Once upon a time

"shouted down by Islamophobes"

Granted, I'm not Muslim so I'm less attuned to it, but I'm not seeing or hearing that.

The complaints I hear on the US media directed at the President's summit weren't anti-Muslim. They were saying "jobs for ISIS is a stupid solution."

Maybe I should watch Fox more?

One of ,my best friends is a Catholic, and he began to tell me one night about the anti-Catholic venom in our town.
I was gobsmacked.
I had never heard an anti-Catholic comment anywhere in 25 years of living here.

I concluded that if you're not a nail, maybe you don't hear much about the hammers, and we are all over-sensitive in our perceptions of our own victimhood.
I largely agree with that.....

Most people say they've never heard Muslims or Muslim groups speak out against terrorism, but I see the announcements/releases all the time.

To me, it has seemed pretty obvious the anti-Muslim sentiment is out there, not just Fox. (which I don't watch) There was alot of, "why is he meeting with those people?" talk. I'm more talking about statements made by elected officials like Jindal and the Texas legislators.
Point taken however

Cutting off heads, displacing hundreds of thousands and burning people alive should be enough if help is on the way from within.
I am sure many millions of musilums are outraged and offended.

When will that lead to countries of majority Muslim faith to act. Individuals cannot change this problem but governments with armies must. Egypt is using this along with anti-American rhetoric to gain political advantage at home. They are also blaming Qatar causing them to recall their ambassador. Oh and they also took a nice shot at Turkey.
This post was edited on 2/21 3:19 PM by Rockport Zebra
No, it's not silly, because even if I know understand.....

do you really think the average Muslim overseas (the ones whose help we need) understands you, or others, don't really mean them? Especially when the terrorists keep telling them that the "infidels" want to kill all Muslims and it's us against them?

Your mistake is assuming because you know the difference and understand the difference, that everyone else in a foreign land, with a completely different cultural background, will understand what you or others mean.
I think we are starting to see the tide turn somewhat in the

Middle-East, and that is where it must occur. Look, every Muslim in America can stand up and shout out their repudiation, but that does nothing to ISIS or any other group. Hell, I guarantee they would kill every Muslim-American if given the chance.

Frankly, it's a catch-22 in the Middle-East. The corrupt dictators are the one's most likely to help America and fight ISIS, but it is their draconian rule that creates and fosters the likes of ISIS and Al-Qaida. When democracy has taken place, like Egypt, sometimes the people elected aren't the people we like. That part of the world has been held back for so long, due to their own doing and due to colonialism, that things aren't going to turn around and be sound and stable in a few months.
See my response below....

Yes, I would say there are millions of Muslims who would love nothing more than to help rid the world of these groups and live in peaceful, yes even democratic, nations. However, they are stuck between religious extremists on one side and brutal dictatorships on the other. They are the only unarmed group around.
Now we are communicating.

Colonialism is not America. We are the target if anti-colonialists because we are the world leader. My isolationist view is no more. Leadership must come from within. The problem is the anti-American card plays well in politics. Obama sees it but his team is so inept they can only lay the ground work. Rookies. The real work must come from within, not to mention the colonialism excuse is getting a little long in the tooth. Plenty of examples exist to show that mercantile Europe can be overcome.
How do we get them to understand Western Civilazation?

Time is getting short. I pontificated that the Neo-cons new what they were doing attacking Iraq. I believe they new that the top would blow and if I may take a bow it did.
I would argue that it would be the same as how communism fell.....

Communism in Russia didn't fall because of military might, it happened with blue jeans and coca-cola. Something along those lines is what will change things, not forced by military might.
Yes, you and I know America was not a part of the colonialism of

the Middle-East, but for many in that part of the world, the West/Europe/United States are one in the same.

You may not like the colonialism "excuse", but what replaced colonialism there? Largely brutal dictators, hardly advancement. (then add to that, these dictators were mostly put into place by the West/ it was just an extension of colonialism)