Orgasm Equality Matters—And How to Get It


Hall of Famer
Apr 9, 2012
Tiny Red Dot
Food for thought for your weekend: for folks who are bored or/and comfortable with their sexuality.

Women always talk about the difference between cumming via the clit versus penetrative sex ie via their G-Spot. (Localised sensations versus a more holistic body experience. Apparently its the same for guys via their g-spot.)

And why some can g-spot cum and not others -- it depends on the penis shape, some Kegal muscle exercise on the guy's part, and her varying cavernous shape of the woman's organ -- or you are just supremely 'unfortunate' -- and so, basically, its partly pure luck in IMO.

Some of my (former) friends read about this in Cosmo etc and have tried -- and Christ, they have tried -- from a fecking ribbon to badly trimmed nails. ALL have failed. I give and give and yet... one of my life's disappointments.

Thus my need to vent here.

I feel cheated -- the wenches get their respective full body experience whilst I am stuck with some cheapo version of a glorified wank -- especially after you wine & dine the person only to know that she will get the full course/experience and at best, I get a glorified wank and the worn out sense of accomplishment or conquest.

That's why I insist on them ingesting orally -- good for their skin (and luckily for me Asian women are fixated/obsessed on making sure their skins are well maintained so its an easy sell.) But really subconsciously I am trying to even up the 'wins'.

Regardless, I still feel cheated; short-changed by them and various times they have failed drastically. I wonder if the Asian (Kraft) Massage parlors will do it and then teach the failing wenches how to do it.

We are men -- aren't we entitled to some of that Heavenly Pleasures that the lucky women all seem to enjoy? Isn't that unfair? We toil enough in life to get where we need to be, only to realise that women with little efforts on their part will often get more than us -- glorified wanks.

My public information service contribution for the weekend.

How To Find And Stimulate The Male G-Spot

Everything you need to know about the prostate.

1. It’s often referred to as the male G-Spot.
Regardless of the fact that the existence of the female G-Spot is still up for debate (researchers believe it’s actually just an extension of the clitoris), it’s still pretty impressive that the prostate has the same connotations as a one-stop shop button for instantaneous orgasm. Walfish explains that the prostate contains many sensitive nerve endings that can provide a powerful orgasm. Mintz explains that in the book that popularized the female G-Spot, the authors compared the clitoris to the penis, and the G-spot to the prostate.

2. It’s not as far deep as you’d think.
The prostate is about three-quarters of a finger length inside the anus, Dr. Walfish explains, and feels similar to a walnut.

3. Communication is key.
“Even if you’ve agreed to try anal sex, don’t just assume it’s going to happen this time,” Walfish says. “Request permission to board!” Active consent is not only sexy, it’s non-negotiable.

4. Prep together.
It’s understandable that butt play might get messy, but if you want to cut down on that anxiety, Walfish says to try showering or bathing together with your partner, taking time to wash and lather each other’s genitals and anus. Not only is it super hot, but you can rest easy knowing you’ve both gotten clean in a non-judgmental fashion.

5. Ease into it.
As with all sex, you don’t want it to feel too clinical. Walfish suggests easing into it, using a finger to gently massage the area at the opening of their anus, or letting your tongue slide over the area while giving him oral sex. You can also use your hands to stroke it with your thumb, while moving your fingers around the shaft.

6. You can stimulate it indirectly too!
As a good warm up for direct prostate stimulation (or on its own), Mintz suggests using two fingers to massage his perineum (area between his scrotum and anus) as he reaches climax.

7. Don’t underestimate the importance of lube.
Think about how painful it is to be (sorry) dry-fingered. While your vagina self-lubricates, your anus doesn’t. So lube is extra important with any butt play. Lelo’s personal moisturizer is a water-based lube that looks like a fancy bottle of cologne, so he truly has no excuse to throw it into some drawer to hide it only to lose it forever. You’ll want to wet both his anus and your fingers.

8. Practice the golden rule of fingering.
Finger unto others as you would have them do unto you. This means cut and file your fingernails (no jaggedy edges fresh from the clippers!), wash your hands, and don’t jackhammer your fingers in and out — once you’re up there, you’re up there. It’s not about going in and out, but more on massaging the gland once you’re in there (more on that later).

9. Relaxation is everything.
After massaging his perineum, spend several minutes massaging the outside of his anal opening. Mintz says that if you’ve been doing everything correctly, the sphincter should relax and open up. “Don’t insert farther than he is comfortable. If your finger meets resistance, stop there. You can call it a day and try again another time.”

10. Try the “come here” motion.
Yep, this works just as well on guys too! Mintz says that once your finger is about two inches in, press it forward against the wall of his perineum and try a “come here” motion with your fingers. Mintz adds: “You can also try moving your fingers in circles around the prostate, or move your finger slowly back and forth, side to side.” When you’re finished, pull your fingers out slowly. Sudden movements are not great with butt play.

11. Try using vibrators to stimulate his perineum and or prostate.
Look for a vibrator that’s curved to hit the male prostate. There’s no pressure to use it inside his butt the first go around (just like with your sex toys, sometimes using it externally is all you really need), but if you want the most bang for your buck, you may as well invest in something that’s capable of that if you want to explore that down the line. The Lelo Loki features a bulbous tip perfect for prostate play, is rechargeable, waterproof, and has six different settings. [ ]

12. You can also try stimulating his prostate at the same time as his penis.
No need to sign yourself up for penis and prostate stimulation right from the get-go — you’ll probably both need to concentrate on the task at hand. But once you’ve both gotten comfortable with it, you can try adding other elements like oral sex, hand jobs, breast sex, and intercourse.

13. See if he likes it better when he’s facing up or when he’s facing down.
Mintz says some men like it better one way or the other. Try it out both ways and compare notes! Is there one position that makes it more or less comfortable? Is there one movement you do that feels best? Communication makes everything better.

So rather than pottering around in the garden or the garage this weekend, maybe you can get the missus to sign on to the Orgasmic Equality Matters (OEM) movement.
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