I have no idea why any of these thoughts were directed to my post. It is all irrelevant. You say that division of funds should depend on need, but "need" is largely subjective and different people can reasonably come to different conclusions about that. There are lots of needs; which needs you prioritize depend on your personal values, preferences, and ambitions.
I actually do support the transfer of funds from athletics to academics and think that BTN money is a fine way to make that happen. I can at the same time support that and understand, very plainly, that in cases like the Global and International Studies Building, that transfer of funds means that the athletic department did not spend $26M on things, like facilities and coaches, making my observation purely factual.
they weren't directed at you.
merely pointing out again that BTN isn't the big media revenue generator.
perhaps people just use "BTN" as a catch all for all athletic tv/media revenue, since while it isn't the big media revenue generator for athletics, many seem to think it is.
i will stand by my assertion that our current basketball or chronic football situations aren't based in, or solved by, just money.
and how that money is spent, matters just as much as how much is spent.
imo going all in on increasing fball attendance, moreso than concrete, steel, and glass, would do the most to help football at this point.
i'd make fball admission free for IU students, and start adult admission at $10, with $1 tics for kids thru HS age. (i go even cheaper if that doesn't work)
no reserved seats, no points, prices not guaranteed for all games, for cheap tics. that should greatly cut down on any cannibalism of existing sales.
and while existing sales might be cannibalized some, don't care.
imo, it wouldn't cost all that much once parking and incremental sales revenues are factored in, and would be a much better use of funds than upgrading from gold plated to solid gold toilets.
at this point, our facilities aren't our problem imo.
the big recruiting fball issue we have today that actually can be controlled by the administration, is attendance.
therefore that's where i'd like to see the financial "commitment" at this point, not more and more and more and more facilities upgrades.
as for basketball, i don't think the problem is attendance or one that can be solved by money.
RMK being out of control while here, and pro scorched earth when not, started the problem.
a string of bad decisions and bad judgement, (starting with letting RMK get out of control from the start), kept it going.
as for athletics vs education.
athletics only makes cent one because it has Indiana University in the name, so i don't really care if the "university" side gets some.
if there was some real athletics need at this point that i thought could be solved by money, that would be one thing.
but other than drastically helping fball attendance, i just don't see any other problem being solved by throwing more money at it.
another 15,000-20,000 fans per game in the stands, would help recruiting. and performance.
if Fred can't make that happen, i think i could make it happen.
it won't happen with the current mentality.
when "winning" brings the fans willing and able to pay the big bucks, all "thinking" can be adjusted at that point.