Peter Strzok & Lisa Page

So today, Jr. claimed attorney-client privilege and that he couldn't reveal conversations with daddy. Totally sounds like he has nothing to hide. Just as a review, here's the timeline: June 3, Contact with Jr, from the Russians that they have dirt on Hillary, June 7 Donald Sr. says dirt on Hillary is coming, June 9: meeting with Russians in Trump Tower, June 12 Wikileaks releases dirt on Hillary.
But it's all a coincidence folks, it's just all a coincidence.
So today, Jr. claimed attorney-client privilege and that he couldn't reveal conversations with daddy. Totally sounds like he has nothing to hide.
If I heard correctly (briefly on TV) he claimed that his lawyer was in the room (how convenient) and therefore it was covered by the privilege.

Edit: Yup, I heard correctly. Of course, it's an absurd assertion, but since he was testifying voluntarily, I suppose he could refuse to answer on account of it being Wednesday. Will be up to the Chairman to issue a subpoena if they want any kind of answer.
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I've advocated splitting the country into two pieces for over 25 years. Its still a great idea and would give the libs a blue playground in which to practice their failed policies as all other attempts at socialism fail without harming decent folks.

This is hilarious, you want to kick out the states that are the economic powerhouses? With the exception of Texas, what kind of economic power would these 25 states actually have?
I've advocated splitting the country into two pieces for over 25 years. Its still a great idea and would give the libs a blue playground in which to practice their failed policies as all other attempts at socialism fail without harming decent folks.
You are seriously out of your mind. You actually believe that people who vote democrat can’t possibly be decent folks. Every aspect of your life revolves around right wing politics.

Not to mention that a good chunk of the hard line right wing, white population of these “decent” states take full advantage of social programs.
Don't tell him that the red states would not be able to exist at all without the blue states, which account for a large percentage of the country's economy.
I've advocated splitting the country into two pieces for over 25 years. Its still a great idea and would give the libs a blue playground in which to practice their failed policies as all other attempts at socialism fail without harming decent folks.

This is hilarious, you want to kick out the states that are the economic powerhouses? With the exception of Texas, what kind of economic power would these 25 states actually have?
And Texas is becoming Purple at the least.
What are your thoughts on the brilliant people Trump continues to surround himself with, who either have zero qualifications for their position, have to resign, or are indicted? What happened to the “best people” and “extreme vetting?”

Seems to me that Mueller played it safe and is moving on.

Also, you realize Mueller is a Republican, right?

The people Trump appointed are not the topic here. (Of course Trump would appoint people with similar views as his own).

Mueller is a registered Republican, yes. His appointees are not but that’s not the point. The actions of his appointees have undermined his credibility as recent events has shown that his people are losing credibility thru their political views.
So pretty much everyone involved with the campaign had communications with some shady characters in Russia, and nearly everyone of these people has “misremembered” or forgotten about these conversations. You don’t find that odd? You don’t find it odd that Jared Kushner and many others “accidentally” forgot to disclose numerous relationships? You don’t find it odd all the money that’s been “forgotten” to be disclosed?

And again, no one’s going to be on “my ass.” Me voting for a Democrat doesn’t mean that I have to defend every single Democratic candidate to the point where I look away in terms of corruption. I don’t obsessively align myself with any political party to the point where every conceivable aspect of my life revolves around that party. I want what’s best for the country. All these people should be nervous.

“So pretty much everyone involved with the campaign had communications with some shady characters in Russia”. This statement is totally accurate..... for both parties. Well said. ALL American should be outraged at BOTH parties.
The people Trump appointed are not the topic here. (Of course Trump would appoint people with similar views as his own).

Mueller is a registered Republican, yes. His appointees are not but that’s not the point. The actions of his appointees have undermined his credibility as recent events has shown that his people are losing credibility thru their political views.
How would you say so? Do you really expect anyone in the country to not have some type of political views? I'm sure some of his appointees are Republicans and some are Dems, just as it should be. What actions have undermined their credibility?
“So pretty much everyone involved with the campaign had communications with some shady characters in Russia”. This statement is totally accurate..... for both parties. Well said. ALL American should be outraged at BOTH parties.
I am pretty sure you going after the "both parties are doing it" which doesn't apply here, as far as we know. You conveniently didn't respond to why the Trump team has consistently lied or refused to answer about their connections. New emails now show that their was more correspondence AFTER the June 9 meeting.
So to review, June 3 Jr, agrees to meeting with Russians, June 7, Trump says dirt is coming out on Hillary, June 9 Jr meets with Russians, June 12, Wikileaks drops Hillary emails.
Only in Trumpsterville are people not able to connect these dots.
I am pretty sure you going after the "both parties are doing it" which doesn't apply here, as far as we know. You conveniently didn't respond to why the Trump team has consistently lied or refused to answer about their connections. New emails now show that their was more correspondence AFTER the June 9 meeting.
So to review, June 3 Jr, agrees to meeting with Russians, June 7, Trump says dirt is coming out on Hillary, June 9 Jr meets with Russians, June 12, Wikileaks drops Hillary emails.
Only in Trumpsterville are people not able to connect these dots.

I say finish the investigation and let the chips fall where they may. After that I want to see the same vigor applied the HRC, tens of millions of $ from Russia for Uranium, Obstruction of Justice, etc. Sanders too is being vetted. It’s time to clean house in Washington and State Capitals.
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How would you say so? Do you really expect anyone in the country to not have some type of political views? I'm sure some of his appointees are Republicans and some are Dems, just as it should be. What actions have undermined their credibility?
Read the news much?
You are seriously out of your mind. You actually believe that people who vote democrat can’t possibly be decent folks. Every aspect of your life revolves around right wing politics.

Not to mention that a good chunk of the hard line right wing, white population of these “decent” states take full advantage of social programs.
Nope, didn't say that. Lots of decent folks who are Democrats will be harmed by the socialist policies of the leadership of progressivism. They should dump those leaders. The question might be - why are you decent folks remaining within the Democrat Party. Its bad for the citizens, always has been. Decent folks should leave that party - or perhaps its long since left them.
This is hilarious, you want to kick out the states that are the economic powerhouses? With the exception of Texas, what kind of economic power would these 25 states actually have?
I don't want to kick anyone out of anywhere. I want to offer two or more alternative to folks. Then let them choose. They do own the government, right? It's theirs to keep, change or trash as they choose. But it is NOT the property of the swamp dwellers. They work for citizens and should be doing what the citizens want or get the hell out. Its the people who are arrogant enough to look down their noses at those who disagree with a huge federal government dictating their liberty who need to be dragged out of their and cast upon the ash heap of history. That would include several posters here, wouldn't it. Perhaps the ones who tell us how superior they are.
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Read the news much?
Way too much, which is why I posted what I did. Of course they have political views. Perhaps you remember when there were stories of how many FBI hated Hillary? Did you have a point?
Way too much, which is why I posted what I did. Of course they have political views. Perhaps you remember when there were stories of how many FBI hated Hillary? Did you have a point?

Let’s do some math/analysis/probability type stuff right here.

1) a so called president with a ~60% disapproval rating

2) a federal agency (the FBI, for example) that employs ~35,000 human beings

3) people are shocked when we find two people in said agency who have said mean things about the ~60% disapproval rating guy

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Way too much, which is why I posted what I did. Of course they have political views. Perhaps you remember when there were stories of how many FBI hated Hillary? Did you have a point?

Do you understand the point? The point is not that government employees, including FBI agents, hold political views. The point is that said agents' willingly allow said views to influence professional activities.

Been there and done that. Defending a politician's decision in court that you disagree with causes a level of cognitive dissonance. Professionals overcome it.
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he point is that said agents' willingly allow said views to influence professional activities.

And that’s the leap that the right is taking. Where is the evidence that federal government employees who dislike Trump failed to act impartially in their job duties?
And that’s the leap that the right is taking. Where is the evidence that federal government employees who dislike Trump failed to act impartially in their job duties?

Stzrok signaled allowing politics to interfere with his duties in his "insurance" text.
And that’s the leap that the right is taking. Where is the evidence that federal government employees who dislike Trump failed to act impartially in their job duties?

I'll flip that question around: if there was no reason to believe Peter Strzok wasn't acting impartially in his job, why was he reassigned? It certainly wasn't the result of public pressure -- they reassigned him months before these texts were reported on.
I'll flip that question around: if there was no reason to believe Peter Strzok wasn't acting impartially in his job, why was he reassigned? It certainly wasn't the result of public pressure -- they reassigned him months before these texts were reported on.

Are you serious with that question?
Are you serious with that question?

Yep. If he was doing his job correctly, then why did they reassign him? After all, FBI agents are allowed to have political opinions, right? If they had no reason to believe his politics was infecting his work, then his being reassigned was an insult, if not an injustice.
You may have noticed, the right is attacking Mueller and his investigation at every turn. My guess is that to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, Mueller has him reassigned. That’s a good thing.

Can you imagine how much you’d be howling if he was still on the team?
You may have noticed, the right is attacking Mueller and his investigation at every turn. My guess is that to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, Mueller has him reassigned. That’s a good thing.

Can you imagine how much you’d be howling if he was still on the team?

And Mueller did it before the public knew, as crazed pointed out. He handled it way before he had to if it was just for “appearances”. Mueller isn’t dicking around. It’s why crazed’s question makes absolutely zero sense outside of being a “gotcha” question.
And Mueller did it before the public knew, as crazed pointed out. He handled it way before he had to if it was just for “appearances”. Mueller isn’t dicking around. It’s why crazed’s question makes absolutely zero sense outside of being a “gotcha” question.

My question makes perfect sense, actually. If Mueller had no reason to believe that Peter Strzok's professional work was compromised by his political positions, there was no reason he would've needed to be "handled"....before or after his texts were discovered.

The action to preemptively reassign him speaks louder than any words could.
You may have noticed, the right is attacking Mueller and his investigation at every turn. My guess is that to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, Mueller has him reassigned. That’s a good thing.

Can you imagine how much you’d be howling if he was still on the team?

Stzrok screwed up. Meuller recongnized that. Strok was and should have been reassigned to personnel. Mueller had an ethical duty to disclose Stzrok's problems to Flynn's attorneys and maybe also to Manafort's and any anybody else who is under Mueller's investigation. It doesn't appear that Meuller did that. Mueller kept it quiet.

My question makes perfect sense, actually. If Mueller had no reason to believe that Peter Strzok's professional work was compromised by his political positions, there was no reason he would've needed to be "handled"....before or after his texts were discovered.

The action to preemptively reassign him speaks louder than any words could.

You’re right, it means Mueller isn’t taking any chances that his investigation is even slightly questioned, as any good investigator would do. He didn’t do it because of public or political pressure. He did it because it was the responsible thing to do. It would be like not hiring one of Pitino’s assistants from Louisville. Even if the guy wasn’t implicated/charged with any of the happenings at UofL, do you even want the possibility of questions being raised around your program? No.

You’re making me picture an annoying kid saying
“If he’s innocent, why didn’t you hire him? Hmm, why? Hmm, tell me. What are you hiding? He’s innocent, right? Hmm, why? C’mon, tell me!”
Stzrok screwed up. Meuller recongnized that. Strok was and should have been reassigned to personnel. Mueller had an ethical duty to disclose Stzrok's problems to Flynn's attorneys and maybe also to Manafort's and any anybody else who is under Mueller's investigation. It doesn't appear that Meuller did that. Mueller kept it quiet.

So, Mueller has proof that Strzok screwed with the investigation, fabricated evidence, and/or caused Flynn to lie?

Or is he just another one of the 60% (hopefully more) of Americans who think Trump is an idiotic dickhead and sent some stupid texts about him?
So, Mueller has proof that Strzok screwed with the investigation, fabricated evidence, and/or caused Flynn to lie?

Or is he just another one of the 60% (hopefully more) of Americans who think Trump is an idiotic dickhead and sent some stupid texts about him?

Once again you prove nuance isn't your strength.
This is hilarious, you want to kick out the states that are the economic powerhouses? With the exception of Texas, what kind of economic power would these 25 states actually have?
Kick out? Of course not and I have never said that. Allow them to leave if they so hate today's America and if they seek to usurp the Constitution into their handy dandy play book. I want them all to stay, but if any want to go>>>>>>>>>>>Bye! Its almost unimaginable how much better this country would be without New York, California and Illinois. Each of those states are totally fiscally trashed with no hope that they could ever recover on their own. Let them go see how they can survive with debt 4 stories deep.
Kick out? Of course not and I have never said that. Allow them to leave if they so hate today's America and if they seek to usurp the Constitution into their handy dandy play book. I want them all to stay, but if any want to go>>>>>>>>>>>Bye! Its almost unimaginable how much better this country would be without New York, California and Illinois. Each of those states are totally fiscally trashed with no hope that they could ever recover on their own. Let them go see how they can survive with debt 4 stories deep.

Those 3 states each pay significantly more $$ to the Federal Govt than they get back. Their state finances, while a mess, have no impact upon anyone that doesn't live there.

So why would them leaving make the country so "much better"? We'd just be running even larger annual deficits and the remaining states would require some combo of tax hikes and spending cuts to break even.

You just don't like what party those states vote for, you aren't fooling anyone.
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