So the obstruction of the Mueller investigation turns into outright fraud (link inside)


Sep 25, 2001
Allegedly, someone is offering women at least 20K to make false claims of sexual misconduct against Mueller.

That’s a classic Russian technique (kompromat). Fitting. If it’s true, it’s insanity. Tells me that someone, somewhere is worried about what he and his team will uncover, or already has uncovered. And the FBI is involved now.

The headline is misleading- I doubt Mueller actually went to the press with this info. This isn’t the type of thing he does.

From CNBC.

Mueller accuses opponents of offering women money to make 'false claims' about him
Kevin Breuninger

Getty Images

Former FBI director Robert Mueller.

Special counsel Robert Mueller has referred to the FBI allegations that women were "offered money" to make "false claims" about him, a spokesman said Tuesday.

Spokesman Peter Carr released this statement to CNBC:

When we learned last week of allegations that women were offered money to make false claims about the Special Counsel, we immediately referred the matter to the FBI for investigation.

Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, as well as possible coordination between the Kremlin and President Donald Trump's campaign.

Jack Burkman, a conservative commentator who claims to be a registered lobbyist, said in a tweet Tuesday that "we will reveal the first of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's sex assault victims" on Thursday.

Burkman has frequently called on Trump to fire Mueller, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the special counsel, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who had recused himself from interfering in the probe.

He even offered a $25,000 reward to any whistleblower who could offer concrete evidence of FBI wrongdoing in those investigations, The Washington Times reported in February.

The special counsel's office confirmed to CNBC that it learned about the "scheme" from journalists who had been approached by a woman alleging that she had been offered $20,000 by Burkman "to make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller."

Watch: Robert Mueller's investigation could turn a profit for taxpayers

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Burkman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In a Facebook video also posted Tuesday, Burkman claimed "we will unveil the first of the sex assault victims of Robert Mueller." In the video, Burkman said the "first" alleged accuser is "coming out this Thursday at high noon."

He added: "Robert Mueller is a bad guy not just because of what he does inside the courtroom, but because of what he does outside the courtroom."

Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores referred inquiries back to the special counsel. The FBI declined to comment on Carr's statement.

The statement from the special counsel, which rarely comments on matters related to its ongoing investigation or Mueller in particular, comes just one week before the November midterm elections. Most generic ballot polls forecast Democrats re-taking majority control of the House of Representatives.

Burkman garnered attention as a right-wing provocateur in 2014, when he drafted a proposal that would ban gay men from playing in the National Football League.

--CNBC's Dan Mangan and Brian Schwartzcontributed to this report.
I love me some Natasha Bertrand:

She continued: “In more of an effort to get him to go away than anything else, I asked him what in the hell he wanted me to do. He said that we could not talk about it on the phone, and he asked me to download an app on my phone called Signal, which he said was more secure. Reluctantly, I downloaded the app and he called me on that app a few minutes later. He said (and I will never forget exactly what it was) ‘I want you to make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller, and I want you to sign a sworn affidavit to that effect.’” The man “offered to pay off all of my credit card debt, plus bring me a check for $20,000 if I would do” it, she wrote. “He knew exactly how much credit card debt I had, right down to the dollar, which sort of freaked me out.”​
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Allegedly, someone is offering women at least 20K to make false claims of sexual misconduct against Mueller.

That’s a classic Russian technique (kompromat). Fitting. If it’s true, it’s insanity. Tells me that someone, somewhere is worried about what he and his team will uncover, or already has uncovered. And the FBI is involved now.

The headline is misleading- I doubt Mueller actually went to the press with this info. This isn’t the type of thing he does.

From CNBC.

Mueller accuses opponents of offering women money to make 'false claims' about him
Kevin Breuninger

Getty Images

Former FBI director Robert Mueller.

Special counsel Robert Mueller has referred to the FBI allegations that women were "offered money" to make "false claims" about him, a spokesman said Tuesday.

Spokesman Peter Carr released this statement to CNBC:

When we learned last week of allegations that women were offered money to make false claims about the Special Counsel, we immediately referred the matter to the FBI for investigation.

Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, as well as possible coordination between the Kremlin and President Donald Trump's campaign.

Jack Burkman, a conservative commentator who claims to be a registered lobbyist, said in a tweet Tuesday that "we will reveal the first of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's sex assault victims" on Thursday.

Burkman has frequently called on Trump to fire Mueller, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the special counsel, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who had recused himself from interfering in the probe.

He even offered a $25,000 reward to any whistleblower who could offer concrete evidence of FBI wrongdoing in those investigations, The Washington Times reported in February.

The special counsel's office confirmed to CNBC that it learned about the "scheme" from journalists who had been approached by a woman alleging that she had been offered $20,000 by Burkman "to make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller."

Watch: Robert Mueller's investigation could turn a profit for taxpayers

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Burkman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In a Facebook video also posted Tuesday, Burkman claimed "we will unveil the first of the sex assault victims of Robert Mueller." In the video, Burkman said the "first" alleged accuser is "coming out this Thursday at high noon."

He added: "Robert Mueller is a bad guy not just because of what he does inside the courtroom, but because of what he does outside the courtroom."

Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores referred inquiries back to the special counsel. The FBI declined to comment on Carr's statement.

The statement from the special counsel, which rarely comments on matters related to its ongoing investigation or Mueller in particular, comes just one week before the November midterm elections. Most generic ballot polls forecast Democrats re-taking majority control of the House of Representatives.

Burkman garnered attention as a right-wing provocateur in 2014, when he drafted a proposal that would ban gay men from playing in the National Football League.

--CNBC's Dan Mangan and Brian Schwartzcontributed to this report.
Jacob Wohl is also involved and one I see all over Twitter with conspiracy theories. He was hyping this story yesterday. Trump has retweeted him before too. Hope they end up in jail.
Jacob Wohl is also involved and one I see all over Twitter with conspiracy theories. He was hyping this story yesterday. Trump has retweeted him before too. Hope they end up in jail.

What happens if Mueller can’t establish a definitive link between the Russians and the Trump campaign, but the FBI DOES find a link between these jerks and the Trump administration?

Someone really smart once said “it’s not the crime- it’s the cover up”. Shades of watergate.

I seriously doubt that someone would throw that much money around without any coordination with someone from Trump world. That’s a lot of $$$. For a really stupid scheme.
I seriously doubt that someone would throw that much money around without any coordination with someone from Trump world. That’s a lot of $$$. For a really stupid scheme.
The numbers I saw were $20K plus whatever credit card debt she had. For the people allegedly behind it, that's probably not chump change (BICBW). Plus, hiring the go between to make the offer probably cost a nice little chunk. OTOH, for Trump or his wealthy sycophants, it would be chump change. As always, follow the money.
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What happens if Mueller can’t establish a definitive link between the Russians and the Trump campaign, but the FBI DOES find a link between these jerks and the Trump administration?

Someone really smart once said “it’s not the crime- it’s the cover up”. Shades of watergate.

I seriously doubt that someone would throw that much money around without any coordination with someone from Trump world. That’s a lot of $$$. For a really stupid scheme.
A lot of $$$ ?? No way.

$20,000 is pennies compared to the trouble it would cause any woman who agreed to it.

The more interesting question is how this subject arose a week before the midterms. Some strategist had either really good timing or really bad timing.
IDKWTI....and guessing that's probably a good thing
You’ve gotta read up on him. He’s basically like Pharma-bro but until now he’s stayed out of jail. That looks like it’s coming to an end.
He’s doubling down. Via the Gateway Pundit!
Okay, okay, okay. So we aren't supposed to pre-judge. Innocent until proven guilty. We don't know for sure that this 20-year-old hedge fund manager wannabe actually created a fake intelligence company, populated Twitter with fake employees pulled from stock image websites, left his own name on the DNS registration, registered the company's contact phone number as his mom's number, then ginned up a fake accusation against Mueller, passed it to his buddy so that his buddy could leak it directly back to him, and then "broke" the "news" on a fake news website. I mean, we need firm, hard evidence of that. Also, firm, hard evidence that it's even physically possible for a human being to be this incomparably dumb.

On the other hand, yes, Jacob Wohl is absolutely going to prison.
Okay, okay, okay. So we aren't supposed to pre-judge. Innocent until proven guilty. We don't know for sure that this 20-year-old hedge fund manager wannabe actually created a fake intelligence company, populated Twitter with fake employees pulled from stock image websites, left his own name on the DNS registration, registered the company's contact phone number as his mom's number, then ginned up a fake accusation against Mueller, passed it to his buddy so that his buddy could leak it directly back to him, and then "broke" the "news" on a fake news website. I mean, we need firm, hard evidence of that. Also, firm, hard evidence that it's even physically possible for a human being to be this incomparably dumb.

On the other hand, yes, Jacob Wohl is absolutely going to prison.
I don't believe i the afterlife or religion or much of anything where they want to save my soul for a cash donation.
Thst being said: Robert Mueller with a hooded cloak and a scythe would be the spectre of death.

If this is fake, they should throw the book at the kid. These false reports make a mockery of any poor person, male or female, who actually was a victim of assault. Additionally, it is a vicious and unfair smear if the accused is innocent.

I do not want to see these accusations become a political tool no matter who it is directed against. It is the dirtiest of dirty play.
Wow... the news cycles are at hyper-speed. This serious allegation was made public when I was asleep but has also crashed and burnt before I woke up?


Operation False Flag I guess isnt a complete failure. Another person will be going to jail via Mueller albeit an own-goal.
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TGP has removed Wohl's story and is "investigating" him.

This is my favorite day in politics dipshittery in a long, long time.

I clicked the link. And then made the mistake of checking out the front page. And the comments sections.


What a cesspool. Alternate reality. Folks that literally believe everything these clowns write.

It’s amazing to me that Fox News picks up stories/made up chit from places like this now. Closed environment that amplifies pure BS.

Post Trump, there’s going to be one helluva hangover in that world.
That's hilarious.

I saw some segment on tv about him once (I recognized him from the picture Goat posted),. You can tell he's a total fraud. I've seen creeps like that come and go...and get the 20 something years I've been in the hedge fund world. I'm actually surprised how many people like Wohl there are out there who think they can swindle the smartest people in the industry. Eventually they all get caught.

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That's hilarious.

I saw some segment on tv about him once (I recognized him from the picture Goat posted),. You can tell he's a total fraud. I've seen creeps like that come and go...and get the 20 something years I've been in the hedge fund world. I'm actually surprised how many people like Wohl there are out there who think they can swindle the smartest people in the industry. Eventually they all get caught.

You see why he is a Trump supporter -- Birds of a feather.
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Brian Williams last night (paraphrasing):

"I know when I hear of a scandal with sex and alcohol the first person I think of is Bob Mueller."
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