Sweden isn’t doing so well after all


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jun 28, 2015

Political sentiments around migration have shifted swiftly in Sweden, with now even leaders of the Social Democrats saying they favour more strict migration policies.

Sweden today is a “completely different country than it was at the end of the 20th century”. Per capita, it has “received the most immigrants in the Western world” in modern times, Meijer writes.

For me, it is obvious that the large immigration to Sweden has been followed by several major problems”, Meijer writes.

“Large parts of the group of immigrants are not self-sufficient. People of foreign origin largely commit serious organised crime. The honour culture, separatism and Islamism are limiting and dangerous,” she argues.

“A high level of migration in a relatively short period naturally affects the possibility of integration. The conditions for integrating people into Swedish society are becoming more difficult as immigration increases. This leads to exclusion that is burdensome, both for the people who live in it and for society as a whole.”

“For integration to work, people who both want to move here and who already live here need to adapt to Swedish society and our values. You must work, speak Swedish and do your duty before claiming your rights. Those who do not want to adapt and integrate should not stay in Sweden. Expulsion or repatriation should then be a real alternative.”

Political sentiments around migration have shifted swiftly in Sweden, with now even leaders of the Social Democrats saying they favour more strict migration policies.

Sweden today is a “completely different country than it was at the end of the 20th century”. Per capita, it has “received the most immigrants in the Western world” in modern times, Meijer writes.

For me, it is obvious that the large immigration to Sweden has been followed by several major problems”, Meijer writes.

“Large parts of the group of immigrants are not self-sufficient. People of foreign origin largely commit serious organised crime. The honour culture, separatism and Islamism are limiting and dangerous,” she argues.

“A high level of migration in a relatively short period naturally affects the possibility of integration. The conditions for integrating people into Swedish society are becoming more difficult as immigration increases. This leads to exclusion that is burdensome, both for the people who live in it and for society as a whole.”

“For integration to work, people who both want to move here and who already live here need to adapt to Swedish society and our values. You must work, speak Swedish and do your duty before claiming your rights. Those who do not want to adapt and integrate should not stay in Sweden. Expulsion or repatriation should then be a real alternative.”
Who could have ever seen that coming....

The last sentence is something we should be looking at as well.
Yet more evidence of the provincial nature of those who bash the US. It’s remarkable the peace and stability we have as a nation full of immigrants. Our culture is incredibly welcoming and flexible compared to other nations.

But there are economic limits, especially after the creation of a robust welfare state.

Political sentiments around migration have shifted swiftly in Sweden, with now even leaders of the Social Democrats saying they favour more strict migration policies.

Sweden today is a “completely different country than it was at the end of the 20th century”. Per capita, it has “received the most immigrants in the Western world” in modern times, Meijer writes.

For me, it is obvious that the large immigration to Sweden has been followed by several major problems”, Meijer writes.

“Large parts of the group of immigrants are not self-sufficient. People of foreign origin largely commit serious organised crime. The honour culture, separatism and Islamism are limiting and dangerous,” she argues.

“A high level of migration in a relatively short period naturally affects the possibility of integration. The conditions for integrating people into Swedish society are becoming more difficult as immigration increases. This leads to exclusion that is burdensome, both for the people who live in it and for society as a whole.”

“For integration to work, people who both want to move here and who already live here need to adapt to Swedish society and our values. You must work, speak Swedish and do your duty before claiming your rights. Those who do not want to adapt and integrate should not stay in Sweden. Expulsion or repatriation should then be a real alternative.”
Welp if they are the evil commie socialist that some make them out to be then they will nip this in the bud pretty fast. Conform or get out will be the Swedish motto the next decade.

Political sentiments around migration have shifted swiftly in Sweden, with now even leaders of the Social Democrats saying they favour more strict migration policies.

Sweden today is a “completely different country than it was at the end of the 20th century”. Per capita, it has “received the most immigrants in the Western world” in modern times, Meijer writes.

For me, it is obvious that the large immigration to Sweden has been followed by several major problems”, Meijer writes.

“Large parts of the group of immigrants are not self-sufficient. People of foreign origin largely commit serious organised crime. The honour culture, separatism and Islamism are limiting and dangerous,” she argues.

“A high level of migration in a relatively short period naturally affects the possibility of integration. The conditions for integrating people into Swedish society are becoming more difficult as immigration increases. This leads to exclusion that is burdensome, both for the people who live in it and for society as a whole.”

“For integration to work, people who both want to move here and who already live here need to adapt to Swedish society and our values. You must work, speak Swedish and do your duty before claiming your rights. Those who do not want to adapt and integrate should not stay in Sweden. Expulsion or repatriation should then be a real alternative.”
Isn't the main point when it comes to immigration that the people coming want to become part of the new culture? Years ago people would come to the U.S. and actually change their names so it would sound more American. They wanted to be Americans. So if any race to goes to Sweden then they become Swedish if they are honestly wanting to become part of the society they are entering.
It turns out importing welfare taking Islamists wasnt such a great idea after all.

As it stands, around 2.1 million of Sweden's inhabitants, or 20% of the population, were born abroad, with Syria, Iraq, Iran, Somalia and Afghanistan the most common non-EU countries of birth

The government also wants to greatly reduce the number of low-skilled laborers moving to Sweden. It's introducing a new immigration law that only gives work permits to immigrants who earn a monthly salary of at least 80% of the median Swedish salary, which currently stands at 35,600 Swedish kronor (approximately $3,455). The government noted that certain professions, such as domestic care workers, should be excluded from the new requirements, however.
Read that paragraph carefully and then tell me what it actually says, not what it's trying to imply.

Good catch, but it isn't going to go how you thought...

According to Eurostat's Migration and migrant population statistics, as of 1 January 2023, there were about 535 200 third-country nationals (TCNs), representing 5.1% of the population, and another 309 000 EU citizens (2.9%) living in Sweden at the time.

According to Statistics Sweden, in addition, 2 145 674 of Sweden’s inhabitants, or 20% of the population, were born abroad in 2022. The 5 most common non-EU countries of birth were the Syrian Arab Republic (197,799), Iraq (146,831) Iran (Islamic Republic of) (85,488), Somalia (69,477) and Afghanistan (65,662).

There are more Islamic immigrants (565K) than EU citizens (309K).

Political sentiments around migration have shifted swiftly in Sweden, with now even leaders of the Social Democrats saying they favour more strict migration policies.

Sweden today is a “completely different country than it was at the end of the 20th century”. Per capita, it has “received the most immigrants in the Western world” in modern times, Meijer writes.

For me, it is obvious that the large immigration to Sweden has been followed by several major problems”, Meijer writes.

“Large parts of the group of immigrants are not self-sufficient. People of foreign origin largely commit serious organised crime. The honour culture, separatism and Islamism are limiting and dangerous,” she argues.

“A high level of migration in a relatively short period naturally affects the possibility of integration. The conditions for integrating people into Swedish society are becoming more difficult as immigration increases. This leads to exclusion that is burdensome, both for the people who live in it and for society as a whole.”

“For integration to work, people who both want to move here and who already live here need to adapt to Swedish society and our values. You must work, speak Swedish and do your duty before claiming your rights. Those who do not want to adapt and integrate should not stay in Sweden. Expulsion or repatriation should then be a real alternative.”

When looking at the policies and problems, say facing Sweden, along with the successes of a European nation we should remind ourselves of an important fact.

That fact being there is significant diversity as well as cultural similarities across the European continent. Major differences exist between the regions (Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Europe).

Also we should keep in mind the values and culture we share with Europeans. In addition to say one of our political parties as compared to the other party is greatly influenced by Europe is misleading IMO.
Welp if they are the evil commie socialist that some make them out to be then they will nip this in the bud pretty fast. Conform or get out will be the Swedish motto the next decade.

They're not going to conform, and they're not going to get out. There will be Islamist ghettos there forever. And with their high birthrates and disinterest in assimilating the problems will only get worse in time. All because of Leftists like yourself. Like Islamists the Left thinks they are the 'best people', when they really are the worst.
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300 bombings since 2023, including 30 this month.

In a country roughly the size of California, with roughly the population of Michigan.

They’re in serious trouble. Makes you wonder if they can truly recover.

Boggles the mind.
This seems to be a major issue in many European countries. I’m not sure how it got so out of hand, but it will be a very difficult situation to unwind. It’s really pretty shocking.
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They're not going to conform, and they're not going to get out. There will be Islamist ghettos there forever. And with their high birthrates and disinterest in assimilating the problems will only get worse in time. All because of Leftists like yourself. Like Islamists the Left thinks they are the 'best people', when they really are the worst.
So the Swedes aren't evil commies?
They're not going to conform, and they're not going to get out. There will be Islamist ghettos there forever. And with their high birthrates and disinterest in assimilating the problems will only get worse in time. All because of Leftists like yourself. Like Islamists the Left thinks they are the 'best people', when they really are the worst.

My wife's mother came to the U.S. from Sweden in 1913.

My brother in law immigrated from Sweden just in time to be drafted and participate in The Normandy Invasion. Received his citizenship papers while in France after the invasion.

As to socialism, the Swedes now have mostly private ownership and they are devout enemies of Russia and communism. Do have a welfare state which preceded our New Deal.

Accepting all those refugees has caused problems and political turmoil which they hope will be overcome.

Been to Sweden and entertained my wife's relatives when they visited here several times.

They love America, and my family loves them.
This seems to be a major issue in many European countries. I’m not sure how it got so out of hand, but it will be a very difficult situation to unwind. It’s really pretty shocking.

I'm going to take a wild guess that bringing in migrants from toxic cultures with no interest in assimilation or respect for existing culture within developed nations is part of the issue.
I'm going to take a wild guess that bringing in migrants from toxic cultures with no interest in assimilation or respect for existing culture within developed nations is part of the issue.
Are the Muslim immigrants in Sweden committing rape and sexual assault at a (possible) high level, like in England?