Sad story from Indiana today

I dunno if you should really need notice that you're raising an asshole. You should be able to figure that out on your own.
You're right about that. Other kids know and people talk.

I knew some parents who were proud that their kid was the tough kid who bullied other kids. And that includes mom, as well as dad.

Other teachers know, too. If you have a kid in your class with glasses and braces, they know if someone is giving them a hard time.

That kid looked like a sweet kid. He doesn't look like the type that would fight back (figuratively, even), unfortunately
or escalated it one of ten other ways. It just doesn't make sense.
I hate to say it, but a lot of people - school administrators included - think kids ought to work it out for themselves. They're afraid if they do intervene, they could get sued or charged themselves.

I really don't have a hard time imagining that this was going on and the kid was so distraught, he just wanted it to end.
i can't either and i couldn't either. i just don't understand as a parent how 1) you don't take a flamethrower to the school or 2) stop sending your kid. did they think it'd toughen him up or this is something he just has to go through. lose the forest for the trees. i don't know. i can't imagine letting my kid suffer and get to that point. find a new school. **** homeschool. whatever. anything.

on a little lighter note. this is a jdb special. he pulls this shit every few weeks
jdb will be blaming the Boomers for this soon
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Similar story for my son. 6th grade, his mom had just moved to Johnson County. He was miserable, wasn't seeing me as much now, felt isolated. Confided in a kid who then turned his little minions on my son to make fun of him about everything imaginable. I was driving down there all the time meeting with teachers and trading emails on an almost daily basis with a few who were keeping an eye on him and his bullies. Final straw was a bunch of them pinning him down in the locker room after gym class and throwing his clothes in the toilet. He stayed with me for the rest of the week and didn't go to school while I burned up the phone trying get an appointment with the principal. That's where my guardian angel showed his face.

A buddy knew Scott Montross and Scott was nice enough to give me some of his time to listen and formulate a strategy for me. I walked into that meeting and was told the principal was called away and I'd be meeting with the assistant principal. After about 15 minutes of banter where I was told nobody was aware of this situation and they'd begin keeping tabs on the offenders, I did exactly what Scott suggested. I had copies of emails with the teachers. I had the student handbook with the zero tolerance language. I had statutes. I had case law. I had it all and I laid it out with a smile on my face. The principal was suddenly back from her urgent matter that had called her away. Kids got suspended. Parents of kids apologized to me and forced their kids to apologize to my son. The superintendent met with me. I was a local celebrity for a hot minute in a locality where I didn't live.

Only one follow on incident and it was with one of the kids who was suspended. His POS dad wanted to kick my ass. After meeting him face to face by accident at my daughter's baseball game, he decided it was all cool after all and he make sure his son wouldn't bother mine anymore.

I read a story like this one and think how lucky I am to be able to call on friends for help and get it, be at least bright enough to recognize and follow good advice, and not be afraid of the confrontation with POS dad. Years later on a backpacking trip with my son, he told me that he didn't know what to do and that he thought about running away or worse. I had a hard time sleeping that night. Can't imagine how these parents in the OP are sleeping at all. I hope that the Superintendent and anyone who didn't do anything to help burn.

I'm pissed off and shaking right now just thinking about this.
I wish I would have been there to see the parent who wanted to kick your ass and see his face when he saw you. I bet he backed down pretty quick. You're not a small guy.....
I wish I would have been there to see the parent who wanted to kick your ass and see his face when he saw you. I bet he backed down pretty quick. You're not a small guy.....
Out here on the street, size don't mean $%!&. It's all about that fight in the dawg!

Wow, that sounds super ivory white.
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You're a good dad, hooky. Please tell me you sauntered into that school meeting with your NBs on. They knew then and there that this was not a man to be trifled with.

I thought we were headed for a similar situation with my son his 4th grade year. No physical bullying, but some taunting and teasing from a shithead who then got a couple of the cool kids to join him. My boy, an unusually enthusiastic, outgoing kid, didn't want to go school anymore.

I did not take anywhere near the steps you took, but things worked out. Now the shithead has been 86ed from that group and my son is firmly entrenched.
You know what gives me perverse satisfaction? Seeing the miserable lives these bullies live after school. Schadenfreude. I've known several and many died early from drugs and alcohol or live a life of poverty.

I don't know if karma exists, but I've sure seen a lot of what I'd consider karma.
Out here on the street, size don't mean $%!&. It's all about that fight in the dawg!

Wow, that sounds super ivory white.
I don't know... I wanted to kick your ass before I met you and I didn't want to tangle with you. lol

I am not trying to pull a #metoo, but I was bullied some as a kid. I had really bad acne and you can imagine the abuse I took. It didn't bother me that much, because I guess I'm able to brush it off, but I won't deny it affected me. When they see it doesn't bother you, it usually stops.

I was never much of a fighter, but my dad told me one time the easiest way to get out of a fight is to show you're willing to fight. We had just built a house and it was during a drought. We watered our lawn and my wife was home, not working that day. Some workers at the house next door started harassing her and telling her she shouldn't water her lawn, etc. She called me all upset and I left work, got home, and went right to the biggest guy on the crew and asked if he had a problem with me watering my lawn. Interestingly enough, he suddenly decided he didn't have a problem with it. But I admit - it's not in my nature to do something like that.

If there's on thing I can't stand, it's a bully. And if a kid tried to bully my kid, I wouldn't be afraid to approach that kid directly, and the parents. And let them know they're messing with the wrong kid.
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The data don’t support the idea that youth suicide or bullying has fallen as DEI, SEL and other woke programs have been introduced to schools.

That doesn’t necessarily mean those program are responsible for the increase but there is no evidence they help. Other than your anecdotal opinion.

And COH is correct that feminized education with a focus on empathy and kindness is a poor way to build character and discipline in men. It’s the same reason fatherlessness causes so many issues.
You guys are such experts on “ feminized education”. Sorry but focusing on lifeskills is NOT a poor way to build character. That’s just nonsense.
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I hate to say it, but a lot of people - school administrators included - think kids ought to work it out for themselves. They're afraid if they do intervene, they could get sued or charged themselves.

I really don't have a hard time imagining that this was going on and the kid was so distraught, he just wanted it to end.
There are some things and situations kids need to learn how to figure out on their own. And there are some helicopter parents who don’t want their kids to go through any normal kid stuff. But teachers and administrators should be able to figure out when it’s gone way beyond normal interactions.
You guys are such experts on “ feminized education”. Sorry but focusing on lifeskills is NOT a poor way to build character. That’s just nonsense.
Such soft skills are poorly learned through classroom instruction. Especially for males. Schools that place a large emphasis on teaching empathy, kindness, teamwork and accessing and controlling one’s feelings are largely spinning their wheels.
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You guys are such experts on “ feminized education”. Sorry but focusing on lifeskills is NOT a poor way to build character. That’s just nonsense.
Male and females are different and the way they build character is different.

Quit acting as if your ‘life skills” of empathy, feelings, and working together work across the board. Some people, and most boys, learn important life skills through competition, solving problems, and meeting challenges as individuals.

And I don’t want anybody who has been bullied, or had kids bullied, to misunderstand this, but I think a strong self image builds an immunity to bullying. It’s this area where feminized education fails boys the most. In fact, I think in many ways, education diminishes a young man’s self image.
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The data don’t support the idea that youth suicide or bullying has fallen as DEI, SEL and other woke programs have been introduced to schools.

That doesn’t necessarily mean those program are responsible for the increase but there is no evidence they help. Other than your anecdotal opinion.

And COH is correct that feminized education with a focus on empathy and kindness is a poor way to build character and discipline in men. It’s the same reason fatherlessness causes so many issues.

learning empathy and kindness directly from members of the sex that does it the best is the problem? not sure I'm buying it. further positive reinforcement via role models, peer groups, social media messaging is what's missing. look how are politicians talk to one another. everything's an excuse to pick sides and start a culture war. kids are living under constant tension.

look at this thread. the idea of women teaching boys "empathy and kindness" caused a culture war flare up. lol. f*cking a.
Male and females are different and the way they build character is different.

Quit acting as if your ‘life skills” of empathy, feelings, and working together work across the board. Some people, and most boys, learn important life skills through competition, solving problems, and meeting challenges as individuals.

And I don’t want anybody who has been bullied, or had kids bullied, to misunderstand this, but I think a strong self image builds an immunity to bullying. It’s this area where feminized education fails boys the most. In fact, I think in many ways, education diminishes a young man’s self image.

Boomer, your generation did more damage to the MH of this generation than anything else. unfettered Wall Street & banker cronyism. regular economic collapses. families slipping out middle class. culture of debt & consumerism. crushing education and healthcare costs. constant war mongering. rise of empire. collapsing, poisoned environment. prisons filled to the brim. bullshit media.

all on your watch. :D
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Male and females are different and the way they build character is different.

Quit acting as if your ‘life skills” of empathy, feelings, and working together work across the board. Some people, and most boys, learn important life skills through competition, solving problems, and meeting challenges as individuals.

And I don’t want anybody who has been bullied, or had kids bullied, to misunderstand this, but I think a strong self image builds an immunity to bullying. It’s this area where feminized education fails boys the most. In fact, I think in many ways, education diminishes a young man’s self image.
I think you know little about education.
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look at this thread. the idea of women teaching boys "empathy and kindness" caused a culture war flare up. lol. f*cking a.
Well, I probably started that. But it isn’t a culture war. It’s a fact of life that educrats don’t recognize.

Character development is typically different for boys and girls. Look at the cultural flash points in the world today.

The Hamas/ Palestinian protests and sit ins. Mostly led by women.
The trans nonsense. Mostly led by women.
More girls than boys in college.
The list goes on.

There are reasons for this. Some are obvious in my mind, others should be looked at.
Boomer, your generation did more damage to the MH of this generation than anything else. unfettered Wall Street & banker cronyism. regular economic collapses. families slipping out middle class. culture of debt & consumerism. crushing education and healthcare costs. constant war mongering. rise of empire. collapsing, poisoned environment. prisons filled to the brim. bullshit media.

all on your watch. :D
That’s an interesting post
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Male and females are different and the way they build character is different.

Quit acting as if your ‘life skills” of empathy, feelings, and working together work across the board. Some people, and most boys, learn important life skills through competition, solving problems, and meeting challenges as individuals.

And I don’t want anybody who has been bullied, or had kids bullied, to misunderstand this, but I think a strong self image builds an immunity to bullying. It’s this area where feminized education fails boys the most. In fact, I think in many ways, education diminishes a young man’s self image.
We’re debating this boy girl education now. Thinking of private all girl for high school. She’s thriving now and loves it but I don’t feel like she’s getting pushed that much and is so damn social I wonder if she would save some drama at the all girl. @zeke4ahs
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We’re debating this boy girl education now. Thinking of private all girl for high school. She’s thriving now and loves it but I don’t feel like she’s getting pushed that much and is so damn social I wonder if she would save some drama at the all girl. @zeke4ahs
For a good number of students, separating along sex lines would be a good idea.
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Well, I probably started that. But it isn’t a culture war. It’s a fact of life that educrats don’t recognize.

Character development is typically different for boys and girls. Look at the cultural flash points in the world today.

The Hamas/ Palestinian protests and sit ins. Mostly led by women.
The trans nonsense. Mostly led by women.
More girls than boys in college.
The list goes on.

There are reasons for this. Some are obvious in my mind, others should be looked at.
All the problems in the world created by women. Bless your heart. I know you were happier when they couldn’t vote.
We’re debating this boy girl education now. Thinking of private all girl for high school. She’s thriving now and loves it but I don’t feel like she’s getting pushed that much and is so damn social I wonder if she would save some drama at the all girl. @zeke4ahs
I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s even more drama at an all girls but idk.
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That’s an interesting post
We tend to believe we live in the most anxious times that ever were. Meanwhile people growing up in the 60’s lived through JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X assassinations. Civil Rights unrest, Vietnam unrest. The specter of the Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis and a nuclear bomb. That stuff could potentially strain your mental health as well.

The 90’s though. That was truly the great American decade.
Well, I probably started that. But it isn’t a culture war. It’s a fact of life that educrats don’t recognize.

Character development is typically different for boys and girls. Look at the cultural flash points in the world today.

The Hamas/ Palestinian protests and sit ins. Mostly led by women.
The trans nonsense. Mostly led by women.
More girls than boys in college.
The list goes on.

There are reasons for this. Some are obvious in my mind, others should be looked at.

women surpassed men in higher education in the 70s. quite a lag effect if you're trying to reverse engineer culture wars. my mom was an example. my old man with all the degrees she helped him get took off and she went back. turns out all that "kindness and empathy" made her a really good student. god forbid the sex that historically didn't get enough educational opportunities actually excel when they are presented. THE HORROR

the Hamas and trans stuff is just nonsense. men continue to lead the way in murder and militia membership. always have. lead by example.

maybe you could also lead the way by not playing the victim card and blaming women every time something happens that you don't understand.
We tend to believe we live in the most anxious times that ever were. Meanwhile people growing up in the 60’s lived through JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X assassinations. Civil Rights unrest, Vietnam unrest. The specter of the Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis and a nuclear bomb. That stuff could potentially strain your mental health as well.

The 90’s though. That was truly the great American decade.
Amen to that. My god I had it all in the 90s. It’s been a cruel downward spiral ever since.

50s seem fun
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No male role models. Nor enough “maleness” in K-12 education.

Don’t get me wrong, but lessons in kindness, empathy, feelings, working together are all female things. Males learn through competition, , experiencing losing, meeting challenges, individual problem solving, and learning about consequences. Post George Floyd saw many districts get rid of cops in schools. Boys need the structure and discipline a police presence provides. They need that more than classes about empathy and feelings.

I have no clue about this school in question. But as a general matter, boys are getting shafted by the female education structure.
Yeah you’re wrong on this one. For the most part all the kids that are shitheads at my kids’ school have shithead dads that think they have to prepare their kids for some imaginary tough school times. The dads are morons and are too present.

When I was a younger and less wise father I told another father at the playground whose kid was several years older than mine and was pushing my kid that the next thing his kid did to my son would be visited on him. He took his kid and left - I did soon thereafter because I was afraid he had called the cops!
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Yeah they are severely lacking.
i wish you could’ve heard my lecture to my high school mock trial team about when they are the most important person in the courtroom. No collaboration. No groups. Giving or receiving empathy wasn’t necessary. Just them, one single kid being a lawyer— in a real courtroom with a real judge. I put the pressure on and they ate it up.
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i wish you could’ve heard my lecture to my high school mock trial team about when they are the most important person in the courtroom. No collaboration. No groups. Giving or receiving empathy wasn’t necessary. Just them, one single kid being a lawyer— in a real courtroom with a real judge. I put the pressure on and they ate it up.
Damn if that was transcribed it’d serve as an exemplar in trial process classes at law schools all over the country.

So much lost opportunity that preceded tech
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