Official Water Cooler Top 20 Poster Rankings

Told my wife I finished 14th at the Water Cooler.

She replied, "If you drank more water and less beer you'd rank higher".

I explained to her that the WC was about politics and solving problems facing our country and not about liquid consumption.

To this she replied, "You would be a better problem solver if you drank more water and less beer".

Don't know if I have a drinking problem or a wife problem.

Oh well, too late to give up either one.

While I'm sure she is a fantastic lady, I must very respectfully note that your wife doesn't seem to understand the kind of problems we solve here at the Water Cooler. I'm fairly confident most here would agree that water is a waste of a perfectly good beer ingredient.
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Advanced apologies for the delay in releasing these rankings. By way of brief explanation, these rankings factor in quality of posts, political accuracy and reliance on facts, supporting authority for posts (less is better), wit, consistency of messaging, novelty, and lastly, decorum, or lack thereof.

TOP 25
1. COH (1,847)
2. Courtsense2 (1,423)
3. Mcm66 (1,398)
4. Ranger
5. Marv
6. Goat
7. Aloha
8. Twenty
9. Sope
10. Spartans 678
11. JDB
12. Noodle
14. Hoot
15. Stoll
16. 76-1
17. Morrison
18. Tommy Cracker
19. igw
20. Jet

IUJIM; Hoosboot; Uncle Mark; ohio guy; Sglowrider; dark arts guy; hondo314; larsiu; Harry hondo; TMP; hillz, dr. hoops; standard issue; dochoops; iuwlurker; outside shooter; cosmic; stuffshot; massasuta; zeke; butheremails; bloom.

Bulk Vanderhuge (1)
Who the hell wasted a vote on bulk?
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