Project 2025 Training Videos


All-Big Ten
Nov 19, 2015
Trump's and the Repub Party's platform, Project 2025, recently had some training videos leaked by ProPublica. 29 of the 36 speakers in the videos formerly worked for Trump. JD Vance also wrote the foreword for Project 2025. Trump said he didn't know about P2025 (lolz).

Anyway, I just wanted to share a link to the videos if you're interested. Definitely some interesting stuff for something that some people think is a nothing burger.

Trump's and the Repub Party's platform, Project 2025, recently had some training videos leaked by ProPublica. 29 of the 36 speakers in the videos formerly worked for Trump. JD Vance also wrote the foreword for Project 2025. Trump said he didn't know about P2025 (lolz).

Anyway, I just wanted to share a link to the videos if you're interested. Definitely some interesting stuff for something that some people think is a nothing burger.

I've read a little over a third of the Project 2025 manifesto. Most of what I've read is clearly consistent with Trump's stated ideology and policy positions.

I love how Trump said a while back that he knows nothing about Project 2025. Then, in the very next sentence, he opined that some of it is "extreme." So he knows nothing about it but has an opinion of it. Typical Trump bullshit.

Trump is running for president again for one reason and one reason only. He wants to kill the criminal cases that are pending against him and stay out of jail. That's it. Period. If he's elected, he'll stay busy for a while with a revenge tour, further destroying democratic institutions and otherwise fvcking things up, but will then lose interest in governing as boredom, advanced age and lack of focus kick in. (He's not much younger than his father was when he began showing clear signs of dementia). Vance and the architects of Project 2025 - - - former and future Trump officials - - - will then be calling the shots. What a shitshow that would be.
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You can keep saying that. However, even if you're naive enough to believe him, which you appear to be, it's not anything he would stop from happening.
He’s already said he would stop much of it from happening.

Jesus, this is the only place in the world I have to defend Trump - whom I abhor. But truth matters - at least to some of us.
Sounds like fear mongering from the party of hate, puppets and warheads. They have nothing to stand on except hate of Trump and their BS propaganda while many of them get rich from the defense contracts.
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The guy who believes Trump will attempt to ban pornography and end no fault divorce says I’m naive.

I don't believe Project 2025 speaks to no-fault divorce. I don't know why far-righties keep bringing that up.

P25 does speak to porn, though. It calls for it to be criminalized.

Pretty far-fetched, right? Trump, of all people, would want porn banned? The guy who's devoid of morals, the serial adulterer who actually banged a porn star, would want to make porn illegal? What a joke!

But wait. What about his VP pick? What's his stance?

I don't believe Project 2025 speaks to no-fault divorce. I don't know why far-righties keep bringing that up.

P25 does speak to porn, though. It calls for it to be criminalized.

Pretty far-fetched, right? Trump, of all people, would want porn banned? The guy who's devoid of morals, the serial adulterer who actually banged a porn star, would want to make porn illegal? What a joke!

But wait. What about his VP pick? What's his stance?

I don't think you can ban it but I would give it it's own domain extension and require the age verified purchase of a key to allow access. And that key would require age verification. I would make it a crime to knowingly allow distribution to minors that would include ignoring known workarounds to the above and failing to move to fix them.

Uploading it to sites open to the public and children (like Twitter or Reddit) would be penalized as well. Both for the uploader and site owner. And I would laugh at anyone crying about that and tell them you couldn't walk into a store in the 1980's and browse a Playboy as a child so please make the argument as to why making sure it is at least that difficult for kids to access online should be any different.

Go out and talk to real women.
I don't think you can ban it but I would give it it's own domain extension and require the age verified purchase of a key to allow access. And that key would require age verification. I would make it a crime to knowingly allow distribution to minors that would include ignoring known workarounds to the above and failing to move to fix them.

Uploading it to sites open to the public and children (like Twitter or Reddit) would be penalized as well. Both for the uploader and site owner. And I would laugh at anyone crying about that and tell them you couldn't walk into a store in the 1980's and browse a Playboy as a child so please make the argument as to why making sure it is at least that difficult for kids to access online should be any different.

Go out and talk to real women.
I don't disagree with your proposals, but that's not what Vance and Project 2025 are calling for. They want an outright ban.
First of all. That article you linked is complete hit piece crap. But even still, nowhere in it do they quote Vance calling for a total ban on pornography.

You are dishonest.
So "you are dishonest" seems to be the new attack line for far-righties who don't know their ass from their elbow. It's rich in irony, too, since their beloved presidential candidate is likely the most dishonest person ever to head a major-party ticket for president of the United States.

Read the paragraph that begins with "I spoke with Vance." Then post something that's actually worth reading for a change.

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He’s already said he would stop much of it from happening.

Jesus, this is the only place in the world I have to defend Trump - whom I abhor. But truth matters - at least to some of us.

Yea, and Trump is a liar so why would anyone believe that he would stop any of it from happening? Orange Liar said he had no knowledge of Project 2025, which is staffed mostly by people from his administration.
Trump's and the Repub Party's platform, Project 2025, recently had some training videos leaked by ProPublica. 29 of the 36 speakers in the videos formerly worked for Trump. JD Vance also wrote the foreword for Project 2025. Trump said he didn't know about P2025 (lolz).

Anyway, I just wanted to share a link to the videos if you're interested. Definitely some interesting stuff for something that some people think is a nothing burger.

So you're saying the platform choice I have is between Project 25 or Kamala For President 2019? I'll take P25 everyday and twice on Sundays.
So "you are dishonest" seems to be the new attack line for far-righties who don't know their ass from their elbow. It's rich in irony, too, since their beloved presidential candidate is likely the most dishonest person ever to head a major-party ticket for president of the United States.

Read the paragraph that begins with "I spoke with Vance." Then post something that's actually worth reading for a change.

I stand corrected. You should have linked that in the first place instead of whatever that crap article was you pulled out of your ass. That's some scary shit you're reading.

I support something like Crazy's suggestion. Yes kids will find ways around it like they do with cigarettes and alcohol, it doesn't mean we should make it easy for them. Pornography is destructive, especially to young people who have no point of reference on healthy sexual relationships.
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I stand corrected. You should have linked that in the first place instead of whatever that crap article was you pulled out of your ass. That's some scary shit you're reading.

I support something like Crazy's suggestion. Yes kids will find ways around it like they do with cigarettes and alcohol, it doesn't mean we should make it easy for them. Pornography is destructive, especially to young people who have no point of reference on healthy sexual relationships.
You called me dishonest and you were dead fvcking wrong. Get lost, loser.
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Find a post where I've lied, loser.

You were dead wrong. Just take the hit and move on.
Here you are in the Walz thread spreading the edited tripe and echoing AP nonsense about how on Trump's call with the governors he was only complimentary of Walz. Instead he complimented Walz for calling in the Guard after airing him out for delaying three days. See. You are a dishonest piece of crap. This was like a week ago. What is your malfunction exactly? Why can't you engage with people in good faith? You are broken.

Here you are in the Walz thread spreading the edited tripe and echoing AP nonsense about how on Trump's call with the governors he was only complimentary of Walz. Instead he complimented Walz for calling in the Guard after airing him out for delaying three days. See. You are a dishonest piece of crap. This was like a week ago. What is your malfunction exactly? Why can't you engage with people in good faith? You are broken.
Bullshit. You don't even know what dishonest means, although it's apparently your word du jour.

I don't believe I used the word "only" but, regardless, I cited an Associated Press piece. If they were wrong, that's on them.

You're nuts. Fvck off.
Bullshit. You don't even know what dishonest means, although it's apparently your word du jour.

I don't believe I used the word "only" but, regardless, I cited an Associated Press piece. If they were wrong, that's on them.

You're nuts. Fvck off.
The Democrat trait comes out. Blame someone else(AP) and then start with angry responses (You nuts and F off). You can see Biden is your idle.
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I don't think you can ban it but I would give it it's own domain extension and require the age verified purchase of a key to allow access. And that key would require age verification. I would make it a crime to knowingly allow distribution to minors that would include ignoring known workarounds to the above and failing to move to fix them.

Uploading it to sites open to the public and children (like Twitter or Reddit) would be penalized as well. Both for the uploader and site owner. And I would laugh at anyone crying about that and tell them you couldn't walk into a store in the 1980's and browse a Playboy as a child so please make the argument as to why making sure it is at least that difficult for kids to access online should be any different.

Go out and talk to real women.
There are somewhere around 17 states, I believe, who have passed laws requiring age verification to view porn. Leave it up to the states and keep the feds out of it.
The Democrat trait comes out. Blame someone else(AP) and then start with angry responses (You nuts and F off). You can see Biden is your idle.

Btw, learn the difference between idle and idol. Might make your insults more effective.

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