Official Water Cooler Top 20 Poster Rankings


Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2019
Advanced apologies for the delay in releasing these rankings. By way of brief explanation, these rankings factor in quality of posts, political accuracy and reliance on facts, supporting authority for posts (less is better), wit, consistency of messaging, novelty, and lastly, decorum, or lack thereof.

TOP 25
1. COH (1,847)
2. Courtsense2 (1,423)
3. Mcm66 (1,398)
4. Ranger
5. Marv
6. Goat
7. Aloha
8. Twenty
9. Sope
10. Spartans 678
11. JDB
12. Noodle
14. Hoot
15. Stoll
16. 76-1
17. Morrison
18. Tommy Cracker
19. igw
20. Jet

IUJIM; Hoosboot; Uncle Mark; ohio guy; Sglowrider; iucrazy; dark arts guy; hondo314; larsiu; Harry hondo; TMP; hillz, dr. hoops; standard issue; dochoops; iuwlurker; outside shooter; cosmic; stuffshot; massasuta; zeke; butheremails; bloom.

Bulk Vanderhuge (1)
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  • Haha
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I just KNOW that dead people voted.

I will unleash Rudy G. on you, once my gofundme raises the 20K that I need.
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Advanced apologies for the delay in releasing these rankings. By way of brief explanation, these rankings factor in quality of posts, political accuracy and reliance on facts, supporting authority for posts (less is better), wit, consistency of messaging, novelty, and lastly, decorum, or lack thereof.

TOP 25
1. COH (1,847)
2. Courtsense2 (1,423)
3. Mcm66 (1,398)
4. Ranger
5. Marv
6. Goat
7. Aloha
8. Twenty
9. Sope
10. Spartans 678
11. JDB
12. Noodle
14. Hoot
15. Stoll
16. 76-1
17. Morrison
18. Tommy Cracker
19. igw
20. Jet

IUJIM; Hoosboot; Uncle Mark; ohio guy; Sglowrider; dark arts guy; hondo314; larsiu; TMP; hillz, dr. hoops; standard issue; dochoops; iuwlurker; outside shooter; cosmic; stuffshot; massasuta; zeke; butheremails; bloom.

Bulk Vanderhuge (1)
It seems fitting that in the current political climate, you would take it upon yourself to determine who wins the forum by faking a vote.
You put me right behind some guy's balls?

Then again, I guess it's better than Spartans 678's position.
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You put me right behind some guy's balls?

Then again, I guess it's better than Spartans 678's position.
Lmao. You’re lucky to be that high. You barely met the minimum number of posts threshold to qualify for the week
Advanced apologies for the delay in releasing these rankings. By way of brief explanation, these rankings factor in quality of posts, political accuracy and reliance on facts, supporting authority for posts (less is better), wit, consistency of messaging, novelty, and lastly, decorum, or lack thereof.
This is lame as fvck.
I noticed he cut it off at top 20, instead of 25. I think he only did that so you'd be unranked.
Honorable mention was a gift. Bawlmer circle joe Cortez and a few others had defective ballots. I wouldn’t be surprised to see uncle mark with bulk....
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I need to unblock Lucy. I am sure that a few replies to her gems would pad my stats - kind of like an early season game against an FCS team.

@Lucy01 not even an honorable mention. She's like the forum mascot / standard bearer.

Just so I'm clear, lack of decorum is a postive, right?
Advanced apologies for the delay in releasing these rankings. By way of brief explanation, these rankings factor in quality of posts, political accuracy and reliance on facts, supporting authority for posts (less is better), wit, consistency of messaging, novelty, and lastly, decorum, or lack thereof.

TOP 25
1. COH (1,847)
2. Courtsense2 (1,423)
3. Mcm66 (1,398)
4. Ranger
5. Marv
6. Goat
7. Aloha
8. Twenty
9. Sope
10. Spartans 678
11. JDB
12. Noodle
14. Hoot
15. Stoll
16. 76-1
17. Morrison
18. Tommy Cracker
19. igw
20. Jet

IUJIM; Hoosboot; Uncle Mark; ohio guy; Sglowrider; dark arts guy; hondo314; larsiu; Harry hondo; TMP; hillz, dr. hoops; standard issue; dochoops; iuwlurker; outside shooter; cosmic; stuffshot; massasuta; zeke; butheremails; bloom.

Bulk Vanderhuge (1)
When it comes to the top 20, I wouldn't even mention some of those in the honorable mention category let alone consider them honorable! ;)
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Lucy has been mia. It’s not if but where she’ll appear in the top 20 upon her return
Just so we are clear with the football analogies, you understand that Lucy is the player that gets called into the game, and enters carrying a cricket bat and a plastic Wal-mart bag full of dog shit, and then immediately jogs to the center of the field and drops his pants and starts raping the logo, right?
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Just so we are clear with the football analogies, you understand that Lucy is the player that gets called into the game, and enters carrying a cricket bat and a plastic Wal-mart bag full of dog shit, and then immediately jogs to the center of the field and drops his pants and starts raping the logo, right?
What the hell kind of football games have you been watching?!?
Advanced apologies for the delay in releasing these rankings. By way of brief explanation, these rankings factor in quality of posts, political accuracy and reliance on facts, supporting authority for posts (less is better), wit, consistency of messaging, novelty, and lastly, decorum, or lack thereof.

TOP 25
1. COH (1,847)
2. Courtsense2 (1,423)
3. Mcm66 (1,398)
4. Ranger
5. Marv
6. Goat
7. Aloha
8. Twenty
9. Sope
10. Spartans 678
11. JDB
12. Noodle
14. Hoot
15. Stoll
16. 76-1
17. Morrison
18. Tommy Cracker
19. igw
20. Jet

IUJIM; Hoosboot; Uncle Mark; ohio guy; Sglowrider; dark arts guy; hondo314; larsiu; Harry hondo; TMP; hillz, dr. hoops; standard issue; dochoops; iuwlurker; outside shooter; cosmic; stuffshot; massasuta; zeke; butheremails; bloom.

Bulk Vanderhuge (1)

Wow. I haven't been first in anything since the book award in torts, and that was 52 years ago.

(P.S. My stoker says to hold the check for a few weeks.)
Told my wife I finished 14th at the Water Cooler.

She replied, "If you drank more water and less beer you'd rank higher".

I explained to her that the WC was about politics and solving problems facing our country and not about liquid consumption.

To this she replied, "You would be a better problem solver if you drank more water and less beer".

Don't know if I have a drinking problem or a wife problem.

Oh well, too late to give up either one.