Kliger was given admin access, it was negotiated down after the fact. That is a genie that was out. Maybe he well deleted anything he should not have. How do you prove itI don't have to prove it's impossible, Marv. You are accusing Musk of a crime. You have to provide some proof of it, other than your assumptions. I'm very certain you understood this when it came to Biden and Hunter's payments.
As for Musk "forcing" himself into executive branch computers, didn't Trump authorize it? So Musk wasn't hacking in the way your'e talking about with the govt nuclear facility--that's a ridiculous analogy. Trump brought Musk in to do exactly what he is doing. Your beef should be with Trump.
As for the genie escaping, what genie? What has occurred that has caused people harm resulting from Musk's ability to see to all this data? Be specific, not "it's possible."
As for trust, I don't trust him. Just like I don't trust Trump or Biden, etc. I just haven't yet seen anyone offer a plausible reason for why he would be stealing people's social security information, how anyone has actually been harmed by this data access, or why he would risk committing a crime like this when it is being heavily scrutinized, reported on, and politically charged (and Musk is smart enough to realize Dems will come back into power someday). It would be like choosing to rob a bank and deciding the one you were going to rob had the least amount of money and was located next to the police station and held the personal accounts of a bunch of cops and DAs.
If Trump authorized it, why did Trump negotiate less access after the fact?