So, the Hogwarts Legacy game came out this month, and it's caused quite a stir, as expected. IGN gave it a solid review (9/10), and commented on the Rowling controversy thus (paraphrasing): It's our job to review the quality of the game and the enjoyment of playing it, and let the readers decide how to weigh that against any feelings they may have about outside issues. Other reviewers generally gave it a favorable score, as well. Wired, however, which doesn't really do a whole lot of video game reviews, handed the assignment off to a trans writer who seems to specialize in top ten lists, who wrote a review that wasn't really a review at all, but just an essay on how she can no longer enjoy the Hogwarts universe because of Rowling's political views. Despite not actually reviewing the game, she still assigned it a rating (1/10, of course). Needless to say, this caused a backlash from the usual suspects.
I have to say I agree with the usual suspects on this one. If you think Rowling has committed some unforgivable sin to the point that you cannot recommend anything connected to her as worth purchasing, well, that's your right as a human being. But to dress it up as a "review" is journalistic malpractice. It's no different than the angry white men who tried to destroy the Hugos because sci-fi was becoming too female and ethnic. Just do your job, and let the people decide how to balance their own priorities themselves.
I have to say I agree with the usual suspects on this one. If you think Rowling has committed some unforgivable sin to the point that you cannot recommend anything connected to her as worth purchasing, well, that's your right as a human being. But to dress it up as a "review" is journalistic malpractice. It's no different than the angry white men who tried to destroy the Hugos because sci-fi was becoming too female and ethnic. Just do your job, and let the people decide how to balance their own priorities themselves.