Scaramucci is deranged

Every single day there are multiple stories coming out that at any other time , just one would be unbelievable.
I hope I live through this mess to read about it in history books.
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DeVos is a piece of dreck. Her qualification to get the position was that she's worth at least $500 million.
I can only imagine what other contries are thinking right now. Has there ever been a more opportune time to push against America? This is the most divided I've ever seen this country, although im only in my 30s.

God help us if these clowns are faced with an actual emergency.
Exactly. It seems like there is a new emergency every day. But every single one of these has been of his own making. There will be an attack, a Katrina , or some type of catastrophe where cool heads are needed. I'm not sure who that is.
To imagine, just watch the movie Downfall. That Trump was more evil but more sane.
Yes the atmosphere in "Downfall" is probably about what it's like to work in the White house these days. I've seen "Downfall" edited and parodied so many times surely someone will do one on Trump soon.
Yes the atmosphere in "Downfall" is probably about what it's like to work in the White house these days. I've seen "Downfall" edited and parodied so many times surely someone will do one on Trump soon.
Is that the movie that's used for all the overdubbed or closed captioned parodies with Hitler having a meltdown?

The Mooch: I am here to chew a fat ass and kick some gum!


The best and the brightest!!

I hope Trump kept the kids playground on the WH ground. We can have Mr Penis fight The Mooch -- fisticuffs!
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How are kids supposed to have any respect for authority when they see this group of degenerates that are ruling our country? The name calling, lying and profanity is beyond comprehension. I had the impression as a kid that the ideal President was Abe Lincoln, who was compassionate, intelligent and willing to consider every man to have value. Trump is the polar opposite in almost every way imaginable.
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How are kids supposed to have any respect for authority when they see this group of degenerates are ruling our country? The name calling, lying and profanity is beyond comprehension. I had the impression as a kid that the ideal President was Abe Lincoln, who was compassionate, intelligent and willing to consider every man to have value. Trump is the polar opposite in almost every way imaginable.

People can't tell the difference between what the world ought to be and reality TV. Just like that incident where the kids were filming a drowning man instead of helping him out.

History is boring and in their minds irrelevant. They live in the now. Trump is exciting like some soap opera -- and may get re-elected again since it makes for more interesting watching.

The result is the office of the POTUS is now at the gutter level -- at the level where the plebs can engage, entertained and appreciated rather than at some policy level.
You can imagine on the porches of the Trump supporters, they are engaged, talking about the WH intrigue but not in the old traditional way that most professional or amateur political scientists would.

It may never be the same again.
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More here:

Trump has found his attack dog and is delighting in the carnage. It's what he wanted from Spicer et al all along, but they never were outrageous enough. Mooch is wrecking havoc and he's not even on the payroll yet.

It would be poetic justice if his buyers of his Skybridge company pulls out as he has since damaged the brand of Skybridge and not willing to pay for that price.
Its a hedge fund of hedge funds after all ie. a marketing based business model unless he has some funky algorithm/AI that enables him to have an edge.
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I figured I would get you on that one cause we are all pissed off :D

Wasn't sure if you picked up on it :D

My thinking was that as fat as Bannon is, I highly doubt that he is that nimble to perform such an act -- plus with his health issue and the dysfunctional challenge that he faces, it makes it doubly hard to do so. ;)
My thinking was that as fat as Bannon is, I highly doubt that he is that nimble to perform such an act -- plus with his health issue and the dysfunctional challenge that he faces, it makes it doubly hard to do so. ;)

Did you notice Sarah H. Sand"i"ers?

I was on my mobile at the time and had a real laugh about it.
"Two sources who have known Scaramucci for years say that he has privately called Priebus 'Reince Penis'."

huh, huh huh huh huh huh,

shut up Beavis
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