Ryan's Steakhouses Are Closing

I think the only place that I knew still had one was Greenfield

The other place was sizzler. Do they still have any sizzler joints around?
who know who is a hot gay person Cat Cora. I think she may even wear the penis.

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The only Sirloin Stockade I knew of was on McGalliard in Muncie.

Were there more than just that one?
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Pretty sure Washington still has a Ponderosa, though I haven't visited since the Zeller years. Food was good. As a very young kid a trip to Ponderosa, with the big pictures of their various meals, was second only to a trip to Gray Brothers in Mooresville.
My first real job was at Ponderosa. Mainly liked their rolls and never ate the steaks.
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The Ryan's building on Grape
Rd. in Mishawaka was somehow
several years ago re-configured
into a Belle Tire or maybe it is
now the Corndance Tavern?
If I'm in Washington I just drive over to Montgomery and eat at the Gasthof.
yes. I'm from central Illinois. there were several
Hmmm. I don't recall having one in Peoria. It's possible though.

Right now Golden Coral is apparently booming here. I'll never go. I'll do the buffet at the local Vietnamese place and that's about it.
Hmmm. I don't recall having one in Peoria. It's possible though.

Right now Golden Coral is apparently booming here. I'll never go. I'll do the buffet at the local Vietnamese place and that's about it.

Obesity knows no limit.

I despise buffets. Crap food sitting out for hours under heat lamps, with endless dozens of fat slobs hacking up their lungs? Pass.
Only times I've been to a Ryan's was when my son was in elementary school, and he would win certificates for a free meal there each grading period. I don't remember if it was for grades, perfect attendance, good behavior or what. But he would be really excited about winning that so we'd take him. It was disgusting. Of course, we'd have to eat too and let on like we were as excited as he was. The food was tasteless, the place was filthy and full of slobs.

Brings to mind another buffet we had in Marion in the 80s. Don't remember the name now, but I think it was a chain. Instead of traditional buffet lines, it had this big rotating turntable thing, with half in the kitchen and half in the dining room. you saddled up to the thing and filled your plate as the wheel turned. I remember fat-asses lining up at the first spot as the food selections entered the dining side, and loading their plates up with chicken and other meat before it got to the other customers who would get pissed and they'd fight over that chicken and ham like hogs at a trough. Sunday after-church crowd was the worse too. My girlfriend worked there and hated working Sundays but she'd let me in free so I did eat there some. But it was a disgusting place
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Only times I've been to a Ryan's was when my son was in elementary school, and he would win certificates for a free meal there each grading period. I don't remember if it was for grades, perfect attendance, good behavior or what. But he would be really excited about winning that so we'd take him. It was disgusting. Of course, we'd have to eat too and let on like we were as excited as he was. The food was tasteless, the place was filthy and full of slobs.

Brings to mind another buffet we had in Marion in the 80s. Don't remember the name now, but I think it was a chain. Instead of traditional buffet lines, it had this big rotating turntable thing, with half in the kitchen and half in the dining room. you saddled up to the thing and filled your plate as the wheel turned. I remember fat-asses lining up at the first spot as the food selections entered the dining side, and loading their plates up with chicken and other meat before it got to the other customers who would get pissed and they'd fight over that chicken and ham like hogs at a trough. Sunday after-church crowd was the worse too. My girlfriend worked there and hated working Sundays but she'd let me in free so I did eat there some. But it was a disgusting place

MCL? My overly racist sweet grandparents loved MCL.
Pretty sure Washington still has a Ponderosa, though I haven't visited since the Zeller years. Food was good. As a very young kid a trip to Ponderosa, with the big pictures of their various meals, was second only to a trip to Gray Brothers in Mooresville.
My Dad is in a nursing home now, and when we visit him in Washington he usually wants to eat at Ponderosa. He likes the salad bar and the meatloaf. When I was a kid we would hit Grays just about every time we visited my uncle who lived in Speedway.