Thanks, GOP & NRA! 384 Mass Shooting in 2024 (UPDATED 09/4/24)

We have more school shootings and mass shootings, by far, than any other developed nation on earth. And every time it's just "thoughts and prayers," rinse, repeat. Country's going to hell in a handbasket.
We live in a society in which the suicide rate has risen 30(!) percent since the year 2000. There are more people suffering from depression than ever before and that number rises every year.

You are right that the country is going to hell in a hand basket but it ain’t because of guns

Hoping to fix these issues with gun control is like giving an aspirin to a man with a bullet in the head.

It’s just not going to work.
What law do you want them to pass to end urban crime?
The first thing we gotta do is recognize that enforcing criminal law is not Black mistreatment. The unwillingness of many big city cops and prosecutors use deadly weapon enhancements to crimes because it adversely affects more blacks is BS. We should enact more laws about illegal gun possession. Black juveniles are getting killed or having their lives destroyed because of an ungodly number of guns in their neighborhoods. We need to address that and don’t worry about profiling or stop and frisk.
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Yes something was done about Sandy Hook. There are other ways to address problems than relying on a dysfunctional Federal Government.

You know what he was talking about. Nothing was done to curb the epidemic of school shootings.

Gotta love your post signature, which quotes Justice Alito's view that ad hominem rhetoric is destroying public discourse. In this thread, you've repeatedly referred to "libs" as "dumb as fvck" or some variation of that theme. Practice what you preach, ace.

And your incessant whining about Colorado is beyond irritating. If you hate it so much move to a red state. Florida might be a good fit. Maybe your mental health would benefit from a low altitude.
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We live in a society in which the suicide rate has risen 30(!) percent since the year 2000. There are more people suffering from depression than ever before and that number rises every year.

You are right that the country is going to hell in a hand basket but it ain’t because of guns

Hoping to fix these issues with gun control is like giving an aspirin to a man with a bullet in the head.

It’s just not going to work.
Mass shootings are a sign of societal dysfunction. Yes, there were mass shootings before the internet, but I believe that the instant notoriety - and mental illness - is what drives most of the mass shootings today.

Throw in a sick society with non-enforcement of existing laws and it doesn't matter whether every gun was banned tomorrow - there would still be mass killings.

Until this country gets to the point where we turn to God and give future generations a morality base, it will continue to get worse.
We live in a society in which the suicide rate has risen 30(!) percent since the year 2000. There are more people suffering from depression than ever before and that number rises every year.

You are right that the country is going to hell in a hand basket but it ain’t because of guns

Hoping to fix these issues with gun control is like giving an aspirin to a man with a bullet in the head.

It’s just not going to work.
Sorry, dude. Irrespective of mental health issues, kids should be safe in schools. If we're failing at that (and we are, miserably), then we're fvcked as a nation.

Thoughts and prayers.
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We live in a society in which the suicide rate has risen 30(!) percent since the year 2000. There are more people suffering from depression than ever before and that number rises every year.

You are right that the country is going to hell in a hand basket but it ain’t because of guns

Hoping to fix these issues with gun control is like giving an aspirin to a man with a bullet in the head.

It’s just not going to work.
If we went bat sh#t crazy with gun laws, we might be able to cut down a few thousand deaths (probably being generous). There would also be an increase of young black adults in prison.

What should be getting all the MSM attention is the increase in overdoses. It’s up over 1000% since the start of the century. The problem is you can politicize it, it’s not as scary, and has mostly effected poor whites.

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Sorry, dude. Irrespective of mental health issues, kids should be safe in schools. If we're failing at that (and we are, miserably), then we're fvcked as a nation.

Thoughts and prayers.
You’re right, kids should be safe in schools. But you’re never going to get rid of the guns. No amount of gun control is going to stop what’s been going on.

Australia’s NFA in 1996 resulted in the confiscation of 650,000 guns and they have more guns in their country now than they did back then.

No matter how much wailing and crying you do, you won’t convince me to support something that we both know won’t work.
You’re right, kids should be safe in schools. But you’re never going to get rid of the guns. No amount of gun control is going to stop what’s been going on.

Australia’s NFA in 1996 resulted in the confiscation of 650,000 guns and they have more guns in their country now than they did back then.

No matter how much wailing and crying you do, you won’t convince me to support something that we both know won’t work.
There is no middle ground.
The problem is you can politicize it, it’s not as scary, and has mostly effected poor whites.

Not necessarily

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You know what he was talking about. Nothing was done to curb the epidemic of school shootings.

Gotta love your post signature, which quotes Justice Alito's view that ad hominem rhetoric is destroying public discourse. In this thread, you've repeatedly referred to "libs" as "dumb as fvck" or some variation of that theme. Practice what you preach, ace.

And your incessant whining about Colorado is beyond irritating. If you hate it so much move to a red state. Florida might be a good fit. Maybe your mental health would benefit from a low altitude.
When it comes to guns, liberals are dumb as f*ck. You would have a point if I left it there. I explained why. Blacks are shooting blacks every day in every big city. Many of these victims and shooters are juveniles. They use easily concealed hand guns. We can’t fix this by banning assault rifles. We can’t fix this with more background checks. We can’t fix this with banning shooting on farms. We fix it by going after the illegal guns and those who use them.

As far as sandy hook goes, the civil settlement goes further to controlling semi-auto guns than all of Biden blabber. Fwiw , I am in favor of controlling these weapons, the best way to do that is up the price of doing that business, which means civil remedies and repealing federal immunity.
Not necessarily

Thanks. Your chart is hurting my head 😁. Do you have one for the past two decades? I knew it had increased in women the past 5ish years, but didn’t realize the increase in non-whites the past couple of years. Hopefully, it starts getting MSM attention.
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You’re right, kids should be safe in schools. But you’re never going to get rid of the guns. No amount of gun control is going to stop what’s been going on.

Australia’s NFA in 1996 resulted in the confiscation of 650,000 guns and they have more guns in their country now than they did back then.

No matter how much wailing and crying you do, you won’t convince me to support something that we both know won’t work.
If you're arguing that gun control is a waste of time, Australia is probably the last country you should be referencing. Since the passage of the National Firearms Agreement law (NFA) in '96, Australia has had one (1) mass shooting. From 1996 to 2015 (the most recent data available), the annual number of gun-related homicides in Australia decreased from 516 to 211 despite a dramatic rise in population. Peer-reviewed studies by two public health researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that NFA decreased firearms morality (homicides and suicides) in Australia by 60%.

But, yeah, there's little chance our country will ever pass a sweeping set of effective gun regulations, which is why this shit will continue and our kids will continue to be slaughtered.

Thoughts and prayers.
Mass shootings are a sign of societal dysfunction. Yes, there were mass shootings before the internet, but I believe that the instant notoriety - and mental illness - is what drives most of the mass shootings today.

Throw in a sick society with non-enforcement of existing laws and it doesn't matter whether every gun was banned tomorrow - there would still be mass killings.

Until this country gets to the point where we turn to God and give future generations a morality base, it will continue to get worse.
Mental illness is hardly unique to the United States. Neither is secularism. But no other developed country comes close to ours in terms of the number of school shootings and mass shootings.
Australia is also an island nation with no borders letting hundreds of thousands of illegals pour into their country unchecked too.
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As we await the details of the horrific event at MSU, I was saddened, but not shocked, to learn that in just 45 days of this new year, this is the 67th mass shooting in our country. The majority of Americans want reasonable gun regulation, but nothing is done because of the power and the money of the NRA, and how it pulls the strings of the GOP.

The recent bipartisan legislation is a start, but we need to stand up to the fearmongering that the government is coming to take away guns. There many measures that could be passed that would dramatically lessen this epidemic:

- banning many assault weapons. People do not need weapons that fire these many rounds that quickly in order to protect themselves, hunt for need/pleaseure, etc.

- better regulate over where and who can see arms

- permits and training requirements for gun owners. My friends in law enforcement agree that if we can mandate having to qualify for a driver's license, there is nothin wrong with doing the same for gun ownership. Why are people afraid of mandating better informed, qualified and capable gun users?

It is a disgrace that the NRA and GOP allows these events to continue.
I'm curious... who you do intend to blame for this:

Do you intend to have the DNC put forth legislation to ban Uhaul trucks?

You can't legislate away mental Illness. If the guy didn't have a pistol he would have used a knife... Are steak knifes next on your list (to be banned) ?

The individuals and groups you're targeting are no more to blame for this tragedy than you are...
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This is why I stay in Colorado. Took this about 3 this afternoon

I love mountains and snow as much as anyone. It seems to be a minority position, I think of retiring to Colorado but most people I know think that is crazy and Florida is the place to go. I cannot imagine enjoying Florida.
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Ahh... One of my favorites... Thought it looked familiar but it's been awhile...

Ran into a former F-14 pilot there (call sign "Skates") who was a ski instructor (small group my family member was in)... Interesting fellow...

Great place to ski!
For Valentine’s Day

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We need to address that and don’t worry about profiling or stop and frisk.

I admit great concern about this sentence. First, if we treat all people as individuals and not members of a group, something you often demand, recommending profiling is fully the opposite. Secondly, it runs afoul of Franklin"s warning of giving up freedom for safety. Thirdly, openly profiling is certain to inflame tensions among Black youths. Fourth, unless we know Driving While Black has completely gone away, it is already a problem. I suspect that is what we all saw in Memphis as we note the department isn't sure there was a valid reason for the stop.

I don't know how to get the police and the community more integrated, as in part of the same team. Too many people in these areas see the police as an occupation force. Hence why when brutal crimes are committed people do not come forward. Some of that is on the community, some of that is on the police. How to get that dynamic altered is for someone smarter than me. I hope this model works, in sections of Indy it appears to help though the metric "number of days without a homicide" might be misleading:

I admit great concern about this sentence. First, if we treat all people as individuals and not members of a group, something you often demand, recommending profiling is fully the opposite. Secondly, it runs afoul of Franklin"s warning of giving up freedom for safety. Thirdly, openly profiling is certain to inflame tensions among Black youths. Fourth, unless we know Driving While Black has completely gone away, it is already a problem. I suspect that is what we all saw in Memphis as we note the department isn't sure there was a valid reason for the stop.

I don't know how to get the police and the community more integrated, as in part of the same team. Too many people in these areas see the police as an occupation force. Hence why when brutal crimes are committed people do not come forward. Some of that is on the community, some of that is on the police. How to get that dynamic altered is for someone smarter than me. I hope this model works, in sections of Indy it appears to help though the metric "number of days without a homicide" might be misleading:

The violence in the Black neighborhoods is out of control. It’s guns. It’s drugs. It’s poor education. It’s missing fathers. It’s a mess. We hafta recognize that and hafta address it.

Two days ago a juvenile was shot in front of East High School. The cops located the shooters in a stolen car, chased and the juveniles lost control and flipped their car two blocks from my home. Three juveniles whose lives are wrecked because of a hand-gun and other factors. All black. Last week a 12 year old black kid was shot in a gun fight over another stolen car. A few months ago a Black 14 year old was shot, his 16 year old brother killed by another Juvenile

This is nuts. It has to stop. I’ll bet you your favorite meal that if the cops stop and frisk any group of three or more of black kids in certain areas, they will find an illegal gun 9 times in 10. Why should we not do this? Disparate times call for desperate measures.

Edit: My daughter and family live .7 of a mile from me, across the street from a large municipal park. Upscale neighborhood and nice location in the neighborhood. Last summer a large group of Blacks were picnicking and having apparently a good time, then all hell broke loose with gun fire. She videoed cars leaving the parking lot, some with gun fire out the windows. She called 911. Apparently two families didn’t like each other. Now she is on the witness list for the upcoming trial. An entire discrete segment of society is turning into third world conditions. We can’t fix this with assault weapons bans, background checks, DEI bullshit, or any of the other schemes white liberals come up with. It will take policing, prosecution, accountability, and incarceration.
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If you're arguing that gun control is a waste of time, Australia is probably the last country you should be referencing. Since the passage of the National Firearms Agreement law (NFA) in '96, Australia has had one (1) mass shooting. From 1996 to 2015 (the most recent data available), the annual number of gun-related homicides in Australia decreased from 516 to 211 despite a dramatic rise in population. Peer-reviewed studies by two public health researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that NFA decreased firearms morality (homicides and suicides) in Australia by 60%.

But, yeah, there's little chance our country will ever pass a sweeping set of effective gun regulations, which is why this shit will continue and our kids will continue to be slaughtered.

Thoughts and prayers.
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The violence in the Black neighborhoods is out of control. It’s guns. It’s drugs. It’s poor education. It’s missing fathers. It’s a mess. We hafta recognize that and hafta address it.

Two days ago a juvenile was shot in front of East High School. The cops located the shooters in a stolen car, chased and the juveniles lost control and flipped their car two blocks from my home. Three juveniles whose lives are wrecked because of a hand-gun and other factors. All black. Last week a 12 year old black kid was shot in a gun fight over another stolen car. A few months ago a Black 14 year old was shot, his 16 year old brother killed by another Juvenile

This is nuts. It has to stop. I’ll bet you your favorite meal that if the cops stop and frisk any group of three or more of black kids in certain areas, they will find an illegal gun 9 times in 10. Why should we not do this? Disparate times call for desperate measures.

Edit: My daughter and family live .7 of a mile from me, across the street from a large municipal park. Upscale neighborhood and nice location in the neighborhood. Last summer a large group of Blacks were picnicking and having apparently a good time, then all hell broke loose with gun fire. She videoed cars leaving the parking lot, some with gun fire out the windows. She called 911. Apparently two families didn’t like each other. Now she is on the witness list for the upcoming trial. An entire discrete segment of society is turning into third world conditions. We can’t fix this with assault weapons bans, background checks, DEI bullshit, or any of the other schemes white liberals come up with. It will take policing, prosecution, accountability, and incarceration.

There are competing ideas on fighting guerilla warfare, soft power vs hard power. You are advocating hard power. I am not sold on soft power alone, but I am even more sure hard power alone doesn't work. We need some form of hearts and minds here in the US.
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There is no middle ground.
Increasingly I’m starting to believe this and I say that as someone who isn’t unilaterally opposed to any and all gun control.

It’s the fundamental dishonesty of the gun control movement that bothers me. It’s not about getting guns out of the hands of criminals or the mentally ill. It’s about getting rid of guns period.

The most honest of them will straight up admit it. COH is one. He wants to sue the gun manufacturers out of existence so that NO ONE would have guns. It’s insanity, but at least he’s honest about it.

The worst are those who just emote. We hAve tO dO soMethiNg!!!!

Let’s try to do more to keep guns out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them like increasing background checks and enhanced waiting periods. I don’t really have a problem with that.

Oh, and let’s also stop letting criminals like this guy off the hook in the name of equity or because not doing so is rAyciSt. If you break the law, you pay the price.

But banning the scary looking long rifles, which is where the conversation inevitably begins, isn’t going to do anything.

And when it doesn’t, it would be on to the next scary thing to ban. Of that, I am 100 percent certain.

Maybe there really is no middle ground.
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I admit great concern about this sentence. First, if we treat all people as individuals and not members of a group, something you often demand, recommending profiling is fully the opposite. Secondly, it runs afoul of Franklin"s warning of giving up freedom for safety. Thirdly, openly profiling is certain to inflame tensions among Black youths. Fourth, unless we know Driving While Black has completely gone away, it is already a problem. I suspect that is what we all saw in Memphis as we note the department isn't sure there was a valid reason for the stop.

I don't know how to get the police and the community more integrated, as in part of the same team. Too many people in these areas see the police as an occupation force. Hence why when brutal crimes are committed people do not come forward. Some of that is on the community, some of that is on the police. How to get that dynamic altered is for someone smarter than me. I hope this model works, in sections of Indy it appears to help though the metric "number of days without a homicide" might be misleading:

About the Memphis thing...this is all rumor so maybe grain of salt but.....

One of the officers sent a photo of the victim to someone after the beating. Conjecture is that the victim was involved with one of the ex's of one of the involved officers and that the photo went to that ex. Be interesting to see how that turns out but it may have been targeted and it may explain why that stop started at an 8 on a scale of 10 and quickly escalated to a 20.
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The violence in the Black neighborhoods is out of control. It’s guns. It’s drugs. It’s poor education. It’s missing fathers. It’s a mess. We hafta recognize that and hafta address it.

Two days ago a juvenile was shot in front of East High School. The cops located the shooters in a stolen car, chased and the juveniles lost control and flipped their car two blocks from my home. Three juveniles whose lives are wrecked because of a hand-gun and other factors. All black. Last week a 12 year old black kid was shot in a gun fight over another stolen car. A few months ago a Black 14 year old was shot, his 16 year old brother killed by another Juvenile

This is nuts. It has to stop. I’ll bet you your favorite meal that if the cops stop and frisk any group of three or more of black kids in certain areas, they will find an illegal gun 9 times in 10. Why should we not do this? Disparate times call for desperate measures.

Edit: My daughter and family live .7 of a mile from me, across the street from a large municipal park. Upscale neighborhood and nice location in the neighborhood. Last summer a large group of Blacks were picnicking and having apparently a good time, then all hell broke loose with gun fire. She videoed cars leaving the parking lot, some with gun fire out the windows. She called 911. Apparently two families didn’t like each other. Now she is on the witness list for the upcoming trial. An entire discrete segment of society is turning into third world conditions. We can’t fix this with assault weapons bans, background checks, DEI bullshit, or any of the other schemes white liberals come up with. It will take policing, prosecution, accountability, and incarceration.
There are exceptions to what I am about to say because quite a few of the mass shootings have been suburban kids, but...we have an urban cultural issue that impacts poor people, particularly the black community. If you could wave a wand and turn the black crime and murder rate comparable to the white one, this country becomes vastly improved overnight. And it isn't a systemic racism problem. The problem got worse when systemic racism was removed from the system.

Single moms are generally bad for society. Hook up culture is bad for society. If you don't grow up in a traditional nuclear family and you turn out as good as a kid who did, you beat the odds. The worst thing Progressives have done is remove the concept of shame from the culture.
There are exceptions to what I am about to say because quite a few of the mass shootings have been suburban kids, but...we have an urban cultural issue that impacts poor people, particularly the black community. If you could wave a wand and turn the black crime and murder rate comparable to the white one, this country becomes vastly improved overnight. And it isn't a systemic racism problem. The problem got worse when systemic racism was removed from the system.

Single moms are generally bad for society. Hook up culture is bad for society. If you don't grow up in a traditional nuclear family and you turn out as good as a kid who did, you beat the odds. The worst thing Progressives have done is remove the concept of shame from the culture.

I am growing of the opinion we are watching 2 different cultures respond to the same stimuli. The stimuli being disillusionment,
anger, and resentment. The urban culture is striking outward, the rural culture inward with the opioid crisis. The rural culture has had generations of British/German "stiff upper lip" so they try to hide the response and internalize.

I am thinking we need a national hearts and minds campaign to restore trust in the system and the belief it is possible to escape these conditions.

In another thread, Mark mentions national service. I am thinking of a voluntary CCC plan where volunteers get paid, and either get training in heavy equipment, construction, welding, culinary, truck driving or get college credits while working.

I am thinking of Deep Springs, a 2 year college that is a working ranch. Kids work the ranch, take turns cooking, cleaning, being administrative assistants all while taking classes. The kids that finish this program are the most sought after students of elite universities.

Get kids into this new type of CCC either getting traditional college credits or trade learning/experience. The idea being after 2 years any kid leaving has a competitive edge for a truck driving job or university admission.
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Or just as partisan as 90% of the posters here?

Most everyone has their leaning one way or another. I would think as long as a poster isn't name-calling, maybe we could stick to debating the points.
Glad to see you have apparently seen the light.
Serious question-are you paid by the democrat party?

Or is there another reason you wedge GOP, conservative, or Republican in every thread title?
I don't read or recall enough of his posts to know how he handles thread titles, but there is nothing in this post of his that a reasonalbly objective person would consider even controversial.

The things he lists should, at a bare minimum, be done and the groups he names are the ones openly preventing the much needed changes.

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