escobar. Inanimate objects don't kill people. People kill people. And people who are determined to kill others, will find the means to do it. Because they've lost touch with the value of life, even their own. That's why when the terrible act is complete, they are willing to turn the weapon on themselves.

Pages and pages of comments and yet no one wants to touch my original statement on how Hollywood/entertainment, video games...have all numbed our kids, and our society, to gun violence over the years. Drives me nuts that multi-million dollar actors preach to me about gun control, and then get paid $50 million for a movie that showcases them blowing away people with a Glock like they're swatting flies.
Can anyone dispute the following:

1. We have an epidemic in this country of gun-related violence; and

2. Reasonable gun regulation would be a good thing for this country
I wonder why we don't see the same concerns for illegal drug related deaths? It appears that drug related deaths are much higher than gun related deaths.

People do care about deaths stemming from illegally obtained drugs; concern for one doesn't negate concern for the other.

But it's not a great analogy. There is a difference between people dying from taking drugs illegally obtained, and the mass shooting of people by someone using a gun.
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someone who is intent on going into a school and killing students has a serious psychological problem, we can all agree. But anyone who is determined enough to do such an act, even to the point of taking their own life when it's over, will have little problem getting another gun via illegal means. Walk around the south side of Chicago and ask the local bangers how long their waiting period was until they obtained their 9mm. Those boys would easily sell an illegal weapon to a would-be mass shooter for a couple days worth of meals.

I have a son in HS and two in college. I understand the concern completely. But I've also studied this issue and compared it to drugs and even prohibition of alcohol. The sad truth is, as long as there is a market, there will be supply, legal or otherwise. The sad truth to our society is that more restrictive laws have eventually led to the rise of larger, more powerful organized crime like Capone and Escobar. Inanimate objects don't kill people. People kill people. And people who are determined to kill others, will find the means to do it. Because they've lost touch with the value of life, even their own. That's why when the terrible act is complete, they are willing to turn the weapon on themselves.

Pages and pages of comments and yet no one wants to touch my original statement on how Hollywood/entertainment, video games...have all numbed our kids, and our society, to gun violence over the years. Drives me nuts that multi-million dollar actors preach to me about gun control, and then get paid $50 million for a movie that showcases them blowing away people with a Glock like they're swatting flies.

Not Chicago, but when Missouri can't get a bill to pass on the age limit on open carry, there's something wrong.

A kid shouldn't be able to walk to down the road openly carrying just because he can, which he can legally do in that state.
unless one is blessed with very unique genetics, and has not abused themselves physically in their youth, once you hit 50 (as I did yrs ago), moguls are unforgiving and not worth the glory. My knees cannot withstand the abuse....or my hips. Cruising down the blues on a long groomed run with the sun at your back (or even in your face)....that's a good life. My little bro is younger and still wants to veer off to the blacks at the top...I just tell him, do you, I'll see you at the bottom.
I was able to ski un-groomed above timberline moguls into my early 70’s. Not serious double blacks, but fun medium blacks. I developed a technique that served me well. Modern skis helped too. Then I was on injured reserve one year and only had couple of days, then a year or two later Covid hit and I didn’t ski once, first time in 50+ years. Then your strength goes along with reaction time. Fear of injury is more real the older you get. Now it’s strictly groomers. My enjoyment doesn’t change except for not having my stoker and buddies with me.
Not Chicago, but when Missouri can't get a bill to pass on the age limit on open carry, there's something wrong.

A kid shouldn't be able to walk to down the road openly carrying just because he can, which he can legally do in that state.
to prove that I'm not a right wing loon (I'm a federalist libertarian) I will concede, I just read the Mizzou law and that is nuts. Whether you agree or disagree on open carry, the age limit for open carry in public should be 18, or maybe 21. But not ageless....that's just nuts.

I also believe that to legally carry, whether open or concealed, one should take the training courses that we in this putrid state of IL are forced to take. I took several courses, to the point that I can disassemble my handguns and clean them, know how to properly handle them at the range, etc. I don't agree that a 12 yr old can grab his daddy's pistol, strap it to his side and walk down the street thinking "hey, now I'm a cowboy!"

The one thing the CCL course here teaches you (well it teaches several key points, but this one is critical), is that carrying a gun isn't just serious can lead you into serious business (ie confrontation, whether to draw/aim/fire) and if you have doubts about whether or not you're really going to be up to it, if push does come to shove...and draw...then leave your damn gun at home.
It's a multifaceted problem without a simple one-fix solution.

But preventing people with diagnosed serious mental illnesses, past felony convictions, past known violent behavior, etc. from obtaining instruments that have been optimized for mass killing must be, AT MININIUM, a part of the solution.

Can we at least agree on that?
Um.... that's being done now. How's that workin' out?
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We live in a society in which the suicide rate has risen 30(!) percent since the year 2000. There are more people suffering from depression than ever before and that number rises every year.

You are right that the country is going to hell in a hand basket but it ain’t because of guns

Hoping to fix these issues with gun control is like giving an aspirin to a man with a bullet in the head.

It’s just not going to work.
So why refuse to even try?
We also need to figure out the other half of the equation, why do so many seek out these drugs. We know opioids were over prescribed. But as we have tried to end that, more are still going to them. What works to slow, if not end, demand?
Many, many people today have no purpose in life other than hedonism and seeking the next - for lack of a better word - 'thrill'.

Churches are emptying out, the Woke crowd tells us there are no moral absolutes, and schools are failing in their primary function - to educate.

It's no wonder to me that we have so much mental instability and a voracious appetite for anything to take them away from reality.
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I don’t blow off any infant deaths. Not at all. But hopefully you are smart enough to understand an abortion isn’t close to an infant?
Why don't you tell that to all the mothers who have suffered remorse years later. I think they will enjoy it.
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