Sorry, I know we're just about RFRA'd out here, but check it

Because it's based in myth from a time where

people just started wiping their arses?

That's my guess..

So sayeth the Holy Cannabis...

I believe they are still making up their mind about divorce celebrations.

Since one of the owners is divorced.

This post was edited on 4/1 2:12 PM by PaperMario01
Why not? Get someone else to make your pizzas

or fry your chicken or bake your cherry pies or yodel your lay-hees.

Why do people want other people to do stuff they don't want to do?

Do you not have any slaves to do your bidding as you command anymore?

Do you miss the stories your granddad used to tell?
Can omnicient God, who

Knows the future, find

The omnipotence to

Change his future mind?

- Karen Owens

This post was edited on 4/1 2:20 PM by UTFO
Re: I notice the increases in post-war divorces.

Suffrage probably played a big part in addition to rising education & jobs for women.

That and C$, and the like, skewing the numbers.
actually several in just the last year

Country weddings are a thing now. I've even been to some very nice weddings that bring out pizza and cookies at the end if the night.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Right. He created Lucifer knowing that he would fall

and then lets him tempt Adam and Eve (who didn't know right from wrong/ good vs evil) to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. He knew that Adam and Eve would take the bait, but still puts the damn tree there anyway. This leads to him deciding everyone from that point on were doomed to death/ hell (depending on your belief) because of this one decision. Then decides the only way he can "save" us is to impregnate a virgin with himself so he could be his own father. Then shows he is his own son and his father by fulfilling prophecies that were already written down and by performing miracles in a time that didn't understand science. This proof was written down decades later in a time before email and even the printing press. Then to forgive the sin that he knew would happen before he ever set the stage that led to it, he doesn't simply just forgive everyone, but instead becomes a human sacrifice and asks we eat his flesh, drink his blood and tell him thank you for having yourself killed so you could forgive us for something was done by two people thousands of years before who also didn't know good and evil.

Sign me up!
"Think about Heaven in the movies, then think about the freezer section

at a White grocery store!"
Right, because that should be the basis for how we decide

how people can operate a business that serves the general public. If I can deny service based on my beliefs, why shouldn't we be able to repeal civil rights to include denying service to anyone? IF my strongly held religious belief says Muslims are the devil, why can't I deny service to them? Or if it says black people are the descendants of Ham who was cursed, why Can't I deny service to them?

Why does it have to stop at who we serve? Shouldn't I be able to beat my unruly child? Shouldn't I be able to make a rapist marry his victim? Clearly we all know the answer to this. All of these things have been prohibited by the law and are illegal. People know that you can't deny service to someone based on their religion or race. Why is that right though, even when we could find religious reasons to deny them service? Is that not putting undo burden on the people who hold those beliefs? I mean, Muslims could just go receive that service elsewhere right? I keep hearing that this isn't the 50's so we shouldn't compare it to denying service to blacks. If that is the case, then lets quit protecting them too. If someone chooses to deny a black person service, they can take their money elsewhere.
What is free choice when given no options?

You are only here because of what 2 people did thousands of years ago.

And what 2 other people did 1 thousand years ago.

And what 2 other people did 500 years ago.

No one expects you to get it.

Our religion tells us you cannot ... until you choose to believe.
Is there audio or video of the father saying: "I choose to be heterosexual"


I have a feeling he may sound a bit like Marcus Bachmann
Eh.. somewhat

Nappanee is more the heart of Amish Country in Northern Indiana and that's in Elkhart and Kosciusko counties, which have a higher percentage of Amish than St. Joseph county where Walkerton is located.

Amish in Indiana
That does not answer why one should be responsible for what

one's ancient relatives did thousands of years ago. Would you expect your parents to spank your children for something you did when you were 5 years old?

Its basically just marketing. Create the perception of a problem and then explain that your product is the only solution to the problem.

Which brings me to a thought. I find it funny that we won't let a guy work on our roof until we see references, compare prices to other roofers, and do all of our research, but when it comes to our eternal soul, we have to believe something that has uncounted logical contradictions so that we can than understand why we chose it.

Most people's religious choice tends to be the one that your parents follow, so it would be like me choosing the roofer my parents used even though I find out that there is another roofer who charges half the price and does a better job. If I just have faith and listen to my parents who tell me that other roofer will come back later and anally rape me (despite there being zero evidence for it at all) I will than choose to believe I'm getting the best deal with their roofer and thus it will be true and make sense too.
sounds like a solid way to go about life

Another thought with free will. It is the typical response to sin and the problem of evil. God has to give us free will other wise it is cheating or something. He didn't give me free will with everything though. Like I may choose to have a 300ft vertical leap without outside aid, but I will never have that. Couldn't I want to kill somebody, but just not be given the physical ability to do so? I may want to beat children and steal form old ladies, but couldn't he just make that a limitation? He could judge me, but also keep children from being tortured. I mean seriously, God could prevent a child from being born to someone that locks them in a small room and rapes them every day until they die at age 5 (which has happened), but he does nothing because it is free will. Or maybe you would tell me its part of a larger plan.

Just a happy thought for the day
This post was edited on 4/1 3:50 PM by tbizzy
Sin is genetic.

The wages of sin are death.

As Adam represented all of mankind, Christ, too, represents the new mankind with the power over sin.

I wonder how those goat herders learned about genetics?

And most other sciences.

You can choose what you want to believe.

Sounds like a solid way to go through eternity
You just made my point.

If we start going by peoples conscience, than we open the door to untold amounts of discrimination. If it is against someone conscience to provide services to black child's birthday party, why would we make that person do so? But we do make them and I bet you are for that. The difference is that you want to discriminate against the ghey because you fully believe in the bible and it clearly states its an abomination. It also says shellfish is an abomination. If you have a restaurant, we can't make you serve shellfish, but if you do, you have to also serve it to people who go against your conscience/ morals.

If we simply respect one persons morals and they are christian, we could make a rapist marry their victim as prescribed in the old testament. We should let people have 70 wives and 300 concubines like Solomon.
It definitely exposed all of the bigots who can't tolerate religious views.

That's fo sho ...
If you can choose what you want to believe

believe you can fly and go jump off a building. But don't please, I actually like you and don't want you to die :)

Out of curiosity, what is sin (seriously)? What sciences did those old Jews know? Like how they thought rabbits chew their cud?

This post was edited on 4/1 4:33 PM by tbizzy
I think if you want to go by that thought process

than we have to also allow a bakery that serves the general public to refuse to bake a pie for Jews. They deny Jesus after all and killed him too.

Or we can go by what was decided years ago that you can't deny people service who are a part of the general public when you provide a service to the general public. The reason being that gay folk, black folk, muslim folk, dumb folk, racist folk, funny folk, folk who like sex with animals, all make up the constituents of the army that protects your business from foreign invaders, fireman who protect your business from fires, workers who build the roads so folk can reach you business, the police officers who protect you and your business, taxpayers who make the infrastructure your business relies upon possible, and whatever else I currently can't think of.

That is really all it boils down to.

This post was edited on 4/1 5:30 PM by tbizzy
Offspring of Werewolves and Vampires are an Abomination.

Not to be confused with our ObamaNation.

FTR, Jewish people are OT. Christians are NT.

And per my Reformed Jew cellmate, he can eat pork, shrimp, oysters, and all that jazz. But I don't think he is a big fan of rape music.

And, lastly, I am not really sure what your opposition to multiple wives is ... except more problems.
I smell a set-up.

This is planned. Now they will gets tons of hate and death threats (supposedly) from gays, and then Fox News and Moops can cry about how persecuted the poor, poor Christ cannibals are.

I call BS.
Thanks for the clarification

Its like mo money, mos problems. Mo hoes, mo problems.
When's the last time you went to a wedding with a pizza party?

Is the wedding in a double-wide?

Does the bride wear camouflage?
good that I "chose" to be white, straight,non-Jewish, & devilishly handsome

that's how you get good pizza
desegregation was argued vehemently to be against the Bible

so was women being allowed to vote.

so was freeing slaves.

What each person views as their "religious belief" tends to trample on other people's fundamental rights

Those people certainly exist, and some of them are even on this forum, but opposition to this law does not mean you are anti-religion. I'm very pro-religion, and I'm still opposed to RFRA. So lay off the cross-carrying.
the right to not associate with gays, blacks, Jews, women, & as usual...

it went


right over your head.

Ask Hottie to explain it to you, without using big words.
Based upon on the "sanctity of marriage"

Are they not going to serve people who've been divorced? They don't respect the "sanctity of marriage"? vbg

EDIT: Just saw your post above.

This post was edited on 4/1 6:07 PM by hoosierdug
You certainly won't see that at a ghey wedding

I'd venture a guess that the catering at any ghey wedding would rival that at any of the finest straight nuptial celebrations, much the same as the flowers will be fabulous and the cake will be a work of art.

These folks only cater at trailer park weddings for their neighbors....
I am very anti religion. Vehemently, anti religion..

it needs to go away. The sooner, the better.

It's retarded beyond compare.
There are people with a Walkerton mailing address

living in 4 different Counties including
St. Joe, LaPorte, Marshall and Starke.

People from Walkerton are also typically on their 4th or 5th marriages.

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