Teamsters will not endorse.

Probably more significant in terms of the EC is that WI teamsters have bucked the national leadership and enthusiastically endorsed Harris/Walz...

Turns out MI is also endorsing Harris/Walz...

Wow Western PA and Nevada as well...

So basically the National Union is trying to play games, but in all 4 states where it matters most they are all still endorsing Harris...

Probably the key element of a union endorsement is the organizing and field work/canvassing effort. But the Dems already have such a huge advantage in offices,$$ and volunteers/staff in the swing states that this just makes their get out the vote ground game even more effective...

One of the main factors as we close out this election is Trump spent his limited campaign funds on an attempt to contest the election after the election with fake poll watchers and partisan officials. Their focus has been to win in the courts while basically ignoring the on the ground actual campaign infrastructure.

On the other hand, while the Dems also have legal mechanisms in place, they've been building a swing state infrastructure for the past 2 or 3 years. Since they have a huge advnatage when it comes to available funds they are better prepared to close with a superior ground game and huge advertising edge, while making sure they still have the legal mechanism in place to fight any post-election battles in the courts.. Just like what happened in 2020...