That man was actually Vinnie JonesA kid on my high school team had one. Silver. He kept it so nice. He was really something. Wore his hair like Billy Hargrove. Our sophomore year we got an indoor team together and the facility required an adult so my dad was like our team sponsor. My dad still talks about him:.
“I walked in and all the kids were in a circle stretching and he was standing up at the pinball machine playing pinball. He had a smoke in his mouth and a Busch beer bottle on the side of the machine. All the kids said hi Mr xxxxxx, and he put out his smoke on the machine extended his hand and goes im Steve. I can play anywhere. Then called me by my first name from then on”
He lived with his grandpa at a used car lot. He’d bring a new girl to every game. None we ever knew. And he’d rotate cars out but that Toyota pickup was his prize. My dad absolutely loved him. And he was a nasty defender